
My cousin visited me at work once, and thinks I secretly work for the FBI.
The Fire phone isn't so bad (if you bought it unlocked for $189 yesterday in the gold box deal and were already going to spend $99 for Prime and you install the Google Play app and you disable all the battery-sucking extra cameras that allow 3d effects).
Bezos' cronies spend large money on his 'security' rather than, as other CEOs' cronies, have that green added to his immorally-obese paycheck.

Meh, either way, hang the rich.

Who the hell cares; are we supposed to be outraged? It's an infinitesimal drop in the bucket. Besides, both Bezos and Ellison are well-known, socially visible, and controversial. Not one person in a thousand has even heard of the other guys on the list other than Buffett. I didn't think it was such a slow news day.
I have a friend of a friend who is on his security detail. This person is former secret service and it sounds like is paid pretty well. So, um, I guess I'm just trying to say that this number doesn't surprise me at all.
Well what do you expect, the top two on that list are real live Bond villains.
No way Bezos has more enemies than Buffet. Bezos is either paranoid or his buddy runs the security firm.

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