
It's gonna be warm but probably a good day to wear leather biker gear.
Well done, keep up the good work.
Raindrip is not coming to Capitol Hill? Anarchists, you've done one good thing...
Thanks for writing this, Ansel. Maybe you should ask Whitcomb about the blast ball injury of officer Corey Williams. By their own admission, he was hit by a blast ball thrown by another cop. They have lied, stonewalled and spun the facts throughout the last year to avoid liability related to improper blast ball use and other excessive force. I've still got lots of film showing them throwing blast balls at completely non-violent people and we will keep challenging them through the CPC and in court until justice is done!
Basic lack of accountability with regards to accounting for number of munitions checked out and subsequently inventoried. Huge fine from ATF for each infraction, but pressure's not likely to come from that side of the blue line.
It does like there are some unanswered questions.

And it looks like there are some unasked questions, too.

Ansel, do you have any plans to ask your anarchist contacts about the use of fireworks and/or small homemade explosives in their Seattle May Day actions?
@10: Nah, Ansel wouldn't tell only one side of the story, would he? Surely he'd at least make an effort to do some actual journalism, right?
@ #9: I filed more than that, MayDayPussy. Unlike you, I did my research, showed my face, spoke about what I saw without hiding my identity and challenged SPD at every turn while being objective and data-driven. Unfortunately, we can't say the same for weak-minded trolls like you.
Here's a little reminder of the cowardly excessive force SPD used on May Day 2015. OPA said they could not identify any of the cops that deployed blast balls that hurt people. They lied and those of us who know what really happened will hold them accountable for that.

This clip shows a cop from the Seattle Police Department throw a blast ball grenade at completely non-violent and non-confrontational people walking away from them. SPD continues to deny that they used blast balls as weapons and that the grenades hurt innocent people. However, this video shows a blast ball exploding next to people and you can also see a guy holding his leg right after the explosion, probably because he was hit with shrapnel from the grenade. I was also injured by blast ball shrapnel that day and know at least four people, including one cop, were hospitalized as a result of blast ball injuries on May Day 2015.

Film. Post. And file complaints if you get hurt!…
@14: You can call me Mr. Savage, MayDayPussy. Unlike you I use my real name when posting comments. BTW, if they break my windows, I'll call the cops and expect them to do their job while not injuring innocents. That's why I pay taxes.
@14: LOL, I'll be watching in a variety of ways tomorrow. You can call me Mr. Savage, MayDayPussyRiot. Unlike you and other cowards who hide their identity, I use my real name when posting comments and film. Are you one of Whitcomb and O'Toole's trolls or do you just do this as a hobby?

BTW, if anyone breaks my windows, I'll call the cops and expect them to do their job while not injuring innocents. That's why I pay taxes.
@10/11. Ansel did cover both sides of the story. Y'all are complaining he did not cover a different story. I care a lot more about well documented excessive force from the police than I care about alledged fireworks infractions by people I am not paying.
Assholes in masks break shit and other assholes with riot gear beat them down. And repeat. You're all assholes. What's the point?
CONGRATULATIONS progressive whites, millenials, and all together oppressed demographics not based on race. YOUVE FINALLY found out what it feels like to be black or hispanic or native in America!

Welcome to the struggle kids! Where the system is 100% bend up its own ass to fuck you and people like you over for no other reason than your vocal existence. We've been here a while, and to be honest, most of us were doubtful you would ever arrive here again. The 68 DNC and RNC protests are a thing of the long past, most have forgotten. Welcome to Amerikkka. But dont despair, you arent alone. Many of us have been here from the beginning.

Now, maybe you can step outside of your privileged comfort zones to see the truth. Now maybe we can all work together to see that EACH of our issues are fought for, not 'some' of our issues according to their popularity and acceptability among the apathetic masses (in order: White LGBT issues, White religious minorities, White poors, White women, Everyone else nonwhite, indigenous rights issues, and the environment).

Let me be the first to welcome you to this side of the railroadtracks. And while I want to emphasize that you dont lose hope, we all need you to remember that its group effort, not a 'first to reach acceptance' effort.
I don't know for a total fact but I photographed extensively WTO and Mayday events in the past and they are agents. They were no one that I knew from any close neighborhood.

If you're what SPD is recruiting for Collections Intelligence Analysis these days, they must be really be scraping the bottom of the barrel...
Yeah, there definitely couldn't possibly be any burns caused by idiot black-block smashists throwing fireworks around in crowded public spaces:…
The take home lesson is we need to elect a mayor who will shitcan however many police chiefs it takes to enforce actual police accountability.
Viters not be able to get actual police reform because of the interminable gap between police brutality, and SPD's self-serving account if such incidents...

Why we can't reform our cops: Race, guns and the failure to police the police -……

...but at least we can flip mayors every four years because they didn't try hard enough to rein in these monsters.
Reminds me of the pipe-bomb parties the locals have in the Spokane area... no arrests or accountability... the land of cathy mcmorris-rodgers.

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