
God, not a moment too soon. They should have been surrounded and told to come out on day one. Failing that, no one should have been allowed to come within a mile of the refuge, and if they wanted to starve themselves to death, so be it.
Probably a calculated risk at this point. If the FBI ends up shooting four hold-outs after this long, it's much better PR than shooting 20-or so after a week. Less martyrdom fodder for sympathizers.
So, 40 days in, and the FBI is finally surrounding the encampment, something that should have been done before the end of day 2. Let's hope they at least start blocking delivery of more provisions now.

Also, for the record, you're a jackass, Matt Shea.
Hopefully Fiore will say something stupid enough for her to be charged as a coconspirator.
Can we now impeach these supportive legislators for treason?
But it could be reasonably argued that Fiore was helpful in defusing situation.

But yeah, FBI have nor done good job though next some left wingers do something stupid, it might temper FBI
@7: "But yeah, FBI have nor done good job though next some left wingers do something stupid, it might temper FBI"…
If they were black guys instead of white guys the compound would have been stormed within 12 hours of them taking it over.
FBI Picked up Cliven Bundy at the airport last night. Same charges as his idiot son, but in this case for the 2014 stand off in Nevada
Why are those defenseless babies of the Fiore family unarmed?
I hope this ends peacefully, but if it doesn't, I at least hope that none of the officers are injured by these rebellious maroons and that they never lose sleep over what happened.
That "live" feed is pretty riveting.
@5, as much as I hate her politics, I'm pretty sure she was (mostly?) telling him what he wanted to hear.
@7 god you're dumb
You're kind of a rude asshole but what kind shit came out of you just now?
the Fry kid has a gun to his head as of 10:30. he says he doesn't want to be raped in prison.

cue the prison rape jokes from his fellow trolls.
I could see Fry moving to "suicide by cop".
The poor idiot is totally nuts.

Then again maybe he is building a case for an insanity defense.
@18: he's not capable of that kind of planning. I'd wager he's on the spectrum.

feeling the cincy pride!
Don't these people have jobs and families that need to be taken care of? How do they eat? Oh wait, is this occupation a ploy to get free food and money from the stupids? Ah well, prison should take care of their food and housing needs for a while, I hope they get to go to one of those prisons run by private companies; we wouldn't want to force them to go against their anti-government principles! I hear inmates in those private prisons don't get fed too well, and health and dental care are a bit nonexistent, but I'm sure their well regulated militia will send them food and medicine.

and it's over. Fry gave up.

but the cause lives on! the cause of... um...
So... When is the FBI going to start monitoring and infiltrating these "patriot" groups? After all, they're actually plotting armed insurrection against the government. We don't need any more Timothy McVeighs.
@22, for one, the cause of "why are we using taxpayer money to 'pay for' abortions?" (I listened to the WHOLE THANG). Also, the government (Federal, not State) has "renigged" on their use, or something.
And this chapter of the saga of the Branch Stupidians ends. The trials should be a fun media circus.
Hopefully the occupiers had the decency to separate the used dildos from the unused ones.
@25: "Branch Stupidians"
I liek it

I think if you spend a little time reading the blogs and newsletters of the fringe right-wing groups, you'll find that they're every bit as Governmentally monitored and infiltrated and agent provocateured as the fringe left-wing groups claim to be in their own blogs and newsletters.
@24: It's a word, and he was using it correctly (though his argument is no doubt completely baseless), and that's how I pronounce it at least. Renege: to refuse to do something that you promised or agreed to do.

@29: Let's hope so, because it's the right-wingers that are the ones that actually blow stuff up, shoot people, or otherwise cause national incidents. The left-wingers just take another deep drag and complain about "the corporations" at their hippie jam fests.

Earth First!, the A.L.F., May Day riots, the Cleveland bomb plot, throwing rocks through the windows of Mayor McGinn's home with his family inside, riots in the wake of police shootings...

Just because we identify with the left doesn't mean we have to pretend it never does anything violent or fucked up.
@31: The wackiest part about the two party system in this country is how similar the right and the left really are, and how blind they both are to it. Fundies on both sides see themselves as the "good guys," and both feel this excuses incredibly shitty behavior and bizarre ideas about reality.
Oh yes, I keep forgetting about all those articles about the ALF shooting hostages over neutering animals, or how the neighbors of the McGinns started rioting to draw attention to their plight of institutional racism and murder at the hands of the authorities, or that time an Earth First! member flew a plane into the Bureau of Land Management building.

Yes, both sides are capable, and both have engaged in violent behavior. But one side regularly directly threatens federal officials with violence - hoping to spark a civil war - and draws people from across the country to help them do so, goaded on by a media apparatus that reinforces their misguided notions 24 hours a day. While the other sees a few dozen (a few score?) people destroy storefront windows, spray graffiti, and set off a firework or two, one day a year.

I'm not saying you're wrong; I'm saying it's dramatically tilted to one side of the political spectrum.

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