Thank you for this excellent article on the wonderful success of NAOMI/SALOME. I'm so proud to live in a city where we have a weekly newspaper that treats drug issues with care and respect. Joelle Puccio BSN RN
I understand the harm-reduction aspect of this, but methodone and suboxone already serve this purpose. Once you get a daily dose, it satisfies your need for opiates and you can actually function in society on a daily basis. You can hold a job. A daily dose of heroin and you're incapacitated. What is the point?
@6 methadone & suboxone are mostly for people who want to stop using heroin, etc. This is more for people who want to keep using and are not interested in quitting for whatever reason. Also, not everyone who uses heavy opiates is incapacitated, for some it has an energizing effect.
I recall a similar program in England a long while back that worked pretty well, after not blowing all their money on illegal smack and using clean, many decided that they no longer wanted to use and enrolled themselves into cessation programs.
@6 methadone & suboxone are mostly for people who want to stop using heroin, etc. This is more for people who want to keep using and are not interested in quitting for whatever reason. Also, not everyone who uses heavy opiates is incapacitated, for some it has an energizing effect.
I recall a similar program in England a long while back that worked pretty well, after not blowing all their money on illegal smack and using clean, many decided that they no longer wanted to use and enrolled themselves into cessation programs.
Vancouver, WA = USA