
I had no idea I was a satanist!
God bless those Satanists
What if Rosemary had an abortion? Huh, Satanists? What about that?
I would have thought Wicca would be a leader in protecting women's reproductive health. I hope this starts to give Scalia migraines.
The Stranger and its readers applauding Satanists?

Color me surprised!
@6 It's a chess game of imaginary gods.
The slog writer seems to support women being uninformed about all aspects of aborting a child.

Why does thr slog writer (lol) hate women and want them making uninformed choices?

Information = bad!
Dead baby = good!

@7, and @6 wanders in and yells KING ME
6, you do get that they aren't really satanists, right?
@ 6, the "the satanic temple" are not "actually worship the devil as a deity" satanists (which is why they are far from popular with the silly Crowley crowd), they are satanists as in how various (pre-)enlightenment figures like Milton, Blake, etc (and even going back to gnostic texts) presented Lucifer and his defiance of heaven as a promethean symbol for free will and humanism. Which is also the theme for many of the more intelligent death/trash-metal bands at the moment like Lamb of God, ArchEnemy, DevilDriver and Behemoth.
i assume most members are actually atheists with maybe the occasional agnostic and wiccan/pagan thrown in.
essentially they started this "church" to fight those "Christians" who cant get their heads around the separation of church and state using their own game, hence why they for example raised money to put a statue of Baphomet next to a statue to glorify the ten commandments on the Oklahoma state house lawn:…
because if Christians can do it, everyone should be able to get the same. Its like the church of the flying spaghetti monster that was started to combat creationism being taught in public schools.
this aikido move with the hobby lobby ruling is exactly in that line.

which you would have known if you would have bothered to click the link provided in the article:…
@11: We give "The Holy Roman Catholic Church" the benefit of the doubt for being "Christians", so I think the Satanic Temple qualifies as "Satanists".

I didn't need to click a link. I'm aware these are irreligious delayed adolescents believing in nothing but irritating others.

A true atheist I can disagree with and still respect, if with pity. A child playing games using taxpayer funded courts as their playground, not at all.

Which is a big part of their appeal to lefty loonies. All of you are fodder mentality at best. All have a laughably immature social, political and (in the case of lefty loonies) economic worldview.

To which you're entitled. It's only when you attack property rights, morality, family and basic Constitutional liberties decent people care what you "think" at all.
Auto correct replaced toddler mentality with fodder mentality. Oh well, it's a sunny day and I'm off to enjoy it it.

'Enjoy' is a word you lefties might try to understand, in passing. Rather than bitch and moan how it isn't faaaaiiiirrrr and blame others for your problems and generally throw temper tantrums, you might take charge of and find joy in your own lives.
"It's only when you attack property rights, morality, family and basic Constitutional liberties"


"Rather than bitch and moan how it isn't faaaaiiiirrrr and blame others for your problems and generally throw temper tantrums, you might take charge of and find joy in your own lives. "

says the guy who throws temper tantrums every time when the supreme court says gay people and women and such have basic constitutional liberties

not sure whether trolling or massive cognitive dissonance
@15: Your utter lack of self awareness is always so delicious.

Rather than bitch and moan how it isn't faaaaiiiirrrr and blame others for your problems and generally throw temper tantrums, you might take charge of and find joy in your own life.

Take your own advice.
@17 - It's no use. He's enjoying a sunny day.
Okay, fun's over guys. Let's get back to our original secret discussions about starting impure sex-orgy rituals to get Satan McLucifer into office so he can destroy family values.
I refuse to believe that dude's real name is "Lucien".

Otherwise, go Satanists.
Man, Seattleblues seems to almost be on the verge of discovering our secret leftie agenda of equal opportunity for all people and freedom from religious tomfoolery. Better back quietly away...
'Enjoy' is a word you lefties might try to understand, in passing. Rather than bitch and moan how it isn't faaaaiiiirrrr and blame others for your problems and generally throw temper tantrums, you might take charge of and find joy in your own lives.

Because the legalization of marijuana in Washington state was brought about by the fearless right wing! Oh, and access to birth control, making enjoying sex less prone to unwanted disease or unplanned pregnancy. Oh, and various social safety nets to make life generally better for all...

Thank GOD for the right wing for all they do for us!
Thanks for making the Satanists America's new voice of reason, Supreme Asswipes.

Trying to reason with SB and their ilk is like trying to stare directly into the sun for an hour and not incur severe retinal damage - simply cannot be done.
Oh look, Seattleblues stopped by to remind everyone that he never has any fucking clue what he is talking about.
@14: As an atheist, allow me to elucidate the reasons why, if I believe in the Christian god, I would be a Satanist:

I believe that I have an obligation to help others where I can, and that harming others is evil. Thus, a God who damns ANYONE to an eternity of torment is the most evil being possible. There is no sin which a mortal can commit which deserves an eternity of pain and suffering. That is the definition of unjust, as there is no proportionality between sin and punishment. Thus, if I felt that God were a good theory to explain our universe (he is not, as Sean Carroll explains nicely here:…), I would be unable to worship such an evil being.

And that's not even getting into the questions such as "is free will worth allowing evil/suffering" and "if God could prevent natural disasters, why doesn't he" and "why does God terminate so many pregnancies?"

You worship a profoundly evil concept, and seek to lecture me on morality.

Fuck that.
I'll say this for the Satanists:
They've never rounded up all the Jews in an entire country and forced them to convert or be tortured to death.

Also: what does "Satan" mean? "Adversary". The original meaning and understanding of that Hebrew word was of an angel playing the role of prosecuting attorney. It was later reimagined by Christians as a supernatural manifestation of evil so that they'd have someone to blame things on rather than take responsibility for their own actions or confront difficult questions of theodicy.

@15: Go ahead and enjoy your sunny day. I just spent most of MY day hard at work.
@3 for the laugh of the day.

@14/15 for the lecture of the day. (I'm an agnostic and I would never be this patronizing.)
When I imagine Seattleblues enjoying a sunny day, I imagine a crotchety old toothless man in farmer johns with no shirt on sitting in a rocking chair on a porch, pointing a rifle at the neighborhood kids.

I'm sure that my mind is completely accurate.
@26: A shorter version of all your points can be found in enjoyable "Good Guy Lucifer" meme form by clicking here. My favorite is probably the first one, though it's certainly not the funniest.

The rest of you trying to convince Seattleblues of his idiocy would better spend your time trying to squeeze blood from a stone. He's too deeply wrapped up in his flavor of the Dunning-Kruger effect to be swayed.
Satanists will see their membership explode in not too long of a time, I guess. Good for them !
@30. Thank you for that (the first link). I like, "Clothes: You're welcome."

As for Dunning-Kruger, SB could be a case study.
Keep in mind that Satanism is basically just Ayn Randian Objectivism, with some additional religion-derived iconography and ritual stuff. Hobby Lobby bros and C.o.S. dudes probably have the same copy of The Fountainhead on their bookshelves! At least the Satanists have a sense of humor tho.....

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