News Apr 13, 2016 at 4:00 am

And Why I'm Going to Stop Using the Former in This Column


Can we start using Clinical Cannabis instead? I do love me some alliterations
Awesomeness @shane...
Always figured it was a layperson's term, like we call it basil and not ocimum, or cabbage vs. brassica oleracea.
Gee. The word "taco" must make you completely apoplectic.
Cannabis or Marijuana or Mary jane who really cares what it's called.It will always be Marijuana to me.
I asked a person of color who is very knowledgeable about pot as well. His name is Cheech Marin. He doesn't seem to mind the word at all. Neither does his friend, Tommy Chong. I'll take their word for it that it's fine to use.
Really, you don't think "pot" and "weed" were coined for the exact same purpose, racially charged bullshit to scare people about cannabis and criminalize it's use?
Don't mind everyday folks calling it what they like. But this is a nice step for anyone writing about the topic.
I don't think cannabis was criminalized because of who used and uses it. It is an easy-to-grow annual that can be used for the making of paper, among other things. It is native to North America as well as Europe. Certain industries decided to control the paper making industry, using wood pulp from saplings grown on Federal land. The racist aspect does appear, but sometimes the accusation is misguided; an intentional misdirection. Think of the small farmer that could grow this plant in patches and make a good profit
This is what happens when semantics goes too far. Trying to intellectualize a drug in this way seems completely pretentious, at least to me. This is why, even though I am a marijuana smoker, I find legalization so annoying. It creates the sort of culture that cares about silly things like this and then passes it off as newsworthy.

How is it this author takes the time to write an article about how this word is racist but in another article seems to be singing the praises of Ian Eisenberg, who is playing an integral part in destroying one of the few neighborhoods that any people of color inhabit in Seattle? Legalization definitely hasn't been good for the Stranger or there sense of what is newsworthy.
Spare us the political correctness with the kind herb!

It's true, the Mexican term, "marijuana," was used in a propagandistic way by the perpetrators of the prohibition fraud.

Yes, many Americans did not realize it was the common plant, cannabis or hemp - an ingredient in hundreds of prescribed, and over-the-counter medicines up until the great fraud of 1937.

However, widespread consumption since the sixties has given the term marijuana true and positive connotations by the over 100 million Americans who have consumed it.

Language evolves and usage changes meaning. - Both "marijuana" and "cannabis" can rest easy, along with all the other names for the kind herb.

I have loved marijuana and the WORD "marijuana" for 46 years. And will always call it that, thanks. - Get off your high horse. - Also, using the word cannabis exclusively sounds to inexperienced people like you're trying to cover something up.

I suppose you want to change NORML to NORCL. - No thanks.

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