
"Gay emojis" banned in developed country:…
@2 Lewis didn't say Sanders was lying but he implied it. Thank you for these articles that set the record straight. I doubt the rebuttal to Lewis' smear will make it to the front page of corporate media.
If Bernie is a single issue candidate, then it's the most important issue there is. Income disparity and erosion of the middle class.

It's about damn time for it to be somebody's issue.
@4: That's kind of what I was thinking. If anyone is a one issue candidate, I should hope that issue is the biggest threat to the continuing existence of the United States as we know it.

It is not sexy or easy to fix, but economic disparity will destroy this country faster than any other threat, foreign or domestic.
" A Tacoma police officer fatally shot Puyallup tribal member Jacqueline Salyers just before midnight on January 28...
Read more at…

"Grays Harbor County Metro bus" What exactly was this bus? IIRC Metro has very few routes if any south of Tacoma, and the local transit of that region is Grays Harbor Transit.
@8: you can't expect Seattle news outlets to know the names of things in those unimportant, non-King County type places, or, apparently, to spend 20 seconds on the internet to fact-check. Given the route, it's got to be Grays Harbor Transit bus #40 -…

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