
Here's an idea: Don't sign initiative petitions. Ever. The initiative process, which was intended to be grassroots democracy, has been purchased and corrupted. Even if a petition is for a good cause, it still endorses a broken system.
I kick initiative petition pushers for fun. And then pepper spray them while screaming they are invading my safe space
@1: i'll think about that next time I'm selecting which exotic hybridized strains I'll smoke legally in my home and backyard.

will I-1515 petitioners even show their faces anywhere near Seattle? they can probably collect the required signatures at evangelical churches in rural WA and Spokane.
@3: Cool, bro. Who cares about our fucked up taxation system or Charter schools? You got your weed.
@4: i do care about those things. I didn't vote for charter schools and our shit tax system is baked into the cake - no state income tax.

initiatives aren't going anywhere. unless you start an initiative to end initiatives. i'll sign it now that I've got my weed.

So are the first few petitions just a ploy then? Do they just throw those away?
That may be the worst use of stock imagery I've ever seen on Slog. Really necessary?
The initiative system is a sham, since prop. 13 destroyed California its been a downhill slide. Any gajillionaire can essentially buy legislation to order.
Honestly if I run into one of these assholes I might just take their signatures and run.
What's stopping you from just writing on the petition form, "This is about hate, pure and simple." Or whatever words you chose to use. Then carefully read it back to the signature gatherer.
"Why yes, my name is spelled with dicks, and my address is a doodle of jizz all over the page, why do you ask."
@6 probably not. I'm not sure if they're paid signature gatherers, but it'd make sense if they were and just wanted to get as many petitions signed as possible. I'm kind of curious exactly the nature of the involvement, having run into them and this exact issue last weekend.

@11 LOL
Ah yes. The system is broken so I refuse to participate. I am also angry that things happen which I don't support and can't understand why things happen when I don't participate. I also am confused when people propose less than perfect changes to the system. I want all or nothing.

Enjoy staying home this November and seething with righteous indignation.
@1 It's more like you should always be aware of what you are supporting when you sign. For petition gatherers paid by the signature, the content of the measure they are hawking may make little difference to their financial success that day ...
@13: I'm pretty sure I "participate" at a level beyond 99% of my fellow Americans. Signing a petition is about the laziest level of engagement possible, which is why so much Initiatives forge shitty policy.
@14: Paid signature gathering should be illegal.
I think it's actually illegal to do that. How far anyone would go to pursue you might be up in the air, but you'd be exposing yourself to legal action from someone who would have a camera on them and who's working for a vindictive group of people.
There was a someone passing off I-1505 as a petition to protect seniors in front of the Central District grocery outlet yesterday. Don't sign anything you haven't read for yourself!
It's called "paid signature gatherers". They don't care about the causes, they just care about getting a paycheck for pushing them. They'd circulate petitions to join the ISIS caliphate if someone paid them to do it.
They're at the Greenwood car show. Right now.
Two paid signature gatherers were pushing I-1515 -- under a stack of gun-control and other progressive causes -- around 2pm at the corner of 11th & Pike at the Gay Pride block party. They claimed not to know that it was anti-trans, and that they had been told by the person who hired them that it was to protect trans rights.
I ran into one of these people recently. After signing all of these progressive petitions, I had to read this one three times before I understood that this was an anti-trans initiative and I was stunned. I handed the clipboard back to the guy. He said, "You're not signing that one?" I told him, over my dead body.

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