From that video, it looks like Meinert was definitely shoving some. I'd like to see some of the video from KOMO or whoever that was with the big camera trained on them.
Meinert looks more like the aggressor in that video. I'm a big supporter of many of Dave's past political efforts and stances, but his seems a bit like a spin to me. This isn't very good reporting...
@3 agree, Meinert was indeed blocking the door and shoved as good as he got. When I came to read this thread and view this video I was all set to defend Meinert, and though I won't defend Wells here, Meinert is not the martyr he has made himself out to be.
If I hadn't already voted for prop 1, I would vote against it just because that douche Meinert is for it. He's everything that's wrong with Seattle. Barf.
Typical democratic party establishment drama. Someone disagrees and might mess up our press op? Better move it inside to a smaller room and hide. Oh they are trying to come in, just stand in the way till the speech is over.
When in doubt call people aggressors and agitators.
No parks levy has ever failed, the district is a solution in search of a problem. Like funneling city light into the general fund, this is another way for the city council and mayor to obscure where and how our money is spent without any accountability.
The reason we keep needing new parks levies is because the council keeps buying new parks for photos and publicity, but they fail to provide maintenance funding to keep it going ( exactly like roads projects ) because this actually leaves of a trail of responsibility, they want complete oversight with a parks district.
I think the folks with the signs were pretty damn obnoxious, and I probably wouldn't have hurried to get out of their way either. Further, if one of them had shoved into me while carrying a large sign inside, I might well have shoved back. Not persuaded one bit by the obnoxious sign wielders.
I'm not a Meinart fan, actually mostly ambivalent, but if some loudmouth with a crowd wants to make a scene and my daughter is standing next to me, you bet your sweet ass I'm standing up the first chucklehead I see.
When will the Stranger feature a column with a political issue and Anna can wax naively on it as she does with those old records. Oh wait, she already does with everything she writes...
@4 The Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce as endorsed 4 measures since its rebirth in 2007; pro-same sex marriage, pro-housing levy, pro-transit levy and now pro-parks on Prop 1. Not exactly the right wing lobby that you are thinking of...
if you are still confused please know that the Capitol Hill Chamber has no association w/ the US Chamber of Commerce, never has, never will. This is a fact that seems to daily confuse most Stranger writers as well as savvy commenters such as yourself.
@6 I'm not sure what, exactly, I need defending from but I'm doing just fine, thanks anyway.
Taking a 4-year-old to a meeting that could possibly include argument (and this issue definitely has, in the public meetings I've seen) is stupid. Meinert should show some guts and not use his daughter as a shield.
This is just an effort to unfairly discredit legitimate concerns of the gray haired people. As a matter of fact, Tina Podlodowski will not be voting for this initiative because she knows funds have been mismanaged and she does not want to contribute more to this dysfunctional government entity.
I hope this initiative goes down. I really do. It's bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Let's allow the City Council to add hundreds of dollars in property taxes, even if you're barely getting by on fixed income, so we can pay for the pet projects of Downtown interests, like a fancy waterfront park, or so we can shovel more money into the aquarium, or maybe help with the tunnel - what the hell! Let's privatize Discovery Park. Let's sell some of their land for condos! Let's squeeze hundreds of dollars extra out of property owners so we can run and hand it over to the friends of the council. And let's do it through a system that CAN'T BE UNDONE, and that we'll never be able to vote on again. Let's hand them over our balls so they can squeeze them forever. And to convince them, let's hype up this supposed "maintenance backlog" (good phrase!) - let's sell it that way - and let's put up lots of pictures with green on them - Seattlelites like green; they trust green - and then we'll talk about how we're undoing the work of Tim Eyman - EVERYONE hates Tim Eyman - and say that you either vote to support your parks, or you vote against because you support Tim Eyman. Then we can have carte blanche to raise hundreds of dollars from each property owner and we don't even have to spend it on parks, because the initiative allows us to spend it however we see fit, and there's no citizen oversight and they can never vote on it again! Perfect!
Fuck. That.
Fuck that!
"Look! All our majors are supporting it! Our government and civic leaders! The aquarium and the zoo! The Muni League, man! Dave Fucking Meinert! Who cares about the League of Women Voters, those old broads."
Fuck that.
The Stranger missed the boat on this by several miles. This IS a big deal.
@27: Yet you requested the press who attended not to report on what was discussed in your closed (not open) meeting, so that information is a guarded secret, isn't it?
Nice to see you showing your traditional devolvement into invective in no time.
No on Prop One! Why in the world would I vote to allow to give our Sallyworld City Council the ability to levy taxes on homeowners at will? If you want to pass a tax hike for specific parks projects, pass a levy. Prop One is a disaster.
The only press who attended were Chamber members. They agreed that it was a members only information gathering discussion and agreed not to report on the conversation.
The Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce as endorsed 4 measures since its rebirth in 2007; pro-same sex marriage, pro-housing levy, pro-transit levy and now pro-parks on Prop 1. [...]
the Capitol Hill Chamber has no association w/ the US Chamber of Commerce, never has, never will.
and @31:
The only press who attended [CHCC's meeting at Elliot Bay Books about minimum wage] were Chamber members. They agreed that it was a members only information gathering discussion and agreed not to report on the conversation.
I have first-hand knowledge that the factual assertions quoted above are accurate, and based on my experience as a founding and current member of the Capitol Hill Chamber's board of directors, I concur with the prediction that the organization will never be associated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Something ain't right here...
When in doubt call people aggressors and agitators.
No parks levy has ever failed, the district is a solution in search of a problem. Like funneling city light into the general fund, this is another way for the city council and mayor to obscure where and how our money is spent without any accountability.
The reason we keep needing new parks levies is because the council keeps buying new parks for photos and publicity, but they fail to provide maintenance funding to keep it going ( exactly like roads projects ) because this actually leaves of a trail of responsibility, they want complete oversight with a parks district.
if you are still confused please know that the Capitol Hill Chamber has no association w/ the US Chamber of Commerce, never has, never will. This is a fact that seems to daily confuse most Stranger writers as well as savvy commenters such as yourself.
@6 I'm not sure what, exactly, I need defending from but I'm doing just fine, thanks anyway.
Silly to block a doorway and childish to shove. Be polite and say, "Excuse me asshole." That should work.
Fuck. That.
Fuck that!
"Look! All our majors are supporting it! Our government and civic leaders! The aquarium and the zoo! The Muni League, man! Dave Fucking Meinert! Who cares about the League of Women Voters, those old broads."
Fuck that.
The Stranger missed the boat on this by several miles. This IS a big deal.
Nice to see you showing your traditional devolvement into invective in no time.
Invective? Please...
and @31:
I have first-hand knowledge that the factual assertions quoted above are accurate, and based on my experience as a founding and current member of the Capitol Hill Chamber's board of directors, I concur with the prediction that the organization will never be associated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.