These are some solid endorsements, and it's good to see y'all flipped around on Superior Court Pos. 42. That has been a crazy down-ballot race this year, to be sure.
As for the seawall - another reason to support it: Will in Seattle opposes the Levy. Bam!
Thank you, Stranger, for seeing through the smoke and mirrors that 1240 is and giving it a NO endorsement. Many of us look to The Stranger to be our counterbalance to the over-the-top endorsements at the Times.
1240 is a disaster of an initiative. It WILL hurt districts and taxpayers (like getting less for a school property than it's worth? it's in there).
Charters don't work - not in any large-scale form. There is not a single district in any of the 41 states that have them that can say that because of the presence of charters that they have closed the achievement gap. Not a single district.
And folks, as to that "41 states have them, why don't we?", I note the following:
- we have considered charters three times in the last 16 years and said no, every single time
- 44 states have an income tax; Washington State does not.
- 42 out of 44 states have issued some kind of statement against gay marriage. Washington State's Legislature passed a gay marriage law.
The point is that Washington State voters are not followers. We don't just blindly go where all the other states go.
Once again, the Stranger performs a public service by showing me, with notable exceptions for legalization of pot and gay marriage, who not to vote for.
I know you like to ignore the suburbs if at all possible, but I wish you'd endorsed in the LD 1 Senate race. Rosemary McAuliffe is an uninspiring Democrat, but her opponent Dawn McCravey is running primarily on support for charter schools, supports the 2/3 initiative, opposes environmental regulations, worker's comp, and health care reform, engages in persistent push-polling performed by an organization that can't even train its callers to pronounce candidate names correctly (my house has been called half a dozen times and none of them got either candidate's name right), is very coy about social issues but judging by her core supporters is likely very conservative, and is bankrolled by the oil and gas industry (and manages her family's oil and gas business).
But hey, she supported a good math curriculum when she was on the school board, and seems all soccer-mommish and smiley, and her damned campaign signs are everywhere, so she has a good chance to win.
Why does The Stranger go through this charade every election? Could save a lot of time, ink and trees by just saying "vote Left, because the Right is bunch of money-grubbing, racist, homophobic crap weasels...oh, and legalize pot, already!"
@7...don't forget to mention thestranger's whiny-whimper of a plead for bho...just like Dear Leader himself, thestranger has nothing substantive to say about the next four years except "he really needs our help...we owe him one"...meh, ya losers. Too bad you're too stoned to vote like you got a pair.
I think Baumgartner deserves more consideration than you gave him. He's endorsed I-502, and his stated positions are better than Cantwell's voting record on foreign policy and domestic surveillance.
I understand if his position on abortion is an absolute deal-breaker, but those stances at least merit mentioning. Particularly since he has not (at least to my knowledge) made social issues a focus of this campaign.
(I do not work for Mr. Baumgartner, and in fact have not yet made up my mind to vote for him myself.)
My organic chemistry professor in college was named Gribble. On the last day of class, he outlined the steps required to synthesize lysergic acid diethylamide from indole.
Although it was his first year as a professor, he wasn't fired. In fact, nearly 40 years later he's still on the faculty as an emeritus professor.
I happen to enjoy these, they help me start looking around for more answers. I compare your choices with my union's choices. My union, unfortunately, never gives a reason why they choose what they do. So when the choices are different I am alarmed and go digging for even more details.
Also, the swear words make it fun. :) Double also, I feel exactly the same way about Bill Gate's donations to the charter school thing. I visited where he went to high school, it is about a jazillion times nicer than where I went to high school.
@6. It is not like the Stranger even made endorsements in all of the Seattle races either. Where is the endorsements in the 32nd, which consists of North Seattle. Good picks as always, even as I might disagree with one or two.
Cletus, thanks for checking in with us and giving us your rightwing teabagger feedback. Glad to know I'll be pissing off some racist, anti-women, anti-gay, anti-voter, anti-minority Republicans by voting for Jay Inslee for Governor, Kathleen Drew for Secretary for State, and Bob Ferguson for Attorney General. Go blue, go hard, and fucking go vote!
From Obama's own mouth:
“I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”.
“I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year.”.
“I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.”.
“I will remove earmarks from PORK projects before I sign any bill.”.
“I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”.
"I will bring ALL of our troops home within ONE year."
“I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”.
“I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."
"I'll close Guantanamo."
"I'll resign if I don't cut the deficit in half by the end of four years."
"I'll unite the people of this great country."
From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'
From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe and white..
From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'
From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'
And FINALLY, and most scary!
From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
I just got a 'push poll' from Urquhart for Sheriff, wanting me to know everything bad about Strachan. I hung up midway through the advertisement disguised as a poll, now convinced that Urquhart should not be sheriff.
as someone who was denied due process and basic access to Judge Washington's court, I will never be able to recommend that anyone vote for him. You may think the alternative worse...your mileage may vary, but in either case, judicial choices should never be an afterthought.
as someone who had an experience of being denied basic access to Judge Washington's court and seeing him renege on his word in a way that did not conform to the law, I will never be able to recommend that anyone vote for him. Your mileage may vary on whether the alternative is worse, but in either case, I think he's not qualified because it appears he's an ideologue. That is perhaps why his rulings are overturned with alarming frequency. Whomever you choose, please know that judicial elections should never be considered an afterthought.
THANK YOU, SECB, for endorsing Barack Obama, and Jay Inslee over Rob McKenna; Suzan DelBene, and other progressives.
Could you PLEASE pass it on to the paid off idiots at The Seattle Times to endorse Jay Inslee, NOT Rob McKenna? I think all those Pulitzer Prizes went to someone's head over there...
I am very impressed that you were able to change your position on some of these races since the primary. Despite what you may hear about Judge Washington, he is a very decent man who always tries to do his best.
One of the main reasons for the Golden State's fiscally shitty state of affairs if because they have had - for years and years - what Eymanazi wants via I-1185.Class dismissed . . . .
The Weekly gives Sawant a snowball's chance in Hell of winning;don't buy into THAT bourgie rag's opinion;they have their own selfish/bourgeois reasons for endorsing certain candidates and ballot initiatives. . . .. o.O ------>
Wonderful endorsements!
As new representatives Gerry Pollet and Sarajane Siegfriedt will bring loads of energy and push to our progressive ideals, and they will do the best job precisely because they are a little older than their opponents. They have spent the past few decades working on these issues and learning the ropes. Their proven track record is available for all to see. Between them they must have 50 years of experience.
I was trying to find out more about Brad Owen's rock band, and found Strategies For Youth, which lead to finding the phrase, "Policing The Teen Brain(TM)". Yes, they actually trademarked that name, thinking it was so great someone would steal it. "Policing The Teen Brain" should be some punk band's album title!
Just gotta say, I LOVE YOU GUYS AT STRANGER! I don't indulge in guilt and regret often (why bother, when everyone else is a dick and a liar?), but I actually kinda feel bad for giving you a hard time back in the summer. You've come a roaring back by being yourselves and having the guts to stick up for us little guys. Everyone is talking about Seattle Times' total sellout of endorsements and being in the tank for Republicans, but what's the deal with Publicola? Are they sellouts, douche bags, or just crappy journalists? Don't they do research anymore before endorsing right-wing tea bagger Republicans like James Watkins and Kathleen Drew? Since no one reads Publicola anymore, I guess it doesn't matter. Anyways, go Stranger!
Sorry guys, my comment above should read right-wing tea bagger Republicans like James Watkins and Kim Wyman. I just got so pissed at Publicola. Vote for Jay Inslee, Kathleen Drew, and Bob Ferguson. Stop the Republican take-over.
Cletus, I am so happy to know I've won you over with my obviously superior intellect. I know I am pretty brilliant.
Back in the 70's, after RR and the Righteous Right took over the Republican party, I took an oath to never again vote for a repub. It wasn't just that I was grossed out by the grade B "great communicator" - I always knew what he stood for and was not at all surprised when he started rolling out the agenda he TOLD the public he was in favor of. And everyone was sooo shocked!
What did it for me was when the moderates (yes, there was a day when moderates were elected as R's. Remember Javits? No you probably don't) were run out on a rail.
Now along comes Finkbeiner vs Owens and after reading your very convincing analysis I am sorely tempted. The only problem I have is that the way the R's have managed to get so much done or undone or not done as the case may be is their lock-step party unity. Maybe it's safe for this office, maybe not.
You've given me a lot to think about. Not sure if I can do it but maybe...
Although I agree with the bottom line on your McKenna article, it would help if you actually read the statutes. Pillory the man for stuff he can control. He must defend every people's initiative that is passed (no matter how stupid) and has little control over ballot titles.
Please make the real arguments (women's rights, the right to marry) and don't waste ink on the foolish ones.
Could you possibly expand/clarify a bit on Advisory Vote 2? The ballot description talks about taxes on petroleum, but your endorsement talks about underground tank safety standards.
I LOVED your endorsement column - read part of it in a copy of The Stranger I picked up at work and finished reading it on line after I left the paper at work.
My one and only problem with it? At the end of the column was an advertisement urging me to vote yes on I1240. WTF??? After you repeatedly and passionately argued against passage of this inane measure? So The Stranger takes money from all scumbags? Really sad.
The Romney-esque flip flop by The Stranger is perplexing and very disappointing. In the Primary, Parisien earned 47% of the vote just barely missing winning…and Washington was a full 20 points behind her.
Let’s take just a few of the points offered by the endorsement flip:
1. “First, it turns out that the KCBA judicial ratings are rubbish. The marks for superior court judges were clearly skewed by prosecutors who sandbagged Washington (apparently due to him extending lighter sentences to juvenile offenders).”
Interesting conclusion—20 votes skew the results so much that the entire survey is considered “rubbish”? If the results were so wrong, why did the KCBA publish them?
2. “Parisien has also refused to submit questionnaires for minority bar associations this year”
Parisien went through the process of answering questionnaires for minority bar associations, as well as others, two years ago. The ratings generated by those questionnaires are good for three years… there’s no need to go through that process again.
3. Regarding the alleged endorsements. The term “endorsement” was never used by Sue Parisien. She never stated anywhere that either Gregoire or McKenna endorsed her. In fact, her web site specifically states who DOES endorse her. The comments attributed to them are simply statements that were IN FACT MADE. That they are not considered endorsements does not negate the validity of the statements.
4. You use the fact that Parisien did not quickly quote cases that were overturned as a reason why she wouldn't be a good Judge. Judges do not just throw case cites from the bench, they research and include those cites in their decisions – decisions that are generated after hearing all the evidence and evaluating the concepts that are brought before them.
5. You refer to compassion. Sue Parisien has been involved with making and delivering meals to Aids Patients.
6. You state: “... But his judicial philosophy of compassion for young offenders, who are often chewed up and spit out by the justice system, is more in line with our philosophy than his opponent's.”
“Judicial philosophy of compassion”? A juvenile beat a police officer so badly that he lost his job and any possibility of holding a steady job and his “judicial passion” resulted in a 30 DAY sentence. That’s the type of “sound judicial reasoning” The Stranger is endorsing?
Are We Better off Now Than We Were Four Years Ago?
A question has been put forward that has the Obama administration struggling to answer. “Are we better off now than we were four years ago?” What seems like a simple question that is asked of any politician seeking re-election seems to be a stumbling block for President Obama and his campaign. Over the next few months the campaign will try to craft and spin an answer to that question while ignoring the reality. Here are just a few of the facts that should not be overlooked.
National Debt
2009: 10.6 Trillion
Now: 16 Trillion
Food Stamps
2009: 32.2 million people enrolled
Now: 46.2 million people enrolled
2009: 7.8%
Now: 8.3%
Median Household Income
2009: $54,983
Now: $50,964
Gas Prices
2009: $1.85
Now: $3.80
If you think voting for the Dems is a huge difference to voting for the GOP,then go to this site to see how similar they trully are!------->
you support AFIS? really? you're gonna regret that someday. total invasion of privacy. and isn't that what gay/abortion/pot rights are all about? keep the damn gov out of my bidness!
He's a schnook when it comes to education---a complete tool of the Corporate "Education" Privatization Movement and lately rumored to be the missing spawn of Michelle Rhee and Joel Klein.
During this year's session, he actually smirked and snorted at a special ed teacher and constituent when she went in to see him and talk about her challenges as an educator!
Carlyle has clearly been played by the so-called "Ed Reformers" and is in the pocket of the Astroturf Groups like "Stand for Children", "League of Education Voters", "Students First", "DEMOCRATS (yeah, right) For Education Reform", all Vichy/Potemkin Village fronts primarily supported by either Gates, Broad or Walmart (Walton), three "foundations" abusing their tax-exempt status to dominate the political dialogue when it comes to education.
Tuches Lecker!
Here's the question: Are you going to continue to let Carlyle play you, the way he's been played by the Wall Streeters posing as "progressives" and "reformers"? Or are you going to get real about something so obvious?
He's a schnook when it comes to education---a complete tool of the Corporate "Education" Privatization Movement and lately rumored to be the missing spawn of Michelle Rhee and Joel Klein.
During this year's session, he actually smirked and snorted at a special ed teacher and constituent when she went in to see him and talk about her challenges as an educator!
Carlyle has clearly been played by the so-called "Ed Reformers" and is in the pocket of the Astroturf Groups like "Stand for Children", "League of Education Voters", "Students First", "DEMOCRATS (yeah, right) For Education Reform", all Vichy/Potemkin Village fronts primarily supported by either Gates, Broad or Walmart (Walton), three "foundations" abusing their tax-exempt status to dominate the political dialogue when it comes to education.
Tuches Lecker!
Here's the question: Are you going to continue to let Carlyle play you, the way he's been played by the Wall Streeters posing as "progressives" and "reformers"? Or are you going to get real about something so obvious?
On a similar vein to another story in thestranger...Barack Obama thinks you're stupid.
Yeah, you blue bellies are stupid.
After four years of his leadership, he wants you to believe the Don't-worry-be-happy-paradise you're living in was the creation of him and all his power to mold a new america...but don't you DARE bring up that fact that there is a gorilla in the MUST LOOK FORWARD.
Please turn a blind eye to the crushing national dept, the failed businesses his admin. pumped money into, the failed foreign policy (who can forget the magical bowing tour...oh, I guess YOU can), the raised taxes (to get ocare passed Dear Leader pounded the FACT (let me be clear) that it wasn't a tax, but to defend at supreme court it WAS a tax after all...imposed on all of us), the golf games, the his and hers vacations, the introversion to anyone besides bros and hos, the stupidity of the Cambridge police, the shuttering of the nation's drilling breadbasket (hello gulf of mexico) due to his stupidity in the points of well completion..not leasing, not acquistion, not drilling..COMPLETION), the slang and the dialect...all in front of your eyes...and all to be ignored...because he's counting on your stupidity and that all you MUST do is vote for bho, despite what you see.
Prediction - Washington state will barely go blue this election...times, they are a changin'.
Hey, enjoy don't worry, be happy. Dear Leader is counting on you. You, the Sukah Chumps.
I always look forward to your picks and concur with most of them every election, but I have to take issue with the Gov Lite pick, purely on party this time. If everything you say about Finkbeiner is true, what the fuck is he doing in the party of the bat-shit crazy? I just cannot bring myself to vote for a member of that party any more. What if something happens to the Governor and this dude gets to be in charge? Shit, man! We could end up with a cabinet full of teabaggesr! NO THANKS!
I-502 just seems like a bunch of dick-waving at the Fed. If we can't even keep our medical dispensaries alive, why are we trying to open pot factories?
Couldn't we just take baby steps toward Decriminalization and non-discrimination (for employees and renters)? Or is the bottom line just money? I think it would be more prudent to try legalizing it once more states develop Medical Cannabis laws of their own. Under this administration it just seems crazy if you watch the news.
We CAN stop arresting brown and black kids without simultaneously opening marijuana stores. I've recently come around to voting for it because I want cops to focus on other things, but if it passes, cue the Fed in 5...4...3...2...
He's a schnook when it comes to education---a complete tool of the Corporate "Education" Privatization Movement and lately rumored to be the missing spawn of Michelle Rhee and Joel Klein.
During this year's session, he actually smirked and snorted at a special ed teacher and constituent when she went in to see him and talk about her challenges as an educator!
Carlyle has clearly been played by the so-called "Ed Reformers" and is in the pocket of the Astroturf Groups like "Stand for Children", "League of Education Voters", "Students First", "DEMOCRATS (yeah, right) For Education Reform", all Vichy/Potemkin Village fronts primarily supported by either Gates, Broad or Walmart (Walton), three "foundations" abusing their tax-exempt status to dominate the political dialogue when it comes to education.
Tuches Lecker!
Here's the question: Are you going to continue to let Carlyle play you, the way he's been played by the Wall Streeters posing as "progressives" and "reformers"? Or are you going to get real about something so obvious?
Seriously you went for the scare tactic "rape your toddler's face off" argument on King County Prop 1 Fingerprint ID? Thats only one of a gajillion uses for the system - and IMHO a good one - but a irresponsible endorsement.
The Stranger didn't even discuss the possible civil rights violations of using the system. Get pulled over for something? Look brown? Maybe Illegal? Oh yeah, lets use the Fingerprint ID system. What next? On the spot DNA swabs? It's not a big leap from Fingerprints to DNA. I expect better from you Stranger.
Referendum Measure 74 Vote NO
We don't need to the additional level of laws when same sex couples already have the rights. Even if we vote yes, there will still be those who deny their rights on Religious Moral grounds.
Initiative Measure 502 Vote Yes.
Since there is NO concrete science which backs the federal decision to ban it, Why not legalize it. At least we will not be funding Colombian Drug cartels and Terrorist groups. Making it legal will reduce the burden on courts and maybe we they can concentrate on keeping REAL threats OFF the streets AND out of our houses.
Did you guys even read ESJR 8221 beyond the title? It calls for a slightly smaller percentage of a much larger pie. Call Jim McIntire; he'll be happy to explain it to you.
I have to ask the asshats who are voting for Mitt Romney exactly how many jobs he needs to send to China, how many tax dollars he owes under the law that he has to cheat us out of, how many blatant lies he has to tell, how much BIGGER of a worthless piece of scumbag shit he has to become before you stop the hero worship of your new Mormom god? Seriously, he could put his fist up your ass (what's that? It's in there right now??) and you'd thank him and ask where the other fist is. Do the real Americans a favor and don't breed. Move to China and show your support for Mittens' economic policy.
@59, actually, the SoDo arena site is a bit more inland than the areas likely to be washed away. But the truth is that the city will have to rebuild the seawall around the tunnel entrance nomatter what the outcome of this bond is. If voters don't approve it then the money would come from the same pool of councilmanic debt that would issue the arena bonds.
Vote NO on the Seawall bonds and you can force the city council to use up their non-voted debt capacity before Hansen's arena can. Then the council would have to get voter approval of the debt or exceed the debt limits they've put in place.
Vote NO on SJR 8223: For the first time in our state's history the UW and WSU would be allowed to invest surplus operating funds in private companies. Not a wise policy. Your editorial board ought to ask: Why do they have $1.2 billion in surplus operating funds in the first place? Where did they get it? Did they capitalize their Central Bank by raising tuition 107% in the last five years? Of course: the surplus is needed by their Central Bank as bond reserves which guarantee the bonds and bond ratings for their capital expansion projects. In this process they are throwing away an entire generation of young students by saddling them with crushing debt.
Surplus operating funds could be used to lower the debt burden of students; or hire faculty and teaching assistants; lower class sizes, increase class offerings. Remember the education mission? Since the UW has such a large surplus they certainly don't need to come to the legislature crying poor. $1.2 billion dollars in surplus operating funds in a $6 Billion budget is not too bad... . Perhaps the legislature should sweep those accounts when we look for money to pay for our paramount duty. Vote NO on 8223. See:
John Urquhart is the more progressive candidate and was endorsed by FUSE and received a higher rating from Seamec. I'll be voting for Urquhart for Sheriff, he's far better than having a Republican with the same voting record as Michele Bachmann leading law enforcement.
Give 3rd party candidates a chance. Watch the real debate on Oct 23rd. Don't let your vote hijacked by two-party 'better of worse' illusion. Make a statement for your civil liberties.
As always, thanks for your well-reasoned, well-articulated endorsements. But I'm voting against 8233. I'm in a master's program at UW. If I wanted to gamble $15,000 a year, I'd go to Vegas. The solution to our higher-education problem is for the legislature to f---ing fund higher education already.
Really Troy Kelley? I am by no means a James Watkins fan, but Troy Kelley is well known to be wholly unethical. Do you really believe that he settled a "frivolous" lawsuit by paying off the the other side just to put it behind him. And yet you have the gall to call everyone not agreeing with you as stupid. I am just saying if the shoe fits, wear it.
The allegations against Troy Kelley are not just baseless allegations, many of the charges against Kelley are quite well detailed by other traditionally liberal media. If Troy Kelley was a republican candidate The Stranger would have excoriated this guy with an entire issue devoted to detailing his nefarious acts, but as a Democrat you endorse him without even addressing his previous wholly unethical behavior?
I will admit that I am not a democrat. While I share a kinship on most social issues with democrats, I find big labor as repugnant and ignorant as big business. I am also not enamoured of fiscal irresponsibility (believe me, I understand that neither party has any claim to fiscal responsibility) or big government. However, I would rather deal with an ethical person with whom I disagree than a charlatan.
I try and reglarly read your paper to balance other news with that of a more liberal bent that you supply. I will also note that I never watch Fox News because I generally demand honesty and ethics in journalism. However, this election issue that substitutes name calling for analysis and endorses an unethical and unqualified candidate causes me to question your future journalistic value.
"Sure, there are issues—with presidents, there are always issues—where he's dropped the ball (drones, Gitmo, drones). Those are serious issues. But right now, President Obama needs our help."
I think "dropping the ball" is an exceedingly poor characterization of drone strikes and the continued indefinite detention at Guantanomo. A better way would be to say "where he's killed innocent people or kept them locked them away in a legal limbo (Guantanomo, NDAA, assasination of american citizens, drone strikes on children gathering firewood, drone strikes on people trying to provide medical assistance to victims of drone strikes, drone strikes on those mourning the previous victims of drone strikes)." It's for those reasons that I'm not going to vote for Obama. Murderers don't need my help.
"Sure, there are issues—with presidents, there are always issues—where he's dropped the ball (drones, Gitmo, drones). Those are serious issues. But right now, President Obama needs our help."
I think "dropping the ball" is an exceedingly poor characterization of drone strikes and the continued indefinite detention at Guantanomo. A better way would be to say "where he's killed innocent people or kept them locked them away in a legal limbo (Guantanomo, NDAA, assasination of american citizens, drone strikes on children gathering firewood, drone strikes on people trying to provide medical assistance to victims of drone strikes, drone strikes on those mourning the previous victims of drone strikes)." It's for those reasons that I'm not going to vote for Obama. Murderers don't need my help.
This could come out as a double comment, if it does, sorry. I think it was just eaten.
I am disappointed by your endorsement of I-502. I understand the benefits of legalizing marijuana but there are several parts of the initiative that were not addressed. The first is that this legalization would be a state controlled monopoly on marijuana sales. The second is that it declares a black market on any non state approved marijuana. Third, the only legal protections granted through to exosting laws are provided through the state. If ots not through the state it is still illegal. Third, a zero tollerance policy for anyone under the age of 21 in regards to the DUI clauses could mean potentially devastating things for underage users. Lets face it, there are a LOT of teens who try pot and tons of young adults between 18 and 21 who use, THC stays in the blood for two weeks up to a month. Using last weekend and getting pulled over this weekend will be hazardous to many young peoples records. Next, the DUI limits are based off of ONE study. There arent multiple studies to offer evidence to the contrary of the first study. So dont yell "they're lying" because there is only ONE study in the first place. Finally, the taxes that medical patients becoming state approved producers and processors in addition to standard business taxes and state fees will likely be enough to stop their ability to opperate under the new system.
Always fun, and helpful to those of us who were abandoned by the S Times years ago, but are you always right? I heard Sarajane Siegfriedt and Jessyn Farrell (46th D) debate upfront and was surprised to hear Sarajane sounding disappointingly like a just another machine-made Democrat whereas Farrell sounded like the smart kind of new energy we REALLY NEED.
As for the law enforcement fingerprints levy, why vote for better and better fingerprinting when what we really need is crime prevention (aka jobs, education, social services, respect).
And why are we voting on a seawall levy (no pun intended)? Wasn't the cost of repairing the seawall supposed to be included in the cost of that expensive new road called the SR99 tunnel, which runs right alongside the seawall?
I'll be honest, the movement to legalize marijuana in Washington still baffles me. Don't get me wrong, I'd be more than happy to break my pen off in the 'approve' block but just how are we suppose to have it legal on the state end while still illegal federaly? Am I missing something here?
#78, you've lost me. You say the state will hold a monopoly on pot sales but I'm struggling to see the downside of that. Who's that hurting other than those selling it illegaly anyhow? Certainly not current medical dispensories who I'm sure are only going to drop their "green card" requirement and go public.
And what do you mean 'declares a black market on non state approved marijuana'? You mean to tell me folks would dare sell the chronic without state approval? *gasp* Don't quote me here but I think we've already got that.
I think the Stranger's position on 8221 is misinformed. The editor states that 8221 "would limit the amount of money the state can borrow for construction projects at a time when we need more construction projects to fix broken shit and boost the economy." As #61 points out, yes, it does reduce the debt limit (a percentage of state revenues), but it also changes the way that the state's revenue for this limit is calculated. The new limit is applied to the average of general state revenues for the previous six fiscal years instead of the current three year average. The intent of this is to create stability in the funding and execution of capital projects by providing increased borrowing capacity when interest rates are low and the workforce needs it most.
I think a "Yes" vote is really what the Stranger means to suggest.
P.S.: State Treasurer Jim McIntire (D) is a strong supporter of this resolution.
I think the Stranger's position on 8221 is misinformed. The editor states that 8221 "would limit the amount of money the state can borrow for construction projects at a time when we need more construction projects to fix broken shit and boost the economy." As #61 points out, yes, it does reduce the debt limit (a percentage of state revenues), but it also changes the way that the state's revenue for this limit is calculated. The new limit is applied to the average of general state revenues for the previous six fiscal years instead of the current three year average. The intent of this is to create stability in the funding and execution of capital projects by providing increased borrowing capacity when interest rates are low and the workforce needs it most.
I think a "Yes" vote is really what the Stranger means to suggest.
P.S.: State Treasurer Jim McIntire (D) is a strong supporter of this resolution.
"There is no science to back them up. None. Zero. They're lying.
The scientific research that does exist shows people's blood levels of THC drop below the I-502 cutoff within a few hours, and always by the next day."
Your lying or choosing to be willingly ignorant.
Plenty of tests show daily consumers testing above 5 ng/ml the day after consuming, here is one example:…
Also you are purposely not mentioning how any one under 21 can get a DUI for up to 7 days after consumption.
Not to mention over 40% of the 10,000 arrests are people under 21, commonly in cars. Those arrests will continue.
Though I don't agree with every endorsements, this cheat sheet really helped me make some great informed decisions on this damn long ass ballet. Thank you.
In the voters guide there was NO explanation of Advisory vote 2, HB 2590. The title sounded like a tax break for oil dealers being revoked. There was absolutely no hint it was about a safety issue. I think I voted wrong.
Hells yeah, on the point about ignoring the 'burbs.
I know all you Capitol Hill-dwelling Stranger writers love to dis "Blahvue" and all the other 'burbs packed with educated, white collar-wearing, tech industry-working, active voters but... you shouldn't. Really.
It's an interesting phenom among you mostly carpet bagging barely-Seattlites who love to dis what you hardly know and it's one I've railed against for years (to little effect). Having been actually born on Capitol Hill and raised in Bellevue (and continuing to live there) and a diehard Dem, I kind of take issue with your sweeping, ignorant, outsider viewpoint empowered by ink and pixels.
Beyond that, we need the clarification of matters on suburban issues no less than Seattle voters need clarification on the seawall (or the monorail back in the day) and other local, niche issues that get people whipped into a froth.
Who do I talk to about having to put a stamp on this piece of work. I've gone over all the hollabaloo, marked my ballot, struggled with the folding and shoved into the right envelope before shoving that envelope into another envelope, signed on the dotted line, sealed the sucker up, Now I gotta find a freaking stamp......Really! The things I do for my country.
I'm sorry you guys are asshole murder-apologists now. Sad. The shit you said about Obama is pure INSANITY. Yes, he's committed terrible war crimes that were Bush's wet dreams, killed a ton of Pakistanis, vaporized Yemeni CHILDREN, assassinated American citizens, fired upon first responders at drone strike sites, and then bombed funerals and weddings! But it's cool, they're BROWN PEOPLE, and Seattle loves WHITE PEOPLE, yeah? We don't give a shit about people in other countries.
"Sure, there are issues—with presidents, there are always issues—where he's dropped the ball (drones, Gitmo, drones). Those are serious issues. But right now, President Obama needs our help. After all he's done for us, we owe him the opportunity to transform from a very good president into a truly great one in his second term."
"After all he's done for us..." Would that be the part where he gave our taxpayer money to a bunch of corporations so they could continue raping the country? Would that be deporting like a million brown people? How about offering up Social Security like a sacrificial lamb (something Bush could never touch)?
I'm sorry you guys are asshole murder-apologists now. Sad. The shit you said about Obama is pure INSANITY. Yes, he's committed terrible war crimes that were Bush's wet dreams, killed a ton of Pakistanis, vaporized Yemeni CHILDREN, assassinated American citizens, fired upon first responders at drone strike sites, and then bombed funerals and weddings! But it's cool, they're BROWN PEOPLE, and Seattle loves WHITE PEOPLE, yeah? We don't give a shit about people in other countries.
"Sure, there are issues—with presidents, there are always issues—where he's dropped the ball (drones, Gitmo, drones). Those are serious issues. But right now, President Obama needs our help. After all he's done for us, we owe him the opportunity to transform from a very good president into a truly great one in his second term."
"After all he's done for us..." Would that be the part where he gave our taxpayer money to a bunch of corporations so they could continue raping the country? Would that be deporting like a million brown people? How about offering up Social Security like a sacrificial lamb (something Bush could never touch)?
@94: You have a point, since no civilians were killed in war until drones were invented.
You were protesting when Bush was using drones right? You must have been the only one, because no one cared then.
Over 100,000 civilians were killed in the invasion of Iraq. We must have used a whole lot of drones.
If you really cared about brown people, you would vote for the guy who is pulling our troops out of the places they live, and killing far fewer civilians and far more terrorists than Bush did, or Romney will.
We live in a democracy, and most of the people want to use the military against terrorist threats. It is either invasion or drones. Anyone with any sense would choose drones. They are better in every way.
But you are not the one who would have to fight those battles on the ground, so why would you care, right?
That is the same path my neighbor's eight year old takes when he has no good response either.
Ooh, are you going to call me "sheeple?"
I should have looked at your past posting history before realizing it would be pointless to engage with you. Nothing but hating on gays for wanting rights, white male apolgist crap, and uneducated nonsense about economics.
So what have you done to oppose military intervention in the middle east besides posting online? Or did you not care until the media used the term "drones" a few times?
If I cared a rat's ass (about "winning" anything against you), I'd look at your past posts and nail you on your "beliefs", but I AM SURE they'd be a shallow, angry and whiny repetition...just like your current post.
I appreciate the attention that the staff at the Stranger take each election cycle to review the issues and interview the candidates but I must object to the "yes" vote on o saving the seawall in Seattle (Prop 1). Why is it that homeowners continue to get burdened with tax hikes - is it simply because the median home price is a eye-popping 360k? As a homeowner whose home value is slightly above that but whose mortgage is slightly higher than the value, I take exception to the fact that I must pay higher taxes to support a seawall that everyone enjoys. If everyone enjoys it, everyone should chip in to save it.
Please vote "no" on prop 1.
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
As for the seawall - another reason to support it: Will in Seattle opposes the Levy. Bam!
1240 is a disaster of an initiative. It WILL hurt districts and taxpayers (like getting less for a school property than it's worth? it's in there).
Charters don't work - not in any large-scale form. There is not a single district in any of the 41 states that have them that can say that because of the presence of charters that they have closed the achievement gap. Not a single district.
And folks, as to that "41 states have them, why don't we?", I note the following:
- we have considered charters three times in the last 16 years and said no, every single time
- 44 states have an income tax; Washington State does not.
- 42 out of 44 states have issued some kind of statement against gay marriage. Washington State's Legislature passed a gay marriage law.
The point is that Washington State voters are not followers. We don't just blindly go where all the other states go.
We are thinkers and independent ones at that.
It's a good thing.
Thanks, Stranger!
But hey, she supported a good math curriculum when she was on the school board, and seems all soccer-mommish and smiley, and her damned campaign signs are everywhere, so she has a good chance to win.
I understand if his position on abortion is an absolute deal-breaker, but those stances at least merit mentioning. Particularly since he has not (at least to my knowledge) made social issues a focus of this campaign.
(I do not work for Mr. Baumgartner, and in fact have not yet made up my mind to vote for him myself.)
My organic chemistry professor in college was named Gribble. On the last day of class, he outlined the steps required to synthesize lysergic acid diethylamide from indole.
Although it was his first year as a professor, he wasn't fired. In fact, nearly 40 years later he's still on the faculty as an emeritus professor.
Also, the swear words make it fun. :) Double also, I feel exactly the same way about Bill Gate's donations to the charter school thing. I visited where he went to high school, it is about a jazillion times nicer than where I went to high school.
Two obviously superior candidates in McKennna and Wyman and you couldn't bring yourselves to say it.
From Obama's own mouth:
“I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”.
“I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year.”.
“I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.”.
“I will remove earmarks from PORK projects before I sign any bill.”.
“I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”.
"I will bring ALL of our troops home within ONE year."
“I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”.
“I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."
"I'll close Guantanamo."
"I'll resign if I don't cut the deficit in half by the end of four years."
"I'll unite the people of this great country."
From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'
From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe and white..
From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'
From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'
And FINALLY, and most scary!
From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
Shame on the
No freedom of speech
I am swayed by your logic, SECB, swayed.
Could you PLEASE pass it on to the paid off idiots at The Seattle Times to endorse Jay Inslee, NOT Rob McKenna? I think all those Pulitzer Prizes went to someone's head over there...
As new representatives Gerry Pollet and Sarajane Siegfriedt will bring loads of energy and push to our progressive ideals, and they will do the best job precisely because they are a little older than their opponents. They have spent the past few decades working on these issues and learning the ropes. Their proven track record is available for all to see. Between them they must have 50 years of experience.
Cletus, I am so happy to know I've won you over with my obviously superior intellect. I know I am pretty brilliant.
What did it for me was when the moderates (yes, there was a day when moderates were elected as R's. Remember Javits? No you probably don't) were run out on a rail.
Now along comes Finkbeiner vs Owens and after reading your very convincing analysis I am sorely tempted. The only problem I have is that the way the R's have managed to get so much done or undone or not done as the case may be is their lock-step party unity. Maybe it's safe for this office, maybe not.
You've given me a lot to think about. Not sure if I can do it but maybe...
Please make the real arguments (women's rights, the right to marry) and don't waste ink on the foolish ones.
My one and only problem with it? At the end of the column was an advertisement urging me to vote yes on I1240. WTF??? After you repeatedly and passionately argued against passage of this inane measure? So The Stranger takes money from all scumbags? Really sad.
Let’s take just a few of the points offered by the endorsement flip:
1. “First, it turns out that the KCBA judicial ratings are rubbish. The marks for superior court judges were clearly skewed by prosecutors who sandbagged Washington (apparently due to him extending lighter sentences to juvenile offenders).”
Interesting conclusion—20 votes skew the results so much that the entire survey is considered “rubbish”? If the results were so wrong, why did the KCBA publish them?
2. “Parisien has also refused to submit questionnaires for minority bar associations this year”
Parisien went through the process of answering questionnaires for minority bar associations, as well as others, two years ago. The ratings generated by those questionnaires are good for three years… there’s no need to go through that process again.
3. Regarding the alleged endorsements. The term “endorsement” was never used by Sue Parisien. She never stated anywhere that either Gregoire or McKenna endorsed her. In fact, her web site specifically states who DOES endorse her. The comments attributed to them are simply statements that were IN FACT MADE. That they are not considered endorsements does not negate the validity of the statements.
4. You use the fact that Parisien did not quickly quote cases that were overturned as a reason why she wouldn't be a good Judge. Judges do not just throw case cites from the bench, they research and include those cites in their decisions – decisions that are generated after hearing all the evidence and evaluating the concepts that are brought before them.
5. You refer to compassion. Sue Parisien has been involved with making and delivering meals to Aids Patients.
6. You state: “... But his judicial philosophy of compassion for young offenders, who are often chewed up and spit out by the justice system, is more in line with our philosophy than his opponent's.”
“Judicial philosophy of compassion”? A juvenile beat a police officer so badly that he lost his job and any possibility of holding a steady job and his “judicial passion” resulted in a 30 DAY sentence. That’s the type of “sound judicial reasoning” The Stranger is endorsing?
Are We Better off Now Than We Were Four Years Ago?
A question has been put forward that has the Obama administration struggling to answer. “Are we better off now than we were four years ago?” What seems like a simple question that is asked of any politician seeking re-election seems to be a stumbling block for President Obama and his campaign. Over the next few months the campaign will try to craft and spin an answer to that question while ignoring the reality. Here are just a few of the facts that should not be overlooked.
National Debt
2009: 10.6 Trillion
Now: 16 Trillion
Food Stamps
2009: 32.2 million people enrolled
Now: 46.2 million people enrolled
2009: 7.8%
Now: 8.3%
Median Household Income
2009: $54,983
Now: $50,964
Gas Prices
2009: $1.85
Now: $3.80
Ever actually talk to this guy?
He's a schnook when it comes to education---a complete tool of the Corporate "Education" Privatization Movement and lately rumored to be the missing spawn of Michelle Rhee and Joel Klein.
During this year's session, he actually smirked and snorted at a special ed teacher and constituent when she went in to see him and talk about her challenges as an educator!
Carlyle has clearly been played by the so-called "Ed Reformers" and is in the pocket of the Astroturf Groups like "Stand for Children", "League of Education Voters", "Students First", "DEMOCRATS (yeah, right) For Education Reform", all Vichy/Potemkin Village fronts primarily supported by either Gates, Broad or Walmart (Walton), three "foundations" abusing their tax-exempt status to dominate the political dialogue when it comes to education.
Tuches Lecker!
Here's the question: Are you going to continue to let Carlyle play you, the way he's been played by the Wall Streeters posing as "progressives" and "reformers"? Or are you going to get real about something so obvious?
Ever actually talk to this guy?
He's a schnook when it comes to education---a complete tool of the Corporate "Education" Privatization Movement and lately rumored to be the missing spawn of Michelle Rhee and Joel Klein.
During this year's session, he actually smirked and snorted at a special ed teacher and constituent when she went in to see him and talk about her challenges as an educator!
Carlyle has clearly been played by the so-called "Ed Reformers" and is in the pocket of the Astroturf Groups like "Stand for Children", "League of Education Voters", "Students First", "DEMOCRATS (yeah, right) For Education Reform", all Vichy/Potemkin Village fronts primarily supported by either Gates, Broad or Walmart (Walton), three "foundations" abusing their tax-exempt status to dominate the political dialogue when it comes to education.
Tuches Lecker!
Here's the question: Are you going to continue to let Carlyle play you, the way he's been played by the Wall Streeters posing as "progressives" and "reformers"? Or are you going to get real about something so obvious?
Yeah, you blue bellies are stupid.
After four years of his leadership, he wants you to believe the Don't-worry-be-happy-paradise you're living in was the creation of him and all his power to mold a new america...but don't you DARE bring up that fact that there is a gorilla in the MUST LOOK FORWARD.
Please turn a blind eye to the crushing national dept, the failed businesses his admin. pumped money into, the failed foreign policy (who can forget the magical bowing tour...oh, I guess YOU can), the raised taxes (to get ocare passed Dear Leader pounded the FACT (let me be clear) that it wasn't a tax, but to defend at supreme court it WAS a tax after all...imposed on all of us), the golf games, the his and hers vacations, the introversion to anyone besides bros and hos, the stupidity of the Cambridge police, the shuttering of the nation's drilling breadbasket (hello gulf of mexico) due to his stupidity in the points of well completion..not leasing, not acquistion, not drilling..COMPLETION), the slang and the dialect...all in front of your eyes...and all to be ignored...because he's counting on your stupidity and that all you MUST do is vote for bho, despite what you see.
Prediction - Washington state will barely go blue this election...times, they are a changin'.
Hey, enjoy don't worry, be happy. Dear Leader is counting on you. You, the Sukah Chumps.
Couldn't we just take baby steps toward Decriminalization and non-discrimination (for employees and renters)? Or is the bottom line just money? I think it would be more prudent to try legalizing it once more states develop Medical Cannabis laws of their own. Under this administration it just seems crazy if you watch the news.
We CAN stop arresting brown and black kids without simultaneously opening marijuana stores. I've recently come around to voting for it because I want cops to focus on other things, but if it passes, cue the Fed in 5...4...3...2...
Ever actually talk to this guy?
He's a schnook when it comes to education---a complete tool of the Corporate "Education" Privatization Movement and lately rumored to be the missing spawn of Michelle Rhee and Joel Klein.
During this year's session, he actually smirked and snorted at a special ed teacher and constituent when she went in to see him and talk about her challenges as an educator!
Carlyle has clearly been played by the so-called "Ed Reformers" and is in the pocket of the Astroturf Groups like "Stand for Children", "League of Education Voters", "Students First", "DEMOCRATS (yeah, right) For Education Reform", all Vichy/Potemkin Village fronts primarily supported by either Gates, Broad or Walmart (Walton), three "foundations" abusing their tax-exempt status to dominate the political dialogue when it comes to education.
Tuches Lecker!
Here's the question: Are you going to continue to let Carlyle play you, the way he's been played by the Wall Streeters posing as "progressives" and "reformers"? Or are you going to get real about something so obvious?
The Stranger didn't even discuss the possible civil rights violations of using the system. Get pulled over for something? Look brown? Maybe Illegal? Oh yeah, lets use the Fingerprint ID system. What next? On the spot DNA swabs? It's not a big leap from Fingerprints to DNA. I expect better from you Stranger.
We don't need to the additional level of laws when same sex couples already have the rights. Even if we vote yes, there will still be those who deny their rights on Religious Moral grounds.
Initiative Measure 502 Vote Yes.
Since there is NO concrete science which backs the federal decision to ban it, Why not legalize it. At least we will not be funding Colombian Drug cartels and Terrorist groups. Making it legal will reduce the burden on courts and maybe we they can concentrate on keeping REAL threats OFF the streets AND out of our houses.
Vote NO on the Seawall bonds and you can force the city council to use up their non-voted debt capacity before Hansen's arena can. Then the council would have to get voter approval of the debt or exceed the debt limits they've put in place.
This site has more details about the debt limits and how it relates to the arena.
Surplus operating funds could be used to lower the debt burden of students; or hire faculty and teaching assistants; lower class sizes, increase class offerings. Remember the education mission? Since the UW has such a large surplus they certainly don't need to come to the legislature crying poor. $1.2 billion dollars in surplus operating funds in a $6 Billion budget is not too bad... . Perhaps the legislature should sweep those accounts when we look for money to pay for our paramount duty. Vote NO on 8223. See:
Projector Price
The allegations against Troy Kelley are not just baseless allegations, many of the charges against Kelley are quite well detailed by other traditionally liberal media. If Troy Kelley was a republican candidate The Stranger would have excoriated this guy with an entire issue devoted to detailing his nefarious acts, but as a Democrat you endorse him without even addressing his previous wholly unethical behavior?
I will admit that I am not a democrat. While I share a kinship on most social issues with democrats, I find big labor as repugnant and ignorant as big business. I am also not enamoured of fiscal irresponsibility (believe me, I understand that neither party has any claim to fiscal responsibility) or big government. However, I would rather deal with an ethical person with whom I disagree than a charlatan.
I try and reglarly read your paper to balance other news with that of a more liberal bent that you supply. I will also note that I never watch Fox News because I generally demand honesty and ethics in journalism. However, this election issue that substitutes name calling for analysis and endorses an unethical and unqualified candidate causes me to question your future journalistic value.
I think "dropping the ball" is an exceedingly poor characterization of drone strikes and the continued indefinite detention at Guantanomo. A better way would be to say "where he's killed innocent people or kept them locked them away in a legal limbo (Guantanomo, NDAA, assasination of american citizens, drone strikes on children gathering firewood, drone strikes on people trying to provide medical assistance to victims of drone strikes, drone strikes on those mourning the previous victims of drone strikes)." It's for those reasons that I'm not going to vote for Obama. Murderers don't need my help.
I think "dropping the ball" is an exceedingly poor characterization of drone strikes and the continued indefinite detention at Guantanomo. A better way would be to say "where he's killed innocent people or kept them locked them away in a legal limbo (Guantanomo, NDAA, assasination of american citizens, drone strikes on children gathering firewood, drone strikes on people trying to provide medical assistance to victims of drone strikes, drone strikes on those mourning the previous victims of drone strikes)." It's for those reasons that I'm not going to vote for Obama. Murderers don't need my help.
This could come out as a double comment, if it does, sorry. I think it was just eaten.
As for the law enforcement fingerprints levy, why vote for better and better fingerprinting when what we really need is crime prevention (aka jobs, education, social services, respect).
And why are we voting on a seawall levy (no pun intended)? Wasn't the cost of repairing the seawall supposed to be included in the cost of that expensive new road called the SR99 tunnel, which runs right alongside the seawall?
#78, you've lost me. You say the state will hold a monopoly on pot sales but I'm struggling to see the downside of that. Who's that hurting other than those selling it illegaly anyhow? Certainly not current medical dispensories who I'm sure are only going to drop their "green card" requirement and go public.
And what do you mean 'declares a black market on non state approved marijuana'? You mean to tell me folks would dare sell the chronic without state approval? *gasp* Don't quote me here but I think we've already got that.'ve got two third points by the way.
I think a "Yes" vote is really what the Stranger means to suggest.
P.S.: State Treasurer Jim McIntire (D) is a strong supporter of this resolution.
I think a "Yes" vote is really what the Stranger means to suggest.
P.S.: State Treasurer Jim McIntire (D) is a strong supporter of this resolution.
"There is no science to back them up. None. Zero. They're lying.
The scientific research that does exist shows people's blood levels of THC drop below the I-502 cutoff within a few hours, and always by the next day."
Your lying or choosing to be willingly ignorant.
Plenty of tests show daily consumers testing above 5 ng/ml the day after consuming, here is one example:…
Also you are purposely not mentioning how any one under 21 can get a DUI for up to 7 days after consumption.
Not to mention over 40% of the 10,000 arrests are people under 21, commonly in cars. Those arrests will continue.
Finkbeiner is a backstabbing weasel. No thanks.
Vote Rejected on 8223.
I know all you Capitol Hill-dwelling Stranger writers love to dis "Blahvue" and all the other 'burbs packed with educated, white collar-wearing, tech industry-working, active voters but... you shouldn't. Really.
It's an interesting phenom among you mostly carpet bagging barely-Seattlites who love to dis what you hardly know and it's one I've railed against for years (to little effect). Having been actually born on Capitol Hill and raised in Bellevue (and continuing to live there) and a diehard Dem, I kind of take issue with your sweeping, ignorant, outsider viewpoint empowered by ink and pixels.
Beyond that, we need the clarification of matters on suburban issues no less than Seattle voters need clarification on the seawall (or the monorail back in the day) and other local, niche issues that get people whipped into a froth.…
I'm sorry you guys are asshole murder-apologists now. Sad. The shit you said about Obama is pure INSANITY. Yes, he's committed terrible war crimes that were Bush's wet dreams, killed a ton of Pakistanis, vaporized Yemeni CHILDREN, assassinated American citizens, fired upon first responders at drone strike sites, and then bombed funerals and weddings! But it's cool, they're BROWN PEOPLE, and Seattle loves WHITE PEOPLE, yeah? We don't give a shit about people in other countries.
"Sure, there are issues—with presidents, there are always issues—where he's dropped the ball (drones, Gitmo, drones). Those are serious issues. But right now, President Obama needs our help. After all he's done for us, we owe him the opportunity to transform from a very good president into a truly great one in his second term."
"After all he's done for us..." Would that be the part where he gave our taxpayer money to a bunch of corporations so they could continue raping the country? Would that be deporting like a million brown people? How about offering up Social Security like a sacrificial lamb (something Bush could never touch)?
I'm sorry you guys are asshole murder-apologists now. Sad. The shit you said about Obama is pure INSANITY. Yes, he's committed terrible war crimes that were Bush's wet dreams, killed a ton of Pakistanis, vaporized Yemeni CHILDREN, assassinated American citizens, fired upon first responders at drone strike sites, and then bombed funerals and weddings! But it's cool, they're BROWN PEOPLE, and Seattle loves WHITE PEOPLE, yeah? We don't give a shit about people in other countries.
"Sure, there are issues—with presidents, there are always issues—where he's dropped the ball (drones, Gitmo, drones). Those are serious issues. But right now, President Obama needs our help. After all he's done for us, we owe him the opportunity to transform from a very good president into a truly great one in his second term."
"After all he's done for us..." Would that be the part where he gave our taxpayer money to a bunch of corporations so they could continue raping the country? Would that be deporting like a million brown people? How about offering up Social Security like a sacrificial lamb (something Bush could never touch)?
@75 Simpatico.
You were protesting when Bush was using drones right? You must have been the only one, because no one cared then.
Over 100,000 civilians were killed in the invasion of Iraq. We must have used a whole lot of drones.
If you really cared about brown people, you would vote for the guy who is pulling our troops out of the places they live, and killing far fewer civilians and far more terrorists than Bush did, or Romney will.
We live in a democracy, and most of the people want to use the military against terrorist threats. It is either invasion or drones. Anyone with any sense would choose drones. They are better in every way.
But you are not the one who would have to fight those battles on the ground, so why would you care, right?
@75 Solidarity
@94...Oooo, NAILED it.
@75 Solidarity
That is the same path my neighbor's eight year old takes when he has no good response either.
Ooh, are you going to call me "sheeple?"
I should have looked at your past posting history before realizing it would be pointless to engage with you. Nothing but hating on gays for wanting rights, white male apolgist crap, and uneducated nonsense about economics.
So what have you done to oppose military intervention in the middle east besides posting online? Or did you not care until the media used the term "drones" a few times?
If I cared a rat's ass (about "winning" anything against you), I'd look at your past posts and nail you on your "beliefs", but I AM SURE they'd be a shallow, angry and whiny repetition...just like your current post.
Just keep enjoying your warm little Seattle life.
Please vote "no" on prop 1.