For me the most distressing thing—for me personally—about Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna joining with the attorneys general of states like Virginia (!) and Mississippi (!) in
suing to block health care reform is this: Rob McKenna doesn't make a big deal about it, but he is the only prominent Republican LGBT elected official in the country. And yet Rob is attempting to ingratiate himself with
openly homophobic teabaggers and Washington state Republican primary voters by blocking the implementation of a health care reform law that, according to critics on the right, will one day pay for "
gruesome 'sex change' operations"—indeed some transsexuals are already getting
government-funded sex-change operations. It's staggering that Rob McKenna, a female-to-male transsexual, is making it harder for other FTMs (and MTFs) to access the life savng sex-reassignment surgery that allowed Rob to become the man he is today. Rob had the resources to finance his own sex-reassigment surgery—presumably—but that doesn't excuse Rob's cruel disregard for his low-income transgendered brothers and sisters or his making common cause with anti-trans bigots in states like Virginia and Mississippi.
For shame, Rob.
UPDATE: I'm getting some very angry emails about this post. What can I say? I'm so sorry. I wrote the post in a hurry but that's really no excuse. But I promise that in all future posts about Rob McKenna I will not fail to include a link to the Facebook page "Washington Tax Payers OPT OUT of Rob McKenna's Lawsuit."
This is a joke, obviously. Rob McKenna is not transgender. Follow the link for more.