
Just so I get it right, are you suggesting that the officers who filed a civil lawsuit against the SPD reforms should get the sack? That's protected activity, whether you agree with it or not.
"I just... I guess I... how can you sit there and say these vocabulary words when you know that's not actually the reality on the ground..."

Lol! parsed "vocabulary words" that really mean nothing are the stock-in-trade of Seattle statist-progressives.

More like employees who do not abide by the policies of their employer should seek employment elsewhere.
The sentence structure in that first paragraph is a crime.
@5 - pigs? That's not nice.
@8 that does not even make sense.
I recall people being titillated thinking that this new chief might mean change. Proof that liberal identity politics don't amount to jack shit. Maybe if instead of hiring more scumbag cops, building dumbass stadiums, and undermining our city with a stupid fucking drill, we could provide public housing. Look at that, we just solved homelessness, and we would probably have money left over for after school programs and public transportation and all the other shit liberals pay lip service to and never deliver on. All that and we haven't even got to the part where we tax the rich.
Lip service is nice, isnt it?

Did the chief fire Officer Whitlach before her blatant racism became known to the public or after? Trick question: She asked her to quit and didnt fire her.

The SPOGthugs run the SPD, chief or no chief. They insult the chief online all the time, same as other notoriously corrupt and violent police departments (NYPD, LASD, MPD).

Want to prevent police corruption? Its easy as cake, and dont expect the elected officials to do it because both parties have police union $$$ in their pockets.

1- Ban cop unions. Make civil service a 'right to work' element, as they did with the private sector.

2- Ban grand juries in investigations of police misconduct.

3- Get rid of the 'evil intent' element for police abuse to be criminal. I cant believe the state has something this fucking stupid on the books. It literally means a cop can KILL ANYONE AT ANY TIME so long as they come up with any excuse other than "I hated the person". :sigh:

4- Mandate body cameras AND for events unrecorded, offer default null presumption of evidence in any contested action by an officer. In other words, dont assume they arent lying by default.

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