Close all those needless loopholes. --- (and CALL your state senator and your two state representatives. Demand they do your bidding. -- ).
i find it funny that with the skyrocketing rents and wage stagnation of people who actually do the working, serving and paying of taxes in this state and specifically Seattle are ignored. If you think its bad now, wait until it becomes so unaffordable that the working class start leaving the state for other prospects. I know after 20 years, Im biting the bullet and looking. Then all those needs of the general public can be paid by the developers who created this disaster. Have fun Detroit - I mean - Seattle
First, the Supreme Court has no enforcement mechanism and, really, no business telling the legislature what to do.
The legislature, on the other hand, has authority over the purse and ought to zero out all funding for the Supreme Court: salaries, heat, light, janitorial service and
#3 no no no, not Detroit, no major industry is going to up and leave in the near future, The Emerald City's destiny is San Francisco, or Vancouver BC, where rich hipster techs and establishment money live and rule the roost, and the hired help is bussed in from the hinterland kingdoms, Renton, Kent, Auburn, Tukwila(sp), Kenmore, The South End, etc....nobody is leaving glorious inner core redux Seattle except the workers but they'll still be close enough to arrive in time to scrub the shit splatters from the rich hipster toilets. Amen, and, as always, God Bless America!!!
How can the Stranger pine for these kinds of progressive measures and still endorse Frank Chopp with a straight face?
This and the previous legislature have had the 'majority coalition' to blame, but what about all those years of solid Democratic control? These aren't new problems we're dealing with.
The legislature, on the other hand, has authority over the purse and ought to zero out all funding for the Supreme Court: salaries, heat, light, janitorial service and
How can the Stranger pine for these kinds of progressive measures and still endorse Frank Chopp with a straight face?
This and the previous legislature have had the 'majority coalition' to blame, but what about all those years of solid Democratic control? These aren't new problems we're dealing with.