
and detroit's police chief is encouraging residents to arm themselves to defend against any attackers.…
Police tell Detroiters to buy guns in city riven by race issues and crime

City police chief has encouraged residents to arm themselves as stark racial disparities in ‘shoot first’ laws become clear

“There’s a lot of stuff going on around here. We watch the news, and every day it’s something,” says 37-year-old Tanisha Moner, a former hospital administrator.

When Moner was 17, she was raped and robbed at gunpoint at a pay phone in Detroit. Four years later, 21-year-old Moner was attending Wayne State University in the city and working as a manager at a Burger King on the side. One morning, while she was counting money in her Burger King office, she was once again robbed at gunpoint and left in the fast-food restaurant’s freezer. After that, Moner says she became petrified of guns and loud noises.

“Finally, two years ago I said, I’m either going to let my fear overcome me, or I am going to beat my fear. So I got my [concealed pistol license] in the event that something else should ever happen.”

Moner carries her $650 fourth-generation Glock 19 most places she goes.
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
The suspect in Bellevue's Burger King stabbing has dozens of court records as a defendant, one even for assaulting a law enforcement officer. If the LEO "neutralized the threat", Bellevue may have had one fewer homicide this year.

Probably another white forty-something shithead off his meds.
I thought Cienna was already a regular Stranger staffer?
CIENNA!!!!!! Now I feel happy.
Urgutha, you are correct--I was a staffer but I quit in December. But here I am again! Taking a break from my regularly scheduled breakfast martini to contribute to the scrolling slush of internet ennui!

@7 - Welcome back, even if only temporarily! It's great seeing you.
Now quick, someone lock her in the office so she can't get away again!
While I'm of the general opinion that the Police have become a militarized gang that answers only to itself, the Washington Post article is just about the most biased, hatchet piece I've ever read.

IE: Brown is a mild-mannered timid kid who was only stealing as a "prank".

Wilson is a tortured soul from a broken home with a criminal for a mother. (No mention of the status of Brown's parents is included - he's staying with his saintly grandmother).

The co-conspirator is the only witness quoted in the first 3/4th of the article - only towards the end does it mention what the other (conflicting) views are.

Also, if I'm walking down the middle of the street and a cop tells me to get on the f---- sidewalk. I don't f-ing argue with him. I get on the f-ing sidewalk.
Now I want a breakfast martini too!
@7: FANTASTIC!!!! We love Cienna. Also, I love that your profile image is in the 3rd line of google image results for Cienna (first for Cienna Madrid).
RE: Cienna. Go girl! Everyone is rooting for you. (Yes, I know she won't read this.)

I'm glad to read she's doing well and eating well. One of the better stories out there - thanks for reporting it. Nice to read some happy news.

Looking forward to a week's worth of a much improved Slog.

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