
People are more likely to listen to the Sierra Club telling them it's bad than to Greenpeace.

Been that way since I worked a few blocks from them in Kits.

That said, good action!
Don't worry Gay Dude for raindrip, your turn will come soon if you don't do something about what they did to you with the Gay Conversion BRAINWASHING!
Beautiful action, thank you to everybody who showed up for part one of the ShellNo spectacle in the Pacific Northwest 2015!
Of course the lazy Stranger reporter included a reference to our low snowpack, which has nothing to do with carbon effects (although it's a preview of a few decades from now). This crap encourages the know-nothings who will point to the East Coast winter this year or a future cold NW winter as proof that global warming is a hoax. Stop it.
@9 carbon isn't related to climate change? elaborate plz
oops i mean @6
Carbon is, but this year's snowpack is not, insofar as it is anomalous among other recent years.
I hate engineering marvels unless they allow me to buy stupid shit from a great distance

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