News Jan 30, 2013 at 4:00 am

The Mayor Courts Pot Entrepreneurs, the Governor Fends Off the Feds, and There's Still Almost Nowhere to Open a Pot Shop in Seattle

The yellow zones, mostly in industrial areas south of downtown, show where retail marijuana outlets would be allowed under I-502 (the blue zones show where medical marijuana co-ops are allowed under other regulations). While the densest neighborhoods—like Belltown and Capitol Hill—have zero yellow zones, the remaining few pockets in residential areas could become tiny marijuana districts. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT


ok i get that the feds frown on medical marijuana but that means theyre ok with people like me taking controlled substance meds that eat away at my liver ? my doctor will not let me smoke even though it would be better then pills!
Where can we find a larger copy of that image, please?
Why is it that its okay to have a church and gun shop on every block but not an herb store?
what the hell? why is there no yellow in fremont?!
Didn't Sensible Washington plan to file a petition to TRULY relegalize cannabis this year? ------
The less available these pot stores are the more people are either going to abuse the medical system, even more than they do now, or just keep getting it illegally, and not paying any tax. Not having a single shop on the entirety of capitol hill sounds like the stupidest plan I've ever heard of for attempting to regulate this market. Don't get me wrong, this is significantly better than the alternative but if this is how the control board wants to play it I don't see this ending in a victory for legal weed. At least, not with these rules. The rules have to be made to encourage these stores to do well. I understand through your reporting though, that it's probably going to take some changes in law, and moreover, action from the Federal Government that would treat these stores like the dude down the road selling alcohol, than a product they're attempting to stop from moving boarders. Ugg, what a mess. I wish I could be more excited.

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