Dave Ammons, of the Washington Secretary of State's office, sends out one of those grim "we have become aware" e-mails:
We have become aware that about 21,000 voters/potential voters who used the Department of Licensing website may not have received ballots at their updated address or may not have been registered online. Anyone who has not received a ballot and believes himself or herself to be properly registered should go to the county elections office or voting center and will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot before close of business on Tuesday.
That's a lot of potentially disenfranchised "voters/potential voters." If you're wondering whether the Department of Licensing web site screwed up your voter registration, check here to see whether you are, in fact, registered. (But, you know, we're only one day away from election day—if you haven't received a ballot in the mail yet, that's not a good sign.)