A view of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, where self-styled militia men are declaring a takeover of refuge headquarters.
A view of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, where the FBI is closing in on the remaining four militants occupying federal buildings. Claudio Del Luongo/Shutterstock

The FBI is closing in on the small group of militants who remain at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

From The Oregonian:

A friend of occupier David Fry was streaming on YouTube through an open phone line with the occupiers as authorities made what appeared to be a final push to end the 40-day old occupation.

Besides David Fry, 27, of Ohio, the encampment includes Jeff Banta of Elko, Nevada, and Sean and Sandy Anderson of Riggins, Idaho.

"Come out with your hands up," a law enforcement official was heard saying.

In a statement, the FBI said one of the occupiers rode an ATV outside their encampment at 4:30 p.m. When FBI agents tried to approach the driver, he returned "at a high rate of speed" to the camp. Agents then moved into position ahead and behind "the area where the occupiers are camping."

The reportedly live audio stream is here:

Here's the FBI's statement:

Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore is on the phone with the occupiers from the Portland Airport and is attempting to negotiate with the FBI on their behalf via a game of telephone.

Earlier in the call, occupiers said they had reached Washington State Representative Matt Shea, a militant-sympathizing Republican from Spokane Valley. Shea has visited Bundys in Nevada and Oregon and urged "patriots" in North Idaho to stock up on ammo for "inevitable collapse."

UPDATE: After several hours of conversation with Fiore, occupier Sean Anderson told her the group plans to turn themselves in in the morning, but "we're not surrendering." Fiore, who spoke to the group as she was driving from the Portland airport to the refuge, said on the call that the FBI has promised not to arrest the occupiers tonight.

Fiore also told the group that supportive lawmakers, including some from Washington and Idaho, are "coming to you." Still no confirmation on whether Shea is on his way, but we'll find out tomorrow. The Oregonian has a full play-by-play of tonight's events here.


The live feed is back this morning. Fiore tells militants she's almost to the refuge.

UPDATE 10 AM: Three occupiers have surrendered, but one, David Fry, is reportedly holding out.

UPDATE 11 AM: Fry has reportedly surrendered. The standoff appears to be over.