
Isn't that guy on the right the actor who played Sloth in the Goonies?
Bertha is jacked. McCleary is still not solved. There is no plan for new revenue. The budget is a laughing stock.


He is a party line republican everyone, he wants to create jobs. Check out some of his other bills that do republican stuff.

SR 8612 Congratulating and celebrating the Seattle Seahawks.…
If memory serves, there's at least one dead teenager due to Parental Notification laws.

A teen who attempted her own abortion, too ashamed to tell her parents she was pregnant.

Her parents have testified that they believe the Parental Notification law killed their child.

Just like all Republican (and dead-rat Democrats) War on Women, which will produce more dead women.
Here's a link, a teenager too ashamed to tell her parents she was pregnant, and diedfrom an illegal abortion:

"In Indiana, Rebecca Bell, a young woman who had a very close relationship with her parents, died from an illegal abortion that she sought because she did not want her parents to know about her pregnancy. 25 Indiana law required parental consent before she could have a legal abortion....

Nearly half of pregnant teens who have a history of abuse report being assaulted during their pregnancy, most often by a family member.20 As the Supreme Court has recognized, “Mere notification of pregnancy is frequently a flashpoint for battering and violence within the family. The number of battering incidents is high during the pregnancy and often the worst abuse can be associated with pregnancy.”21
 Among minors who did not tell a parent of their abortion, 30 percent had experienced violence in their family, feared violence, or being forced to leave home.22 “My older sister got pregnant when she was seventeen. My mother pushed her against the wall, slapped her across the face and then grabbed her by the hair, pulled her through the living room out the front door and threw her off the porch. We don’t know where she is now.”23
 In Idaho, a 13-year-old student named Spring Adams was shot to death by her father after he learned she was to terminate a pregnancy caused by his acts of incest."

Also: Judicial Bypass laws also fail to protect young women.…
How can we help make sure this doesn't happen?!
Let me get this strait: they can'take an adult decision for themselves, but if they squeeze out a baby (because they weren't allowed to make a decision), they'll be expected to be responsible, adult like parents? Riiiight!
@6: The fetus only matters until it's born.
Why is it "personal liberty and freedom" is of the utmost importance right up until the issues that are most personal? The Republicans want absolute freedom except when it comes to what goes into or comes out of your body.
I can't possibly see how letting a teenager have a fairly major procedure without parent permission is ever a good thing. Yes, some kids are in bad homes but there are options in place to correct such a situation.

It is not uncommon for abortions to cause significant and/or life threatening complications - infertility for example.

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