
He sounds Presidential.
Another typical Republican: male, white and fat. Seriously Republicans, join a fucking gym and here's a thought for lunch: salad bar. You're all just walking heart attacks.
Can't figure out how people think they can lie on their military records. Sure it's not likely that they'll be checked but they can easily be done so. Hard to understand why somebody would take the risk, forget about just ethical questions. Just plain old practicality
Is he married? Does he have kids? Does he frequently gay dating sites and airport restroom stalls?
Can't remember where he was wounded, or which units he deployed with.

This is a red flag for "Stolen Valor" - This man needs to be impeached.
Is nobody going to mention the flaming homosexual in the room? Cause that guy's gayface is just this side of Marcus Bachman's.
Being from Orting, there's a good chance he's a white supremacist as well.
Did The Stranger not catch the fact that the bill is so poorly worded it actually protects some transgender individuals' right to use the bathroom of their chosen gender identity?

By specifying "male" and "female" DNA, the bill erroneously equates a legal status with a scientific basis. A transgender individual can have their birth certificate gender changed, legally making their DNA that of the binary gender on the new certificate. This law would in fact make it illegal for these transgender individuals to use the restroom of their at birth assigned gender.
So, um, did Hunt get wounded when the helicopter he was riding in in Iraq came under heavy fire? He is a coward if he won't fully disclose his military records after making dubious claims. It is also an extraordinarily dickish move on his part to block efforts to increase the safety of trans women by making it legal for them to use women's restrooms. Funny isn't it how you never hear about cis women murdering trans women...
Another of them wazzocks.
*waiver. You're welcome.
Do I *LOOK* like I belong in a female restroom? Because that is what this asshat is saying. Also, I come from a long line of military folks. This boy needs a good old fashioned blanket party.
Welcome back to the mess that is Slog, Hawke!

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