can someone explain why Seattleites use the word 'needy' to refer to people who benefit from social services or charities? I've noticed that people in other parts of the country tend to prefer words like 'disadvantaged' or 'poor' which seem more specific and less derogatory...
You demand to live in Ballard, Fremont, The Hill, and you want reasonable rent? Talk about "entitled", you need to get a grip. Go live in the South End.
Ugh. Only place I can afford in Seattle anymore is a flophouse in the ID. But at least it's a convenient walk to heroin. Might as well move to fucking NY and be poor there. At least they have rent control, not to mention a cooler everything.
And I'd like free ice cream and some oral sex, in that order.
will any non-profits that turned it down go on record as to why? i'd imagine it's upkeep expense.
it will get demolished sure as the sun rises in the east.
What's the alternative? Like, keep the sale locked up in court until all the residents die of old age and then who cares?…