
Beverly Hills plastic surgeon dies, his dog survived. Perfect.
if you actually bothered to find the tweets or, more importantly, the pics, you'd have seen they were all taken outside of the car.

i'm starting to wonder if you know how to read though.
2010 Darwin Award
That surgeon gives off a vibe that is very Dr. Sean McNamara.
Twitter for the twit in you.
Who'd want a medical professional who was too dumb to stop texting when he was driving? If he's too dumb for that, how could he perform his job properly ("No, you're can't text during facial plastic surgery, Doctor.").

Imbecile. Glad the dog's okay, though.
Will reconstructive surgery be required for the dog?
7: you beat me to it!
This paragraph neatly explains why I left LA.
It was stupid, but I am sorry that he dies. If stupidity result in death, nobody will survive.
The dog is in serious condition with head trauma, eye injury and a broken leg or foot. Hopefully she doesn't have other internal bleeding.
@10 And nobody will.
RIP, figures that commenters (and the blogger) here would find joy or something funny about someone elses tragic death.
@13: It's called schadenfreude, just like in the SLOG Happy spelling bee. Mixed, of course, with a little "don't be a distracted dipshit whilst operating heavy machinery such as a Jeep Wrangler." Get over it, or just slice yourself over it later.
While I certainly feel sorry for his family, I will NOT feel badly about the good doctor's death. The fewer idiots like him we have on the road, the better off we all are. Thankfully, the dog survived, and he didn't take any innocent lives with him.
@12, Well played, Vince.
Umm, actually, the article says the last tweet was a pic of his dog on the beach TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE THE ACCIDENT. The statement that he's twittered while driving came from an ex who wasn't there and heard it from someone else who also wasn't there. It's total hearsay, there's not a shred of proof.

Now, if he was texting while driving then yes, it was his own fault, but let's not forget that many terrible accidents happen even when the driver is paying attention. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.
I think I just got religion.
This was the brilliant surgeon who performed 10 procedures on Heidi Montag in one day and who was responsible for unleashing Gene Simmons' and Janice Dickinson's new faces on the world.
@13 - Always so full of compassion and caring for others!
Why call him a "Twat" (other than the almost irresistable alliteration)? Not even female! Twit, yes. Twat, no. "Twit Tweets and Drives" is just as good.
I think this guy had a heart attack or something after a climb. He wasn't texting and driving. There exists 0 evidence that he was texting and driving.
I'm pretty sure his dog was responsible for the accident. Such nice dogs...
So good with driving.
I'm sorry for his death and sorry for the pain of his family, but really Dan, "Dumb twat?" Vaginas aren't stupid.
@19, I see where you are going with that, and I like it.

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