
Thank you, Sawant.
Republicans are horrible people. (Credit to Catalina.)
Those two are a perfect fit...
@2: Republicans created the EPA.
On par with James Watt . . . or worse? Worse, prolly.
@4 - Richard Nixon proposed the EPA as an executive agency to consolidate the environmental policies and responsibilities that congress, behind liberal Democrats like Washington's Scoop Jackson and James Murray from Montana, had enacted over the previous 20 years or so. So in that sense, yes, the agency itself was a Republican construct, but its mission - to protect the environment - was never a Republican-led initiative.
Everyone who "voted their conscience" for a third party candidate or stayed home: congrats!

You helped destroy the planet!

Whatever lets you sleep at night...
@10, people in Washington State likely have friends and/or relatives in other states whom they talked with about "crooked Hillary" or some such BS and who knows how that influenced votes. But whatever lets you sleep at night.
Not only did the Greens not vote Democrat -- get this -- neither did the Republicans! It's as if not being a Democrat is tantamount to not voting Democrat.

Thanks, all you non-Democrats! It's your fault a Democrat didn't win. I hope you're happy.

* We never speak of Democrats who didn't vote Democrat. Never. Speak. Of. Them. But what about... shush! Never speak of them! La la la la la I can't hear you!
@10 Once the two party candidates were chosen, because of the borderless interconectedness of social media, such as facebook, every single slam on Clinton bolstered Trumps chances of winning in the whole country. The steady drip drip drip of lies an innuendo, and the encouragement to think there was no risk of a really bad outcome as a result of abandoning remotely intelligent ideas about how politics work, encouraged other people to believe and spread the same shit. I'm even pissed at people I know voted for Clinton because they forwarded and posted so many damn attacks on Clinton just because is made them feel cool and "independent."

@14 I think you are too smart to be ignorant about what was at stake and what needed to be done to forestall it.

The only people who are off the hook for being total morons in not voting for Clinton and not speaking out on the positive necessity of voting for Clinton are those who thought or now think this exact set of outcomes under Trump will lead to a better long term good. But most of the second group are a bunch of cowards, like Sawant, who won't admit this is what they wanted all along. Fuck you morons and cowards. You chose this. (Oh, as for you white nationalist assholes and fellow travelers who voted for Trump, although this post isn't directed at you, fuck you too.)
No, asshole, the Democrats are the ones who are on the hook. They took a huge shit on the far left, and -- surprise! -- the far left didn't vote Democrat. Here is the lesson: act like a fucking ponce to people, and those people don't fucking vote for you! Amazing!

When you ask a non-Democrat to vote Democrat, you're asking them to cross party lines. Get that through your fucking head. You're *asking* them to cross party lines. Not telling. You have to court them. You have to give them a reason to like your candidate. Want to pick, say, Joe Lieberman, or Tim Kaine, as your VP? Sure, you do that. But don't make a dick move like that and expect the far left to cross party lines for you.

Keep in mind, that after every election before this, you fuckers sat there and threw handfuls of feces at the far left. How'd that work out for you? Was being a huge steaming penis to the far left a good vote-winner for you? Did it bring them around in 2000? Or 2004? Or 2008? Or 2012? Or 2016? No. Being a fucking asshole does not win people over to you.

Oh, but you *had* do be a fucking asshole. Why? Because you were courting Republicans! That's why! Just say some reactionary America first capitalist shit, and surely lots of Republicans will vote Democrat! How'd that work for you? (hint: Republicans don't vote for fake Republicans. Shocker!)

Democrats lost this one. Democrats did this to themselves. Learn from this. Maybe you haven't had enough elections to figure this fucking shit out. OK, fine. Next one, in 2020, let's repeat the same shit. Call the Greens and Socialists a bunch of names. Nominate another fucking Joe Lieberman for VP. Talk about how Kissinger is your hero. Do that. Again. One. More. Time. And after -- again -- the far left says "fuck you" right back atcha, and doesn't vote for you, maybe you'll learn.
@16 Me, I'd lick Kissenger's historic level war criminal boot heal to not be looking forward to the president and cabinet entering the White House in January.

But, Ok, then, you prefer this outcome to Clinton being president, or you believe it doesn't make any difference. We get that now. However, please don't be complaining about anything Trump does that fucks people or the planet over dramatically and tragically more than they have been fucked over by Obama. Enjoy your purity bricks.
Far left? Hilarious. Where do we have a far left? Show me one place where we have a functional party building up a local base. SA? If the SA was ever more than an election campaign organization, Sawant's self-aggrandizement around this election, and hypocritically dishonest efforts to paint herself as an anti-Trump leader, has burned the SA as a party.

When we lose World War I, will you have a party functional enough to seize the reigns of power? Honestly, I actually wonder if Sawant has the delusional belief that she is the Lenin of our time.
Herr Gropenführer's biggest and favorite properties are in Palm Beach and Manhattan. Many of his golf clubs and hotels are near the ocean. Climate change will give soon give him his comeuppance for the horrors his climate change denier cabal is salivating to inflict upon our planet. Unless he kicks off within the next couple of years, he'll get to see his properties destroyed before he dies. I don't need to worry about these people.

I grieve for all the species that will go extinct in the next few decades. It's unbearable to think half the birds and all the big whales will be gone. But the problem is not just the Dumpster and his vile people. It's all of us, the humans. We're too greedy, too selfish,TOO SLOW. All sitting around waiting for someone else to make the sacrifices needed. That's what going to make US extinct.
Check out pathetic Democrats in the comments who won't take responsibility for endorsing one of the most unpopular candidate in history despite having been warned repeatedly about it.
@6: Extrapolated nuances aside, President Richard Nixon signed the EPA into law.
@20 Thanks for the perspective.

@22 Right! An example of a far off mystical time when environmental problems could be approached as bipartisan problems, based on a shared belief in objective facts based on science.
@22, @25 ...AND Nixon appointed William Ruckelshaus ("Mr. Clean"), a good administrator who believed in protecting the environment, to run it. There were plenty of environmentalist Republicans back then (Sens. Percy, Mathias). Republicans used to believe in the U.S. The most corrosive thing about the Republican turn to the far right, starting with Reagan, is the cynical appointment of people who hate an institution to lead it. This appointment (and Trump's EPA choice) reeks of that cynicism.
Let's hope folks in the interior West are as appalled at the prospect of our public lands being sold off to the highest bidder as we are. Ten years ago, when Dubya's administration proposed the same thing, the response was a rare bipartisan and urban/rural revolt.
Cant be any worse than the screw ups of the EPA under democrats - are we conveniently forgetting Flint, Michigan and The Colorado Gold Mine fiasco that polluted a national treasure and major river. Incompetence has no political affiliation.…
@28 - Actually, it can be much much much worse, but thanks for playing.

I imagine that Flint will become ever more common and the haves will just switch to bottled water. And Trump voters will be fine with it, because at least the darkies have it worse and George Soros said he liked clean tap water.

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