

Thanks for that map of No Sale Cities.

My ideal area in which to live would have a dramatically falling population.

Although if I wait (or live) long enough, it will surely happen here.
Chart: Eleven states will have breached a $9 minimum wage by 2018.…
My friend once said that Spokane is where hope goes to die.
kind of a stretch to call most of those towns "cities". Yuma, AZ? it's <100K.
@ raindrop, aren't you cute.

George W. Bush? The same guy that started 2 wars and put it all on a national credit card for the next generation to pay for? The same guy who ushered in the housing bubble and great recession? That's the guy you want to use as an example for unemployment?
@5: I notice you omit the second half of 2008 going into 2009, which was when the shit hit the fan under Bush just in time for him to leave office and for all the Republicans to blame his mess on Obama.
@1 "My ideal area in which to live would have a dramatically falling population."

I was briefly distracted by our dear raindrop, but you may find Conakry, Guinea to your liking.
…There is no cure for Ebola, but in theory the disease should be easy to fight, [Dr. Peter] Piot told CNN.

"You need really close contact to become infected. So just being on the bus with someone with Ebola, that's not a problem."

Simple hygienic measures like washing with soap and water, not re-using syringes, and avoiding contact with infected corpses are sufficient to stop spread of the disease, Piot said…

Fearsome storm pounding the East Coast:…
Anyone know why there is a picture of HELGA ESTEB on the main paige linking to this post? I mean... I don't have a problem with the actress, per se, but I just spent the better part of my morning clicking through and reading all of the links looking for any reference to.... OOOOOooooooh.
Never mind... I'm an idiot. The picture is Martha Plimpton and the caption is crediting the photographer. Forgive me... I'm new at internet.
How come no reporting of this?

Site of 1976 'Atomic Man' accident to be… (at Hanford)
So does anyone know any more about the light rail shooting the other day?
Since Forward Seattle advocates a $12.50 minimum with no carve-outs, I think they would say Germany isn't doing enough for low-wage workers.

But I'm not surprised they aren't returning the Stranger's calls lately.
Rick warren is a good man. Even if he truly didn't want any openly homosexual employees, he would not mistreat the one's that might be employed there. besides that is like GLAAD employing openly heterosexual employees.not going to happen.

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