Still, I read the voter pamphlets with interest because it's kind of funny (in a depressing "What the fuck are you people doing with my tax money" way) to see the lies trying to justify each sides arguments and the puff biographies on candidates.
Because I'm living abroad, which makes it a big pain in the ass to vote. Plus I'm registered in the SF Bay area, where I can trust my ex-neighbors to make Blue decisions for me for any big elections. For the local initiatives, I don't feel that I should be voting on them at all, as I won't be affected by them.
Because I moved out of state just before the elections, too late to vote in my new state and I didn't think it was right to vote in WA since I was not going to be there to deal with the repercussions of my vote.
Why is that?
Eli is not asking "Tell me your votes" but "Why didn't you vote?"
It's a question and people are free to ignore it.
Where in the Constitution does it say that Eli can't ask "Why didn't you vote?" Huh? Tell me.
Some dipshit I know on Facebook refused to vote in Indiana elections because they use fully-computerized voting with no paper trail and he was concerned about security/accountability.
Mind, these are valid concerns, but his reaction thus far was "fuck it, I won't vote, but I'll bitch about it on Facebook instead of bringing my concerns to someone who would do something about it."
A lot of people didn't vote in my area (Minnesota) because some employers are dicks and, despite the laws against this, don't give people time off to vote when the polls are open. We only this cycle switched to no-reason-needed early voting, so no one knew about it.
I live on the east side and considered not voting in the 4th District race because I can't stand either candidate. Ultimately, I voted for the lesser of two evils and picked Newhouse because I don't think Didier should even be allowed to visit the Capitol, let alone work there. But filling out that bubble on the ballot made me feel a little sick.
I voted, but I just want to comment on your picture of the voting machine...
I hate our new voting tech. Filling in the stupid ovals on the paper for the scanner with a pen is fiddly and time-consuming and I have no idea what happens if I don't fill it in enough or stray outside the oval, or how much is enough to validate or invalidate my vote. The lever machines were quick and definitive. "Click, click, click... KLUNK," and you were all done, with no doubt as to whether you did your part right.
We were still using those up to about two years ago. I miss them.... sniff!
Its embarrassing to have such low turn out when all you have to do now is fill out a scantron and put it in the mail. I voted. I don't understand how anyone fails to vote when it now takes almost no effort whatsoever.
I voted, but I would think the answer was obvious. Unless people are paying a lot of attention to local issues, everything at the national level is so toxic that people have been driven into a protective shell of apathy to prevent going insane.
I blame the Democrats. For YEARS (again, perhaps my entire life), Republicans have driven all the debates, have driven all the tone, and have driven all the VOCABULARY. "Liberal" is a bad word. Heck, "Elite" is a bad word - THAT'S how bad it's gotten. Through it all, no candidate actually cares enough to push for progress - they all run away from Obama and any progressive ideals, trying to be come conservatives because they're scared of losing the moderate vote. Well, guess what - as you've found out, if you do that enough, you discourage your liberal "base". And don't get me started on Obama himself, who has accomplished many things but on the same time has gone back on so many campaign promises with regard to war, civil liberties, torture, etc. that he's contributed to the cynicism himself.
Find me a single Democrat this cycle who campaigned on actual achievements rather than campaigning defensively. I'm sick of the whole process, and have completely lost faith in the ability of things to get better. Unless a ballot was mailed to my apartment and it was as easy as making a few swipes of a pen to vote (which it was, and it is), I'm not sure I could have mustered enough fucks to give to vote.
"out of absolute indifference and weariness and exhaustion from the lies, treachery and deceit of the political class that has been going on for generations"?
I did vote, but I refused to bubble in all the dots next to candidates running un-opposed. If they have to appear on the ballot for some reason, just make it one "unopposed candidate party vote" bubble and be done with it.
@16 I think mailing in a blank ballot counts as voting. And that's the only way to make a political statement about abstaining. I routinely leave half the ballot blank for various reasons.
Because I'm registered in Pierce County but temporarily living in Whatcom County, and even though I made sure well ahead of time that the election people had my correct mailing address, I didn't get a ballot! And since I was not able to swing down to Pierce County before the election and it was too late to have them send another, I was fucked, yet again. This also happened to my boyfriend who is registered in King County and a friend who I believe recently registered in Whatcom County - so he was able to vote on election day at an office. I wonder how many others simply didn't get a ballot and couldn't get another sent in time.
@22 as usual Ken your view is narrow and mis-informed....REPULSICANS are trying to stop the brown people and the poor from voting...they do not consider them to be people.
@21 If you went to all the trouble you're claiming, how is it that you don't know you could have printed out a ballot and mailed it in?
Everyone I know voted, or at least was tired enough of my hectoring to lie to me, except the bitcoin enthusiast, whose insistence on not voting until electronic identity measures are instituted actually wore me out.
@11 That's not a punch card machine. That's a mechanical tabulating lever-operated voting machine. It's like an ancient adding machine, and sounds like one, too. The vote results appear on a bunch of little number wheels in the back when the inspectors open it. I don't think they ever had these in Florida.
The first campaign I ever worked on was for the state legislature in 1970. Thanks to voting machines, we knew the results by 8:45 PM.
Immediately after voting ended, poll workers posted a printout of that precinct's votes. We had spotters at each precinct, and they phoned in the results.
What @13 and @36 said, but I think there's also this: After pot and gay marriage, which both felt like huge, important "wave" issues, it's been harder to get excited about shit like Metro funding and class sizes for pre-schools. I think there's a little burnout after a series of You Must Fucking Vote elections. I mean, I know they're all supposed to be YMFV elections, but the fact is some people end up subtly prioritizing, and for whatever reason, for many, this one got deprioritzed.
I didn't vote because I didn't want the location of my residence to be a matter of public record that the crazy family members I don't keep in touch with could use to find me.
Yep. Our corporate overlords own the government but not those courageous democrats, clear voices for the people! But they own the Republican party and propagandize their lies through the press! And they own the voting apparatus, criminally tilting it republican! It's all because Republicans hate brown people and people who chose poverty! Let's see- what talking points from Huff Po and the other clowncar sites did I miss?
Do facts matter to you at all? For instance dems pull as much corporate money for elections as Republicans. And in no case has a link between policy and lobbying or campaign contributions been established, that didn't result in prosecution. The press in this country has a strong liberal bias, not a conservative one. This despite Americans being largely centrist or center right.
So really your problem is with your fellow citizens. Who aren't "low information" fyi, they just don't buy the lefty line of obvious bs.
Two non-binding advisory votes, monorail part 17, a million judicial races (which shouldn't even be elected positions), the competing preschool initiatives clusterfuck, a Chopp/Spear do-over even though Chopp won 80-20 three months ago.... I think it's the people who *did* vote that ought to have to explain themselves here.
It's some massive bullshit how many votes we're subjected to in this region. We get a primary ballot and a general election ballot every single year, and, with all the levies we have to deal with, we get at least three ballots every year. I'm much more politically aware than the average person, and yet, occasionally, I'll get a ballot in the mail, and I'm like, what the fuck is this for?
It should be legally mandated that no more than two ballots get sent out to voters per year. The levy blowhards will just have to get their precious babies included on the general election ballot.
You might let your stepson know that he doesn't actually have to put a stamp on his ballot. USPS is supposed to deliver them whether they're stamped or not.
I voted, doorbelled, canvassed, petitioned, attended local, state and federal candidate debates, and am actively protesting this hostile corporate takeover. Don't anybody come crying to me.
I don't know if it makes you feel better, but that link you posted has me at the address I moved away from last year and the address my boyfriend moved away from two years ago. Even if you registered, it would take your family a couple of years to catch up with you.
@ 21 - even if you are in the wrong county, you can vote! Just go to the elections office on election day or even a day or two early and you can vote a provisional ballot. You will only be able to vote on state-wide issues (nothing from their local ballot that wouldn't be on yours anyway). No excuses! Come on, figure your shit out, people.
Seattleblues is revealing how deeply the accusations of lying and bigotry sting him by throwing it back at people where it doesn't even make sense. Seriously, how is it bigotry when someone accuses the Rethugs of racism?
If all the media and the ads are a big screaming mess of hate and vitriol and failure, who on earth would want to be a part of it? It seems to me that by design or simple idiocy the right leaning media has made politics too toxic for the average person to want to take part.
For the record, I voted mainly because it's just so easy to do so here in WA. If I was commuting to a regular 10hr a day job and had to go out of my way to a polling place? Eh, maybe, maybe not.
Nationwide vote by mail should be the norm, with polling stations left for same day registrations of the people who just moved.
People who don't vote are directly responsible for shitty government and they should be publicly shamed. Here in Washington, with mail voting, there really is no excuse.
For those that didn't like any of the candidates, vote for the least objectionable. If you think not voting sends a message, you're dead wrong. The winner doesn't care, the loser doesn't care, and the media doesn't care. All you proved is that you don't understand how the system works.
For those that say they don't want the uninformed to vote, I have bad news. The most uninformed, those that get disinformation from Fox News, Breitbart, hate radio, and Alex Jones are already voting. We need regular people who are mildly uninformed to counter the actively stupid.
For those that say your vote doesn't count, when you don't vote, you vote for the status quo, whether you intend to or not. Write in a better candidate, don't vote for anyone in a particular race if you want, but you should vote and if you don't, you're a bad person and you should feel bad.
For those of you too lazy to vote (really most if the above since these are really merely excuses), you can take a few minutes away from jacking off to Jennifer Lawrence's photos or watching "Honey Boo Boo" or whatever the holy fuck it is that you are doing that you find more important than your family, your friends, your neighbors, your city, and your state.
I voted but my vote won't count. Washington does have a voter ID law that disenfranchises, it's called signature verification. I can type 150wpm but I can't write my signature the same ever. I failed penmanship in grade school while also being in honors classes. The voting bureaucracy people suggest I get two neighbors to sign my ballot for me, but this is the option for disabled people. I think it's humiliating for a healthy adult to ask others to sign a proxy statement for me. It seems a violation of due process, and I wonder how many ballots are discarded for it, I'm not the only one.
I almost didn't. I've gotten myself worked up into a panic state for 5 election cycles now, and each time has just led to disapoinment. Nothing changes, the rich have gotten richer, the poor poorer and I'm tired of having CNN scream tea leaf results at me for 9 straight months.
But I voted anyway out of obligation and nothing more. And I resent it. I feel like all I am doing is legitimizing a bloated rich mans pile of money.
Left of me or right of you aren't what I'm discussing.
By every metric news media are left of most Americans. Candidates and policies endorsed, the choice of things to cover and language to do so, and the edtorial agenda generally are left of most Americans.
And what entertainment tilts toward? Why does Fox with it's slight right bias have many more folks watching it than MSNBC? Why des talk radio skew overwhelmingly to th r right? Could it be that given a choice Americans choose conservative voices?
If you asked yourselves why that might be, you'd understand your fellow citizens a lot better. And hint- disagreement with you @51 doesn't mean ignorant or stupid necessarily.
because i'm disenchanted with politics, politicians and people. i'm sick of candidates wasting money with the giant, glossy ads they mail me, advocating that i should vote for them so they can be elected and then waste more money but make no progress (all the while making plenty of empty promises). it's like the high school VP candidate who promises "shorter classes, less homework, free pizza every day!" and plenty of other un-doable shit that we all KNOW can't/won't happen. and yet we keep voting in those same high school VP candidates over and over.
i'm socially liberal but fiscally more conservative. i'm at odds with myself over what ought to happen in the city/state/country. i want to help people but i don't want to be taken advantage of. i don't mind paying taxes but it gets harder and harder to swallow as my rent/food/transportation/medical costs go up (but my salary doesn't), and i'll never have anyone helping me because i do just well enough.
does my vote really matter? i've seen that it doesn't.
I'm with @9. I was registered in Yakima (since returned to Seattle, thank goodness), and I had to hold my nose and vote for Newhouse, because fuck Clint Didier.
In the races where there was a Republican running unopposed, and in some of the races where there were two Republicans and no Democrat (and there were many), I simply added myself as a write-in. I think I got about nine votes this year, including County Prosecutor, Sheriff, and Clerk.
I've been giving my recent comments a lot of thought and have to agree with a number of comments in here that I should have provided more data to back up my assertions. Moreover, I'm willing to admit I have been wrong about many, many things and my views have been radically bigoted. I have a lot of changing to do, a lot of learning, and I apologize for being so intractable in my conservative positions. The Republican party is full of many deep seeded lies and, sadly, I've been believing them for too long. I am going to move forward with a newfound interest and belief in progressive, forward thinking views.
If you want to ban me, I'm in agreement that my consistent actions have warranted it. In fact, maybe I should be banned as I've earned it. Again, I'm sorry for the bigoted, angry and childish views I've been spewing forth.
About one-fifth of adult citizens are not allowed to register to vote in the first damn place ( and most of the rest live in illegall gerrymandered districts filled with vote-eating or vote-flipping machines without VVPR, not to forget the private money, lack of the obeisance of the Fairness Doctrine, generations of Red Scaring and other illegal activities making it impossible for the Political Left to even be noticed by the People since Day FucKKKing One.)You can't tell me this election was a mandate when only one-third of all registered voters voted! ( and even then , both the G.O.P. and the Dems only represent about one-third of what Universal Political Spectrum . . . . --- ).
I second @18's idea, and even crossed out a few people who were running unopposed. They counted my ballot, so fuck you everyone that was literally on my list.
Because I moved to New York just four months ago, know zero about local politics (or even whether I'll be here twelve months from now), and have yet to spend the time and money in order to get a local ID.
But it's just a fact that mainstream media in this country leans left of most Americans. Not on every issue, but in the aggregate. It's unsurprising. New York, LA, ad the Peoples Reublic of Seattle are the places large media is located, and these urban toilets lean left. So the pool of people to manage and staff the New York Times, the major television broadcast companies and so on are probably going to be te delayed adolescent type liberals are. If the rest of the country gets to try and sift through their biases for some accurate idea of what's happening, too bad.
But denying that overwhelming liberal bias is just silly.
@74, Are you claiming that more people with a liberal bias work in the media making the output defacto liberal? I've seen that stat too, but it just ain't so.
The political leaning of the average employee has little to do with the content, especially when the employees are liberal as they tend to be more fact based. It's the few right wingers at the top who call the shots and are not afraid to skew coverage to their ideological leanings.
@ 74, just as that attitude goes nowhere in school, it also goes nowhere in real life. You aren't showing your work because your links are either nonexistant or are only to sites so partisan that they would embarrass Hitler.
The Washington Constitution doesn’t require a "residence" as a condition of voting as long as a person meets all other registration requirements. (Article VI Section1)
Voters who lack a traditional residential address can register at the shelter, park, motor home, intersection or other identifiable location they consider their residence. This location will be used to determine which precinct they will vote in. (RCW 29A.08.112 effective 2005)
Along with your residential address, you must also provide a valid mailing address. An accurate, valid mailing address is essential in order to receive ballots and election information on time. This can include a post office box, address of a friend or relative, shelter, or general delivery at a local post office.
@77 you are correct, I have made assertions with no data to back it up. Like all of my angry, bigoted opinions, I spew forth my vitriol without having thought my positions through. After listening to Fox News for so long I have forgotten the need for facts. It's something us on the extreme right-wing tend to gloss over.
Because the political process is nothing but bread and circuises. The issues are all silly, irrelevant and chosen for the ability to generate maximum disagreement between group. You can't tell what the candidates are for and you get so tired of the same dead-horse discussions that people tune out, or vote straight ticket. I think this is how our corporate masters want it.
You who didn't vote. It's up to you to vote in 2016 to prevent having a REPUBLICAN president. It's absolutely imperative for you to vote in the Presidential elections in 2016. If there were to be a republican president, the country would most likely go to hell in a hurry. Imagine NO emigration reform. Imagine firearms in every household with no control over who uses them, imagine gays and all minorities persecucuted, imagine wars started to INDUCE the economy. Please vote in 2016 for a Democratic way of life so that all persons living in the U.S.A. have an equal chance to a decent living and free from persecution, and I forgot the women that need abortions because of rape, incest and other horrible things that the republicans tend to ignore.
I’ll promise you- you promise me- not to sell each other out to murderers, to thieves… who’ve manufactured our delusion that you and me participate meaningfully in the process of running our own lives. Yeah, you can vote however the fuck you want, but power still calls all the shots. And believe it or not, even if (real) democracy broke loose, power could/would just “make the economy scream” until we vote responsibly.
Because there is not a nickel worth of real difference between the two parties. Because the entire thing is a big charade to choose between 2 corporate sponsored candidates. Because things apparently have to get worse in this country before they get better.
The Democrats are just a different flavored brand of corporotocracy, granted the better one, but I'll be damned if I give an illusion of participation to the politics of the "New Gilded Age."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has the best advice for the current political structure in the US, though it was first given in the context of the Soviet Union. "Don't believe them, don't fear them, don't ask anything of them."
I voted, but without much enthusiasm, since Ed Markey was a shoo-in and my local representative was running unopposed. My part of MA is so blue, in fact, that almost all of the local races, and even many of the state races, were Democrats running unopposed. There was the governor's race, but with a permanent Democratic supermajority in both houses on Beacon Hill, even a Republican governor is extremely limited in how much damage he can do. And of course, the ballot questions, only one of which (paid sick leave, yay) ended up going the way I wanted.
I have voted in every general election in an even-numbered year since I came of voting age, and I'm not about to stop now, no matter how crummy a year it is.
@SPG/#69: I voted. I ALWAYS attempt to vote, my post didn't say I didn't. But you are trolling, so you were to busy to try to understand my comment . . . .FLAGGED!
@92 - It's not what you say, it's how you say it. You aren't a sociopath because you're "right of center" (and probably slightly right of Francisco Franco); you're a sociopath because you lack empathy and run from reasoned debate when you can no longer carry the day with threats, name-calling, intimidation, and character assassination. Your (ostensible) political and religious convictions, to whatever degree you have them at all (your arguments are so paltry and unconvincing that one imagines even you don't believe them; most people who can build a sentence the way you can are able to mount at least nominal rational arguments, not bloviate endlessly about why they don't have to because their unsupported statements should be taken as self-evident because every farmer, mechanic, and goatherder knows, and blah, blah, zzzzzzzzzz) are just window dressing; they are as irrelevant to your sociopathy as they are to whatever sort of spousal or child abuse characterizes your family life and whatever sort of ineptitude characterizes your empty professional gestures (assuming either your family or your profession exist).
Like most beings, your life will be objectively meaningless, as organisms fold back into the scheme of things upon death, and our species is not to be the eternal stewards of this earthly prison. But where most of us--liberal or conservative, religious or irreligious, possessed of good taste in music or given to listening to the Eagles--find some subjective meaning in compassion, charity, the good will of our fellows and, yes, vigorous, honest, courageous debate (I know you know it when you see it--I can tell because that's precisely when you disappear) with our opponents. You forswear all of that for cheap shots and the shallow appearance of dominance.
I'd pity you, but I doubt you have the reflective capacity to even know what an empty shitpile your life is. So I'll save my pity for those whose happiness and well-being is in your charge--your family, your employees, your neighbors, your community. And when next I sit at the gohonzon to chant, I will offer up my hopes that they all find solace in this world that you have rejected, and, ultimately, that you find your own twisted satisfaction in the empty husk of man that you will be when they become wise enough to walk away, like hermit crabs from a cold and empty shell.
@87 "Universal health coverage" is corporate welfare for the HMO and insurance industry. It is the republican plan from '93 and mirrors Romney's plan in Massachusetts in '07. The quotation marks aren't snark, under the current health coverage we still have 13.2% of our adult pop uninsured. We should have gotten nationalized health care but it was never seriously on the table. This was when the democrats had the House, Senate and Presidency.
Under democratic control, fracking has developed without any meaningful regulatory oversight. How would this be different under a republican administration? US coal production in 2012 is 1.016 Billion short tons....a drop from 1.171 billion short tons in 2008. Due to coninued free trade policies, these gain are offset by increased exports of coal to other countries from 60 million short tons to 120 million short tons. We have allowed American capital to flee to other countries order to evade our taxes, laws, and regulations. This has remained constant regardless of who is in charge.
Gay marriage is a good thing. +1 for democrats. Yay legal weed. +2.
On the negative side, would be all the wars, spying, corporate welfare, continuing Reagan's trend of deregulation and privatization, and ongoing drug war/police militarization. One side is a shit sandwich. The other side is eating a shit sandwich whilst high and gay married. Excuse my lack of enthusiasm.
The same reason I'm supposed erroneously to be a bigot, a racist, homophobic (whch doesn't actually exist so that was tricky) and a closet faggot than. Oh, and in your hurricane strength windiness, also a wife and child abuser, friendless and at odds with my family AND bad at my job? Because you don't like my opinions?
Basically like all radical lefties English is a playground for you in which words meanings are irrelevant.
@92: You insist that homosexuality is a mental illness, and now you want to hold the DSM (which says in no uncertain terms that it's not) up in front of us. That's some nice choots-puh you got there, ya scrub.
I'm not a Washingtonian, but I did get out to vote. My sister really wanted to, but was called out of state unexpectedly at the last moment - on the day after she could have gotten an absentee ballot. She was very irritated that she couldn't vote, but at least the Democrats won in our state, so she doesn't feel too bad about it.
I remember those voting machines, in the general election, there used to be a lever at the top of each column with a donkey or an elephant so you could vote for all the candidates from your favorite party even if you were illiterate. Absentee ballots had a similar feature on a big sheet of paper, bigger than modern newspaper pages. I was 18 when the 26th amendment was ratified and the voting age was changed to 18 from 21 and I've never missed a single even year election.
I can see how life threatening illness or injury, loss of ones home or other personal tragedy could cause someone to miss an election, but mostly what I see here are excuses for being lazy, selfish, and STUPID. Why were there two Republican scoundrels on the ballot in Yakima 4th district? Because not enough sane people bothered to send in their primary ballot. Why did the most corrupt and evil caucus in the history of the US house of representatives get even more power? Reality voters stayed home. America doesn't need excuses, it needs Democrats to stick with it and vote every time.
Last election, my wife's signature was questioned, she was too busy to follow up, so her vote didn't count. This time, I voted for a couple things I cared about, but overall, I've come to believe that voting is bullshit.
How many times have we voted for a monorail? And where is it? Everyone wants municipal broadband, but who's championing it? We're told people don't speak out enough, but the complaints against Comcast arecalready a deafening roar.
So next time, unless there are one or two things I really care about on the ballet, I won't bother.
Still, I read the voter pamphlets with interest because it's kind of funny (in a depressing "What the fuck are you people doing with my tax money" way) to see the lies trying to justify each sides arguments and the puff biographies on candidates.
Why is that?
Eli is not asking "Tell me your votes" but "Why didn't you vote?"
It's a question and people are free to ignore it.
Where in the Constitution does it say that Eli can't ask "Why didn't you vote?" Huh? Tell me.
Mind, these are valid concerns, but his reaction thus far was "fuck it, I won't vote, but I'll bitch about it on Facebook instead of bringing my concerns to someone who would do something about it."
A lot of people didn't vote in my area (Minnesota) because some employers are dicks and, despite the laws against this, don't give people time off to vote when the polls are open. We only this cycle switched to no-reason-needed early voting, so no one knew about it.
Passing the pot law was part of the Trilateral Commission's Plan to make Americans stupid so that it can take over.
Check it out. The people who didn't vote were all stoned. The ones who did vote were drunk.
I hate our new voting tech. Filling in the stupid ovals on the paper for the scanner with a pen is fiddly and time-consuming and I have no idea what happens if I don't fill it in enough or stray outside the oval, or how much is enough to validate or invalidate my vote. The lever machines were quick and definitive. "Click, click, click... KLUNK," and you were all done, with no doubt as to whether you did your part right.
We were still using those up to about two years ago. I miss them.... sniff!
I blame the Democrats. For YEARS (again, perhaps my entire life), Republicans have driven all the debates, have driven all the tone, and have driven all the VOCABULARY. "Liberal" is a bad word. Heck, "Elite" is a bad word - THAT'S how bad it's gotten. Through it all, no candidate actually cares enough to push for progress - they all run away from Obama and any progressive ideals, trying to be come conservatives because they're scared of losing the moderate vote. Well, guess what - as you've found out, if you do that enough, you discourage your liberal "base". And don't get me started on Obama himself, who has accomplished many things but on the same time has gone back on so many campaign promises with regard to war, civil liberties, torture, etc. that he's contributed to the cynicism himself.
Find me a single Democrat this cycle who campaigned on actual achievements rather than campaigning defensively. I'm sick of the whole process, and have completely lost faith in the ability of things to get better. Unless a ballot was mailed to my apartment and it was as easy as making a few swipes of a pen to vote (which it was, and it is), I'm not sure I could have mustered enough fucks to give to vote.
Misinformed or lying.
But at least not a comical ignorant bigot like you.
1. he refuses to change his voting address to his current residence.
2. he's in med school and is "busy".
3. he doesn't know where to buy a stamp.
not that it would matter much anyway: we're in McDermott's district.
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
Everyone I know voted, or at least was tired enough of my hectoring to lie to me, except the bitcoin enthusiast, whose insistence on not voting until electronic identity measures are instituted actually wore me out.…
Ah. So it's lying, not misinformed.
Baghdad Jim's district?
My condolences.
Immediately after voting ended, poll workers posted a printout of that precinct's votes. We had spotters at each precinct, and they phoned in the results.
where do you live, Reichert's? condolences.
Want to look somebody up? See…
Yep. Our corporate overlords own the government but not those courageous democrats, clear voices for the people! But they own the Republican party and propagandize their lies through the press! And they own the voting apparatus, criminally tilting it republican! It's all because Republicans hate brown people and people who chose poverty! Let's see- what talking points from Huff Po and the other clowncar sites did I miss?
Do facts matter to you at all? For instance dems pull as much corporate money for elections as Republicans. And in no case has a link between policy and lobbying or campaign contributions been established, that didn't result in prosecution. The press in this country has a strong liberal bias, not a conservative one. This despite Americans being largely centrist or center right.
So really your problem is with your fellow citizens. Who aren't "low information" fyi, they just don't buy the lefty line of obvious bs.
It should be legally mandated that no more than two ballots get sent out to voters per year. The levy blowhards will just have to get their precious babies included on the general election ballot.
You might let your stepson know that he doesn't actually have to put a stamp on his ballot. USPS is supposed to deliver them whether they're stamped or not.
I don't know if it makes you feel better, but that link you posted has me at the address I moved away from last year and the address my boyfriend moved away from two years ago. Even if you registered, it would take your family a couple of years to catch up with you.
For the record, I voted mainly because it's just so easy to do so here in WA. If I was commuting to a regular 10hr a day job and had to go out of my way to a polling place? Eh, maybe, maybe not.
Nationwide vote by mail should be the norm, with polling stations left for same day registrations of the people who just moved.
For those that didn't like any of the candidates, vote for the least objectionable. If you think not voting sends a message, you're dead wrong. The winner doesn't care, the loser doesn't care, and the media doesn't care. All you proved is that you don't understand how the system works.
For those that say they don't want the uninformed to vote, I have bad news. The most uninformed, those that get disinformation from Fox News, Breitbart, hate radio, and Alex Jones are already voting. We need regular people who are mildly uninformed to counter the actively stupid.
For those that say your vote doesn't count, when you don't vote, you vote for the status quo, whether you intend to or not. Write in a better candidate, don't vote for anyone in a particular race if you want, but you should vote and if you don't, you're a bad person and you should feel bad.
For those of you too lazy to vote (really most if the above since these are really merely excuses), you can take a few minutes away from jacking off to Jennifer Lawrence's photos or watching "Honey Boo Boo" or whatever the holy fuck it is that you are doing that you find more important than your family, your friends, your neighbors, your city, and your state.
In short, you suck at life.
EVERY MAJOR NEWSPAPER in America endorsed the invasion of Iraq.
The AM Airwaves are nearly 100% RW Talk.
Cable News? Even MSNBC tilts right in the morning.
The only thing "liberal" about the press is when they report a fact. those have a well-known liberal bias.
I myself like voting in person on election day but a system like Washington has would help people like her.
But I voted anyway out of obligation and nothing more. And I resent it. I feel like all I am doing is legitimizing a bloated rich mans pile of money.
Left of me or right of you aren't what I'm discussing.
By every metric news media are left of most Americans. Candidates and policies endorsed, the choice of things to cover and language to do so, and the edtorial agenda generally are left of most Americans.
And what entertainment tilts toward? Why does Fox with it's slight right bias have many more folks watching it than MSNBC? Why des talk radio skew overwhelmingly to th r right? Could it be that given a choice Americans choose conservative voices?
If you asked yourselves why that might be, you'd understand your fellow citizens a lot better. And hint- disagreement with you @51 doesn't mean ignorant or stupid necessarily.
i'm socially liberal but fiscally more conservative. i'm at odds with myself over what ought to happen in the city/state/country. i want to help people but i don't want to be taken advantage of. i don't mind paying taxes but it gets harder and harder to swallow as my rent/food/transportation/medical costs go up (but my salary doesn't), and i'll never have anyone helping me because i do just well enough.
does my vote really matter? i've seen that it doesn't.
In the races where there was a Republican running unopposed, and in some of the races where there were two Republicans and no Democrat (and there were many), I simply added myself as a write-in. I think I got about nine votes this year, including County Prosecutor, Sheriff, and Clerk.
(no its not me)
Do your own homework.
But it's just a fact that mainstream media in this country leans left of most Americans. Not on every issue, but in the aggregate. It's unsurprising. New York, LA, ad the Peoples Reublic of Seattle are the places large media is located, and these urban toilets lean left. So the pool of people to manage and staff the New York Times, the major television broadcast companies and so on are probably going to be te delayed adolescent type liberals are. If the rest of the country gets to try and sift through their biases for some accurate idea of what's happening, too bad.
But denying that overwhelming liberal bias is just silly.
The political leaning of the average employee has little to do with the content, especially when the employees are liberal as they tend to be more fact based. It's the few right wingers at the top who call the shots and are not afraid to skew coverage to their ideological leanings.
You get an F.
Non-traditional residential addresses/homeless voters
The Washington Constitution doesn’t require a "residence" as a condition of voting as long as a person meets all other registration requirements. (Article VI Section1)
Voters who lack a traditional residential address can register at the shelter, park, motor home, intersection or other identifiable location they consider their residence. This location will be used to determine which precinct they will vote in. (RCW 29A.08.112 effective 2005)
Along with your residential address, you must also provide a valid mailing address. An accurate, valid mailing address is essential in order to receive ballots and election information on time. This can include a post office box, address of a friend or relative, shelter, or general delivery at a local post office.
Quoted from:
The Democrats are just a different flavored brand of corporotocracy, granted the better one, but I'll be damned if I give an illusion of participation to the politics of the "New Gilded Age."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has the best advice for the current political structure in the US, though it was first given in the context of the Soviet Union. "Don't believe them, don't fear them, don't ask anything of them."
Don't vote, organize.
I have voted in every general election in an even-numbered year since I came of voting age, and I'm not about to stop now, no matter how crummy a year it is.
You are the textbook definition of a sociopath.
There's not a dime's difference between the parties? Yes, I recall all the republicans for sane sex marriage, universal health care, and clean energy.
Yep. Rght there in the DSM it defines a sociopath as slightly right of center. Or, well, not.
Words to liberals don't even have tangential reference to their definitions, a thing which frankly puzzles me.
Like most beings, your life will be objectively meaningless, as organisms fold back into the scheme of things upon death, and our species is not to be the eternal stewards of this earthly prison. But where most of us--liberal or conservative, religious or irreligious, possessed of good taste in music or given to listening to the Eagles--find some subjective meaning in compassion, charity, the good will of our fellows and, yes, vigorous, honest, courageous debate (I know you know it when you see it--I can tell because that's precisely when you disappear) with our opponents. You forswear all of that for cheap shots and the shallow appearance of dominance.
I'd pity you, but I doubt you have the reflective capacity to even know what an empty shitpile your life is. So I'll save my pity for those whose happiness and well-being is in your charge--your family, your employees, your neighbors, your community. And when next I sit at the gohonzon to chant, I will offer up my hopes that they all find solace in this world that you have rejected, and, ultimately, that you find your own twisted satisfaction in the empty husk of man that you will be when they become wise enough to walk away, like hermit crabs from a cold and empty shell.
Under democratic control, fracking has developed without any meaningful regulatory oversight. How would this be different under a republican administration? US coal production in 2012 is 1.016 Billion short tons....a drop from 1.171 billion short tons in 2008. Due to coninued free trade policies, these gain are offset by increased exports of coal to other countries from 60 million short tons to 120 million short tons. We have allowed American capital to flee to other countries order to evade our taxes, laws, and regulations. This has remained constant regardless of who is in charge.
Gay marriage is a good thing. +1 for democrats. Yay legal weed. +2.
On the negative side, would be all the wars, spying, corporate welfare, continuing Reagan's trend of deregulation and privatization, and ongoing drug war/police militarization. One side is a shit sandwich. The other side is eating a shit sandwich whilst high and gay married. Excuse my lack of enthusiasm.
The same reason I'm supposed erroneously to be a bigot, a racist, homophobic (whch doesn't actually exist so that was tricky) and a closet faggot than. Oh, and in your hurricane strength windiness, also a wife and child abuser, friendless and at odds with my family AND bad at my job? Because you don't like my opinions?
Basically like all radical lefties English is a playground for you in which words meanings are irrelevant.
I can see how life threatening illness or injury, loss of ones home or other personal tragedy could cause someone to miss an election, but mostly what I see here are excuses for being lazy, selfish, and STUPID. Why were there two Republican scoundrels on the ballot in Yakima 4th district? Because not enough sane people bothered to send in their primary ballot. Why did the most corrupt and evil caucus in the history of the US house of representatives get even more power? Reality voters stayed home. America doesn't need excuses, it needs Democrats to stick with it and vote every time.
How many times have we voted for a monorail? And where is it? Everyone wants municipal broadband, but who's championing it? We're told people don't speak out enough, but the complaints against Comcast arecalready a deafening roar.
So next time, unless there are one or two things I really care about on the ballet, I won't bother.