News May 12, 2010 at 3:37 pm


IT'S A MILE BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE OCEAN, and the well goes 2 miles below that. there's a little pressure issue...
I think that's pretty much the next plan, shooting mud and concrete in there at high pressure.
The true origin of LOST's smoke monster is revealed at last.
@1 - Yeah, but still.
From doing plumbing around my house, I know that fixing a gushing broken pipe is easy. First step is to turn off the flow somewhere upstream from the break.... so all they've got to do is find that giant tap, located somewhere under the sea bed, and give it a couple good twists. Just remember "righty tighty, lefty loosey."

I like how in the video you can see little bits of detritus get lazily sucked into the jet stream of the thing and then blasted away. I suppose scuba divers don't swim that deep anyway, but sheesh, can imagine how terrifying it would be to feel that inward tugging current.
It's high time deep sea creatures took some responsibility for solving this dilemma. We can't get one sperm whale with a martyrdom complex to jam itself into that pipe?
What the fuck are we paying Aquaman for?
How big is that pipe? I can't tell the scale from the video.
What did you expect it to look like, a chocolate doughnut?
I'm just glad Obama is so fucking competent and on top of this thing......
@8 - Baconcat, I love you.
11, what do you want him to do, stick his dick in the pipe?

may i remind you...he's half white.
We need to get Ed Harris and his liquid breathing apparatus diving suit down there.
Jacques Cousteau is rolling over in his watery grave.
I was shocked to see how low this is in the list of largest oil spills:…

Peak oil?

American going dry?

No pressure in the wells?

Looks like some Lefto-Kooks are walking around with their draws down.

@5 "First step is to turn off the flow somewhere upstream from the break" ... you think they're controlling the flow upstream? Do you know where oil comes from? "Upstream" is lots of dead things that have been squished under so much pressure that it's turned those dead things into this black icky stuff. There's no master valve that turns this shit off.

This is not a broken pipe. bad analogy.
@ 18 Okay, we know this dude. 5 was just being facetious.

I want his inept lackeys to continue
to remind us daily that they
"Were On Top of This from DAY ONE" and
"Are Working Really Hard to Solve It" and
keep blaming BP.

Cause in ObamaLand the BUCK stops with BP...
I really hope you're being sarcastic. Being at peak oil doesn't mean you don't still have the pressure of 1 mile of water and 2 miles of earth on top squeezing the oil out. The unquestionable fact that we will run out of oil and the extreme likelyhood that we are getting close to that point already does not mean that oil won't pour out of an open hole.

I'd really like to hear what exactly you expect Obama to do about this. (I like 13's advice)
I'd also really like to hear who you would blame for this if not BP.
Please explain.
Sorry, that second part was supposed to be directed at 20.
@18: Really, did you take his comment seriously?

The simple-mindedness of Anthony's original post is mind-boggling. Gee, I'm surprised BP and the government didn't come to you first.
@16: Those are early estimates, and this spill is still ongoing. That number is only going to shoot up from here.

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