News Sep 9, 2010 at 4:00 am

A Rash of Necklace Crimes, Part Two


Right, because no one buys or sells gold jewelery for scrap. It's totally worthless.
But doesn't it seem like the risk of the crime is not really worth the possible reward? You have to get so close to the victim and rely only on your hand as a weapon - for a necklace that might be worth pawning.
@2: Criminals aren't known for their amazing cost-benefit analysis skills.

Yes, that's a sweeping generalization, no I don't have statistics to back it up, yes I'm being lazy.
It's a rap inspired crime. Seriously. Isn't it cute how the little thugs ape the behavior of thier idols? Give it up retards! You will never be famous rappers.
I just had a glass necklace stolen by this guy wearing an eyepatch.

But I hit him with a baseball bat, so he didn't get far.

Follow the blood trail in Seattle Center and we can put him away.

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