
Hey Dominic - a family might be dead, frozen to death in the fucking wilderness. Is a pun really appropriate?
@1) I was holding out hope that they made a place to survive. It was supposed to be hopeful, crossing my fingers, not mean. Sorry if it came off that way.
Hey Dominic - a government might be spying on its citizens and manipulating everyone's lives for the worse, homeless people might die of exposure to the cold, and drivers might get into fatal accidents on slick roads. Are puns really appropriate?
@3) I was holding out hope that they would start tracking me on Grindr, not just gamers, and that Seattle would become a balmy paradise. Sorry if it came off wrong.
"holding out hope?"

Dominic, Hold-in hope.
Need a hug Dominic?
@6) I'll pay you $60, bro.
I've got to hand it to the NSA spooks who persuaded management to pay them to play WoW. That's some good work.
That pun is beautiful.
Hey Dominic,
Meet me on Grindr and I'll hug you for free!
When liberal cities create ordinances to regulate snuggling, you know we have entered dark times indeed, friend.
Madison, Wisconsin must surely be a paradise, if the city fathers are so bereft of civic troubles that they need to focus their legislative efforts on a "snuggling parlor." I'm glad they've filled all the potholes, kept all the streets swept and the rubbish picked up regularly, retimed all the traffic signals to expedite traffic, cured the downtown parking problems, upgraded their water filtration plant, inspected all the restaurants and supermarkets, made sure all their residents are immunized and safely housed, hired enough social workers to look in on all seniors, children, and the unemployed periodically, converted all the city vehicles to zero-emissions, and made sure all residents have access to well-equipped libraries, parks and playgrounds. Now, having done all that, they have time to concentrate on imaginary problems. Well done.

I'm just trying to imagine what a Guild comprised exclusively of NSA employees would look like.
Start raising money for the SLOG legal defense fund...

If websites are subject to liability for failing to remove third-party content whenever someone objects, they will be subject to the ‘heckler’s veto,’ giving anyone who complains unfettered power to censor speech,” according to briefs filed Nov. 19 by lawyers for Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Amazon, Gawker and BuzzFeed, among others.…
I am curious if $60/hr would be paying for snuggling from U of Wisconsin college cuties or a "professional" who happened to look like Paul Giamatti.
@15: You are the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
Maybe he's just lonely.
@16: I'd pay $60 an hour for Paul Giamatti.
@19, I was going to say! One could do worse than a Paul Giamatti snuggle.

Also, paying NSA employess to find terrorists on Second Life? Hahahahhahhh. Ohhhh my, hahahahahaha. (wiping eyes). Do the analysts also frequent the Brony sites, or the thousands of sex or gambling sites? I mean where else are you going to find terrorists? Do they shop for clothes for their avatars (If they don't, they'll stand out very distinctly)? Are taxpayers paying for their virtual clothing and the "scripts" needed to animate their avatars to make them look more "natural." Who is watching the watchers, anyway, as they spend their days at the office playing video games? I guess I can see if they followed a real lead, or followed the money into SL from the real world. Aside from situations like that, how high has the payoff been, since to me it sounds like they're spending a lot of money in trolling* other players who are presumed innocent. Presumably.…

A terrorist who wanted to be anonymous would have meetings with other terrorists in transient locations and use voice, not text, so that the meeting is never recorded. Then they can change their avatar after the meeting, by cancelling that account and starting another. And if there is no credit card on file (you really don't need money to do most things), they are anonymous to Second Life as a real person. Simple steps which I'm sure nefarious people are well aware of.

I want to know where the NSA employees go to find terrorists in SL among the 50,000 players online at each given moment. Do the analysts "observe" worshippers at the many mosques throughout SL? Do they join the Arabs playing Parchcheesi at popular Arabic SL sites and start asking leading questions (giggling)?…

*old definition of "trolling," more similar to trawling.

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