Democrats could lose a congressional seat in southwest Washington this fall. Why they need to get behind a candidate now, and why that candidate is Denny Heck.
Denny Heck is one of the smartest people in WA State politics of either party. His creation of TVW is a great civic treasure. And could win that seat for the D's. He would actually be a good Congressman. Think of a smart savvy Mr. Smith goes to Washington.
I am most impressed by Denny Heck's experience in the private sector creating jobs. Next, I most appreciate that he created TVW public television to hold government's feet to the fire through thorough coverage.
Though his top-notch experience in government was longer ago, he knows how to work in a bipartisan fashion to create jobs and has a clear leadership track record to prove it.
Denny began life as a "blue collar kid" from Clark County, where his roots are deep. This is what most of the Third District is made up of, and he gets it. He also has ties to Thurston County, and people need to remember that much of this county is rural and blue collar in nature.
There is no more important time than to choose someone with "job creation" as their number one priority--who knows how to do more than jawbone about it, and has a track record in expanding employment opportunities. I see Denny as attracting well paying jobs to areas of our district that suffer from high and painful unemployment. He sees the real people behind the statistics.
This is the first time in 34 years I have taken sides this early in a contested primary race--but believe this is a necessity to lift our economy from its downward spiral.
Denny also has a great sense of how to knit together growth industries with well paying jobs--for example "green" jobs that produce needed energy.
Most importantly, he listens. Denny Heck will reflect the Third District and will be a representative with integrity. He will also place the highest emphasis on constituent service--which means helping all of us who struggle with government agencies.
I have every confidence Denny will be constantly flying between Washingtons, despite the 3,000-mile criss-cross. His heart is in this Washington--and he will represent us well in the other.
If you have a child or grandchild, or are a young person--Denny is passionate about increasing opportunities for youth to gain job training and educational opportunities.
Denny will also have a positive effect through his ability to work in a truly bipartisan fashion on such key issues as healthcare, education, and natural resources.
I was a senior legislative assistant to former Third District Congressman Don Bonker. My acquaintance with Denny Heck is more recent and I urge all Third District residents to get out and meet with him in his many sit-downs with the regular folks who live in our District. I think you will come away with a high opinion of a rare candidate for public office.
The last thing we need is a Martha Coakley in a suit. Someone who is part of the the Democratic establishment is exactly what voters are voting against this year. Heck used to host a TV show called "Inside Olympia." You can't get much more insidery than that.
Sounds like Eli Sanders is just taking orders from Gregoire's staff. Seen as how Eli doesn't know the 3rd Congressional from his rear end, it's really safe to ignore this puff piece.
Martha Coakley in a suit is just about right. No matter how much Eli wants to clear out the primary, Clark county voters don't even know who Denny Heck is, since the majority of population growth in the county occurred after Heck's departure from the state leg.
Wow, this is the biggest steaming load of an article I’ve read in the Stranger in years.
Denny Heck is, quite simply, an insider political hack. All his experience, including his private sector experience, is a direct result of snuggling up to other insider political hacks.
Yep, TVW is cool. Now, I wonder how he convinced the Legislature and corporations to help fund it. Could it be becauses he’s an insider political hack?
Case in point: Paul Berendt, another insider political hack, gives a quote that reads straight out of Heck’s press releases, and manages to use multiple buzzwords without actually saying anything. Eli Sanders prints it approvingly.
The only real reason Sanders seems to so gosh-darn excited by Heck is the money Heck has raised. Well, make that the money he has given himself and the money his insider political hack friends have given him. Sanders doesn’t list those friends.
But Sanders does hype the fact that Craig Pridemore and Deb Wallace haven’t raised much. Or, if you read carefully, hadn’t raised much as of December 31, which was about two weeks after each of them announced their candidacy.
But Heck was able to raise that much in two weeks. Well, of course, that’s what insider political hack friends are for.
If this article is any guide, Pridemore and Wallace spend all their time griping about Heck. Or at least, that’s all Sanders reports about them.
Finally, anyone who knows anything about Olympia knows it is called “The Evergreen State College,” not “Evergreen State College.” If the Stranger wants to write about the 3rd District, find a reporter who occasionally leaves Capitol Hill.
"This district's seat in the U.S. House of Representatives . . . has been in the hands of Democrat Brian Baird, the Iraq-war-flip-flopping, health-care-reform-dissing congressman"
Gee, you think that could be the reason that people would consider voting for a Republican this time? Maybe, unlike the staff of the Stranger, people of the 3rd will give consideration to the content of the candidate's character, rather than only to the party he or she is affiliated with.
I grew up and lived in the 3rd for 20 years in a conservative, rural town. While he's got the money, I don't think Heck has what it takes to win the primary. I think he actually represents what these folks distrust about the political system. Of the 3 major D candidates, my money is on Wallace, who represents the district 100% and has the best chance of beating Herrera (IMHO).
To Baird's credit, he opposed the Iraq war when it was first proposed by Bush (not a popular move). His recent "flip-flop" only came after he visited Iraq recently and saw the deteriorating state of the country. At this point, whether we stay or leave is almost moot, the major damage is already done and either choice will likely leave the region devastated for decades.
As for health care, he opposed the bill in its proposed form for a number of legitimate reasons, none of them ideological (if I recall correctly, it was because they were rushing the bill before various budgetary calculations were finished).
I know both of those votes go against the general political leanings of The Stranger, mine as well, but those were pretty cheap shots.
Wow, that article is as vacuous as, well, Heck's campaign. I note not one place in the article does the author cite Mr Heck's view on any issue...except, oh yea "jobs". Heck has not articulated one reason why he should be elected to represent us in the 3rd except his resume. Other commentors here have said it well. The last thing this disrict needs, the country needs is another Bob Forehead who can read DCCC faxes with ease while articulating not one reason he should represnt us - except, oh yea...his resume.
Denny Heck is A POSER, I can't quite figure out why "The Stranger" which I always thought was more of a "think outside the box" publication would put so much support behind a "Corporate DEM" like Denny Heck [can someone shed some light please]
To me, "Cheryl Crist" would be a "No Brainer", I also like Deb Wallace.
Pridemore seems an Empty Suit [look at that photo on his campaign website; thats PATHETIC
I am siting at the WA State Democratic Convention right now listening to Denny Heck.....not a word about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Lots of singing and chanting and cheerleading, more like a high school football pep rally than a convention of adults. Content is nil.
Though his top-notch experience in government was longer ago, he knows how to work in a bipartisan fashion to create jobs and has a clear leadership track record to prove it.
Denny began life as a "blue collar kid" from Clark County, where his roots are deep. This is what most of the Third District is made up of, and he gets it. He also has ties to Thurston County, and people need to remember that much of this county is rural and blue collar in nature.
There is no more important time than to choose someone with "job creation" as their number one priority--who knows how to do more than jawbone about it, and has a track record in expanding employment opportunities. I see Denny as attracting well paying jobs to areas of our district that suffer from high and painful unemployment. He sees the real people behind the statistics.
This is the first time in 34 years I have taken sides this early in a contested primary race--but believe this is a necessity to lift our economy from its downward spiral.
Denny also has a great sense of how to knit together growth industries with well paying jobs--for example "green" jobs that produce needed energy.
Most importantly, he listens. Denny Heck will reflect the Third District and will be a representative with integrity. He will also place the highest emphasis on constituent service--which means helping all of us who struggle with government agencies.
I have every confidence Denny will be constantly flying between Washingtons, despite the 3,000-mile criss-cross. His heart is in this Washington--and he will represent us well in the other.
If you have a child or grandchild, or are a young person--Denny is passionate about increasing opportunities for youth to gain job training and educational opportunities.
Denny will also have a positive effect through his ability to work in a truly bipartisan fashion on such key issues as healthcare, education, and natural resources.
I was a senior legislative assistant to former Third District Congressman Don Bonker. My acquaintance with Denny Heck is more recent and I urge all Third District residents to get out and meet with him in his many sit-downs with the regular folks who live in our District. I think you will come away with a high opinion of a rare candidate for public office.
Nancy A. Parkes
Martha Coakley in a suit is just about right. No matter how much Eli wants to clear out the primary, Clark county voters don't even know who Denny Heck is, since the majority of population growth in the county occurred after Heck's departure from the state leg.
Denny Heck is, quite simply, an insider political hack. All his experience, including his private sector experience, is a direct result of snuggling up to other insider political hacks.
Yep, TVW is cool. Now, I wonder how he convinced the Legislature and corporations to help fund it. Could it be becauses he’s an insider political hack?
Case in point: Paul Berendt, another insider political hack, gives a quote that reads straight out of Heck’s press releases, and manages to use multiple buzzwords without actually saying anything. Eli Sanders prints it approvingly.
The only real reason Sanders seems to so gosh-darn excited by Heck is the money Heck has raised. Well, make that the money he has given himself and the money his insider political hack friends have given him. Sanders doesn’t list those friends.
But Sanders does hype the fact that Craig Pridemore and Deb Wallace haven’t raised much. Or, if you read carefully, hadn’t raised much as of December 31, which was about two weeks after each of them announced their candidacy.
But Heck was able to raise that much in two weeks. Well, of course, that’s what insider political hack friends are for.
If this article is any guide, Pridemore and Wallace spend all their time griping about Heck. Or at least, that’s all Sanders reports about them.
Finally, anyone who knows anything about Olympia knows it is called “The Evergreen State College,” not “Evergreen State College.” If the Stranger wants to write about the 3rd District, find a reporter who occasionally leaves Capitol Hill.
Gee, you think that could be the reason that people would consider voting for a Republican this time? Maybe, unlike the staff of the Stranger, people of the 3rd will give consideration to the content of the candidate's character, rather than only to the party he or she is affiliated with.
The last thing Washington State as well this nation needs is yet another DNC lemming in Congress.
Throw the entire insider party hack bastards out! No more Barney Franks, Chris Dodds or Nancy Pelossi in Congress!!!!
We are over 12 Trillion dollars in debt thanks to the above mentioned assholes. In Washington State we already have a 3.2 billion dollar deficit.
IF the GOP bastards don’t get the job done, THROW THOSE GOP BASTARDS OUT AS WELL!!
Vote for someone who will actually serve the people and not just their parties.
It’s our money, it’s our future, it’s our state and it’s our country.
Vote for Bart Hammerly! He's sick of both parties right now.
As for health care, he opposed the bill in its proposed form for a number of legitimate reasons, none of them ideological (if I recall correctly, it was because they were rushing the bill before various budgetary calculations were finished).
I know both of those votes go against the general political leanings of The Stranger, mine as well, but those were pretty cheap shots.
To me, "Cheryl Crist" would be a "No Brainer", I also like Deb Wallace.
Pridemore seems an Empty Suit [look at that photo on his campaign website; thats PATHETIC
Maria Salazar is of course, just CLUELESS