News Jan 18, 2013 at 8:23 am


Drag, the Craigslist post has been deleted. As a lifelong Mexican, who even knows a few words of Spanish to drop into conversation, I am bereft at the loss of this great opportunity.
I know they are both south of capitol hill but Burien and Tacoma are actually two different places in two different counties.
Pack up the kids, ma. We're going to a pro-gun rally. Can you imagine what it will be like if somebody's gun goes off accidentally at this meeting of gun toters?
If you're not going to eat it, and it's not trying to eat you, you should not be shooting it. I'd like an executive order along those lines, please, Mr President.

Weird- I can still see the Craigslist post. Maybe it's cached on my computer. Here was the offending line: "Kitchen help needed. we are looking for an experienced Mexican to help around our kitchen."
@3, Light the Black Cats and dive for cover.

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