
Wow. The liberal Stranger endorses Sean O'Donnell because he was an intern at the KCPAO and worked on the Green River killer case. Never mind that Ridgeway plead guilty. Never mind that O'Donnell cites ONLY that experience, mainly, and never mind that he is a closet Republican who hid his ties to Slade Gorton and the fact that he worked in Florida for Bush as he was seeking endorsements... that speaks volumes to his views on social issues as he would sit in judgment of people who are not rich and spoiled like him. He once asked a judge to issue a no contact order for an unborn child against the pregnant mother. The judge denied that request. Shocking that the Stranger feels he is more qualified than his opponent... a woman with 20 years of civil AND criminal experience and she's represented victims also. Apparently, y'all want white male prosecutors as judges regardless of experience.
Although I commend Elizabeth Berns pro-gay marriage stance, she has ruled against a citizens first amendment right to publish a book. And issued an anti-harrasment order in the distribution of the book. She is endorsed by Judge Doherty who also shut down a citizens website in a highly publicized case on internet content and the constitution.
In my opinion she is a closet republican with an ax to grind.
How can you expect people to take seriously the opinion of somebody who characterizes serious political issues as "batshit" and "guano"? You must be a caver. In what way does that qualify you to comment on subjects about which you obviously have no knowledge? I recommend you do a bit of serious research on this bioaccumulative toxin you are consuming along with everybody else. Christopher Bryson's "The Fluoride Deception" is an excellent place to start.
Anyone have a good recommendation for a write-in in the uncontested state house seat in the 37th? Santos' DUI arrest made me have questions about her personal responsibilty.

Any suggestions or should I just write Goldy in?
I like the Stranger and generally agree with it's analysis of candidates. But in regard to State Supreme Court position 9 you are way off. I know the Stranger hates Sanders. Yes, he's a hypocrite on issues of personal morality. So what. I strongly disagree with his view of gay marriage. Sanders was a singular voice on the court in favor of individual rights when in conflict with the state. He was sometimes a lonely voice against police misconduct and prosecutorial overreach. OK, you don't like him. But to reject Sheryl Gordon McCloud on the basis of a past contribution to Sanders is just plain fucking stupid. She has decades of experience fighting and winning cases before the Supreme Court almost always representing indigent defendants. You could not find a more progressive candidate for the position. Judge Hilyer is also a good, well-qualified candidate who would make a good justice.
Good call on Ruderman, that girl's got potential, and my vote.
What's with all the motherfucking cussing? Can't you fuckers write a fucking column without all the goddamn fucking cussing?! It's the same fucking shit every time. Oh, sure: it's a tad humorous. But the shit storm of idiocy that is our political system has been degraded enough, wearing our fucking citizens to a nub of indifference. This is fucking bad. So stop all the fucking cussing already and straighten the fuck up. Fucking retards.
Darcy Burner's perseverance in the face of previous defeats (by tiny margins in a very red district) is courageous and admirable. She's really smart, her progressive principles are sound, and her competition has an unmistakeable blue dog odor. Think again!
I went before Elizabeth Berns on all to easy for women to get domestic abuse allegations. I did not find her fair and impartial.
In the voters guide. It talks about her successful law practice. Please give me an idea of success because she seems to be everywhere but at the office.
At least Ms Berns is letting the people decide on her and not getting appointed by politicians like Norm Rice who originally gave us Jean Reitschel, probably for no other reason than getting the LGBT vote.
Then there is Mary Yu who is rumored to have gotten her job because Gary Locke wanted a person who he could call on form court favors.
So I say we have enough ball busting lesbians on the courts.
Vote against Berns
In Legislative District 37, position 2 you suggest holding your nose and voting for Pettigrew.

Why? Isn't Steve Pool available?
Why hate Ron Paul organizers (hates bad!)? Tamra Smilanich doesn't look so bad.…
No on Prop 1 dammnit! This motherfucker... is in fact a motherfucker. One does not have to say abolish all prisons to be opposed to building more of the things when given a chance to have a say. This motherfucker is expensive at 210mil. Thats a lot of money to spend on ruining childrens live. To think of what we could do with just half that money. Id rather have a Basketball stadium than this, how come not even a tiny bit of the great and deserved skeptism about the stadium has been concentrated on this new kiddie prison. Which an article in the Stranger pointed out involves another condo deal. Its a nationwide system that works great if our goal is to have more and more prisoners. We already have far more than any other nation on Earth. land of the free, really? They have programs there, so its cool. Really flipping great I am sure very effective at paying an army of parasites with fat degrees and fat paychecks dependent on full beds.
Here's an idea: why don't we save a TON of taxpayer money and fire all the assholes in Congress who support Big Coal, Big Oil, coddling the richest 1% and billing the rest of us, eliminating Medicare, Social Security, and the United States Postal Service, and who are hellbent on auctioning off our remaining open spaces to the most corrupt and destructive?

We obviously need a modern-day Robin Hood. There are waaaaaaaaaay
too many "Sherriffs of Nottingham" paying off lawyers and lobbyists!
I find SECB's review invaluable, especially for those close races where several options look viable. Thank you for helping me vote smartly and conscientiously.
@111 Only hobbs is a blue dogs Delbene is a new dem big difference there.
Jamie Pedersen lost me when he defended the legality and propriety of Microsoft's billion-dollar software-license-royalty tax dodge. I moved Frank Chopp to my permanent shit list when I discovered that his number-one contributing sector is for-profit healthcare. I'm voting for Kshama Sawant for both positions.
"We absolutely must stop voting for the weak dems because the republican challenger is "scary".

Scary is the morons and illegals that have voted
in our democratic senators and govenor who give
your US social security and entitlements to illegal immigrants......thats what is really
scary.....stupid voters. However the DOJ is removing all the illegal voters. The Dems can no longer trade US tax payers dollars for votes.

sam reed legacy will be corrupt elections and
fraudulent illegal voters.

Yeah I know the dems love sam. No wonder
I have desperately been waiting to vote for somebody other than Maria Cantwell...

There are eight people running for United States Senator in this race. Couldnt' The Stranger have published profiles on each one of them?!
Yeah, Noel Frame is a good candidate. But Sahar Fathi is a rare candidate - someone who could seriously lead based on experience, intellect, passion, and courage. Too bad the Stranger just went for the safe progressive pick.
Soccer is a sport of constant motion, with the exception of when the ball is out of bounds, it is a game that is about 90% mental and 10% physical. its easy to just kick a ball around but if you start at an early age you can help your concetration skills...however if you don't have the natural talent you are goin nowhere regradless of practice. Also it is a great physical work out, it helps develop your leg muscle and also helps to increase your stamina through vigirous sprints and skill drills.

Football builds up strength and endurance in every part of your body. It increases your cardiovasular muscles and deacreases your resting heart rate. You also become more balnced by learning diffrent technices and increases the dexterity in your big stinky feet. compare and contrast essay format
Your article steaks of democRAT loving angst.

People like this make me sick. I just moved to Washington, even suggesting this character named Inslee has a remote clue about how to be a reasonable leader is a joke.

What's ever worse is there isn't but maybe one person in all of the ad's I have seen who didn't wreak of corruption and career politician filth.

I swear the US is going down and as it moves along this disastrous path it seem to be accelerating the speed at which it implodes.
Thanks for this Endorsements!
Iam afraid.

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