
No doubt Gregg Jarrett will find a way to blame Obama.
The republican excuse wagon on climate change would be funny if it weren't so sad.

I don't think I recall ever seeing a group trying so desperately to ignore the elephant in the room.
The GATES FOUNDATION needs a phase-in of the $15MW? Excuse me while I vomit a little in my mouth.

No one can deny global warming.

That's why we need Dow Constantine to build hydrogen stations.

Why isn't he?

@4: Because hydrogen is not a fuel supply, you twit.
@4: Probably because he is way, way smarter than you.

Largest H2 bus fleet unveiled

Europe’s largest hydrogen fuel cell bus fleet was officially launched at the All-Energy 2014 exhibition and conference in Aberdeen this week, marking a major milestone for the Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project, in which BOC is a key partner.

The Aberdeen City Council-led bus project, which is being part-funded by the Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board, the council, the Scottish Government, as well as a range of other public and private sector partners, will be the largest single demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell buses in Europe.

This project will position Aberdeen as pioneers in zero emission public transport in the UK and provide a pathway to long-term improvements in air quality. It is the most high profile of a range of projects designed to create a sustainable hydrogen economy in the city and act as a catalyst for other projects in the region and beyond.…

You get the idiot of the week award, you twit.
creating a sub-minimum "training wage," set at 85 percent of the new minimum for all new employees.

How about a compromise? Allow a sub-minimum "training" wage while making all unpaid internships flat-out illegal.

you girls walked right into that....
@2 Urgutha Forka: For the win!
Our only remaining way out is to boycott Republican PAC-bought government stupidity,
including anything manufactured by the following:

Koch Industries, Goldman Sachs, Peabody Coal, SSA Marine, McDonald's,
Wal*Mart, KFC, ad nauseum.
Myself, along with anyone else that grows their own food, embraces the new warmer weather with open arms. Bring on those extra heat units! Now maybe we can grow some decent, big ass beefsteak tomatoes.

Who says all climate change is bad?
@9 That's a good idea. Unpaid internships should go. Seems like a fair trade. (Just curious, do you count internships for school credit as "paid" or "unpaid?")
Don't get frustrated over the "minimum wage". Just collect signatures. Things are looking up for workers. It will be slow progress. The momentum is building. I'm sure you all knew that anyway. Check out this article from back East.…

I consider that worse than unpaid, since you're paying tuition to the school and working for a business or non-profit for free.

What gets my goat about the sub-minimum "training" wage is that we already have that. The training wage in the United States is $0.
Re Gerrymandering: I’ve always believed that, other than borders created by state boundary lines, Federal law should require that (intrastate) congressional district boarders should have to be straight lines meeting or intersecting at ninety degree angles.
@12, well it's just that optimal photosynthesis takes place at about 25C, and declines rapidly past that temperature. Believe me, your tomatoes grow better at 75F than at 90F. Higher CO2 in the air doesn't contribute to higher rates of photosynthesis either; that graph is maxed out at current levels. So, with increased global warming, plant growth will decline*, making it MORE difficult to take CO2 out of the air, compounding ITS effect on climate change.… (see graph 3.8.8)

*and we're not even talking about global warming's contribution to drought or the health of soil organisms on which plants depend- which also effect plant growth obviously.
Lame, Dom. LAME.

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