We're living with a generation of voters who have no idea what it's like to live without social safety nets, well-enforced regulations, or well functioning common amenities. They think that educated people are iPhones and public health is a box of NyQuil. The private sector will magically do it all and magically better. And I'm beginning to think they actually need to experience the pain of loss before they admit they were wrong.
My concern... three Democrats voted for this egregious budget. I know that none of them are my legislators, but I'm concerned about the Districts they came from. Shame on them. The next time they are up for election, they need to declare themselves GOP.
Reading these posts. I realize why we are in the current situation we are in. R's or D's
they are both screwing you. Who are american jobs for ????? Illegal immigrants I guess.
Keep wondering why we are broke. It is because
seattlites are soooooo intelligent !!
@10: And Democrats aren't ALSO insistent upon taking away every U.S. taxpayer's last dollar, and strongly feel like good jobs and higher education should be sent overseas.
My name is Angela OBrien Favreau and i was one of the Furious 5 and was arrested protesting this horrible budget. The 3 turncoat Dems will not be reelected for sure!!!!! We need a change in the capital and will shout from the mountain tops that "We The People" Demand it !!!
Olympia as a whole has failed miserably to avoid economic disaster. Its like the City of Seattle were you cry and whine about a shortage of cash and funds to where you triple the cost of parking a doing business and go the most expensive rout on projects that are about guaranteed to run over budget.
Your city falls on its face and your looking at some creeps in office who are trying to float 200 million for another pricey sports venue that will be gone in an inevitable Tsunami along with the rest of a area that should be turned into a park or wet land as it wont survive? as in it will be seriously "gone" Um? do we have big sirens that will warn the city of the number 9 or 10 on the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_de_Fuc… plate. I remember Tornado sirens as a kid?
We will also be gone as the City and State and Feds are all stuck on stupid with this brain dead monstrosity called America?
No doubt we need services and we need projects and what we don't need is lame stupid farts stuck on stupid wasting time and money in Olympia as things get worse and as the worst approaches. I am the sea The real Me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n88t403ve…
A huge part of the problem in Olympia is Initiative 1053 which gives a 1/3 minority veto power over eliminating wasteful tax exemptions or raising any revenue. Large corporations, Wall Street Banks and Big Oil supported Eyman's initiative to protect their loopholes and not pay their fair share for state services. Citizens like those on Disability Lifeline or college students lose support and help when the only option the legislature has is to cut other programs.
Voters can now see the real impacts of I-1053. The Washington State Supreme Court needs to overturn I-1053. It is unconstitutional.
Legislators need the ability to susnset uneeded tax loopholes and raise revenue to fund things like basic education and health care.
Thank you for pointing out that it costs all of us when a few of us must resort to the emergency room for care because of lack of insurance. One bright spot in all of this is the new federal heatlh reform law, which will take effect in 2014 and will go a long way toward making health care more affordable.
The "accounting trick" really does not help much, unless the economy has greatly improved, as it puts of the payment until a future budget where it will cause stress to then!
Also, according to the DSHS web site, Disability Lifeline ended in 2011 and was replaced by three new programs, signed into law by the governor also in 2011.
A delayed payment for state workers' pensions is a savings.
I will never be able to be a Republican because I lack the necessary talent for cognitive dissonance.
they are both screwing you. Who are american jobs for ????? Illegal immigrants I guess.
Keep wondering why we are broke. It is because
seattlites are soooooo intelligent !!
What's the difference between a Republican and a Democrat?
Democrats aren't hell bent on taking away everyone's basic RIGHTS, you moron!
#12 auntie you are clueless
sarah29- Who are american jobs and benefits for ? Illegals. just answer the question
Your dumocrats voted to let illegal immigrants have access
to YOUR social security and jobs.. incoherent ? maybe.
better than BRAIN DEAD !!!
Try coming back with an answer DUMBASS
Your city falls on its face and your looking at some creeps in office who are trying to float 200 million for another pricey sports venue that will be gone in an inevitable Tsunami along with the rest of a area that should be turned into a park or wet land as it wont survive? as in it will be seriously "gone" Um? do we have big sirens that will warn the city of the number 9 or 10 on the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_de_Fuc… plate. I remember Tornado sirens as a kid?
We will also be gone as the City and State and Feds are all stuck on stupid with this brain dead monstrosity called America?
No doubt we need services and we need projects and what we don't need is lame stupid farts stuck on stupid wasting time and money in Olympia as things get worse and as the worst approaches. I am the sea The real Me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n88t403ve…
Voters can now see the real impacts of I-1053. The Washington State Supreme Court needs to overturn I-1053. It is unconstitutional.
Legislators need the ability to susnset uneeded tax loopholes and raise revenue to fund things like basic education and health care.
Although I know of three "Democrats" I won't vote for again, I certainly know better than to trust Republicans.
Also, according to the DSHS web site, Disability Lifeline ended in 2011 and was replaced by three new programs, signed into law by the governor also in 2011.
That's a type error
A huge part of the problem "is" Olympia.
way way way before the .com bubble pop'ed Olimpia was entertaining Ignorance as much as Congress and the rest of the Circus.
They cant get a vote to go off with out a Washington state created problem connected to it.
They cant even agree on a budget and it really don't matter anyway as they are broke and ignorant as wino hobo's anyway?
There is your down load to explain Olympia!!