What's that? Our fine local weather people have predicted snow? Knowing the accuracy of their predictions, I better get out my spring clothing and sunglasses.
@10: By misspelling their country's name, you are engaging in the erasure of their culture, and committing a horrid micro aggression. Basically, you are Hitler.
Re the possible snow Christmas eve/Christmas day, will the DOT Podunk it and have most of their people off while cars to fend for themselves in slush and ice, or will they have a sufficient force to deal with the potential road conditions, like most normal bigger cities?
@10 & 12
Not quite as bad as @12 makes it, but it is definitely a strong pet peeve of Colombians. Being married to one, I can relate. It ranks up there a little higher than the animosity one would receive if you asked an Austrian friend of mine about kangaroos.
I suspect that Mr. Harvey will not be invited back. And should never travel to Columbia.
I think he'd have an even bigger problem traveling to Colombia!
I anticipate that having shockwaves rippling all the way to Graham's next door neighbors and extended family.
Heh heh!
Not quite as bad as @12 makes it, but it is definitely a strong pet peeve of Colombians. Being married to one, I can relate. It ranks up there a little higher than the animosity one would receive if you asked an Austrian friend of mine about kangaroos.
Snow removal isn't free, and Seattle doesn't get snow often enough to justify a snow removal force on par with the "other" cities you speak of.
Just stay home for the (average of) one day a year snow happens here.