To my favorite one sided news source. What makes you great is you cover stories others wouldn't. What makes you irreverent is covering stories that are pointless. The Dems tried to cut this office by 40% in 2010. No public outcry. Woo hoo party politics.
From 2010: "Members of the Congressional Black Caucus have led the charge, airing complaints about the aggressive, independent panel in a private session with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last month, and they’ve drafted a resolution that, if approved, would severely curtail the panel’s power."
Reichert represents what I suspect is a goober district. They keep sending him back every 6 years or so. Is it because most of the males in the district look like him (Identity Politics?)
It's going to be fun watching Republicans in Congress over the next 4 years. Trump has distracted whatever moral compass they may have once possessed. If they can stumble this badly over maintaining ethical standards, imagine what they are going to do with Obamacare and Medicare.
I had the pleasure of sharing a car with him an Patty Murray a few years ago. He's not really a toolbag he just plays one on TV. Who else came out of the WTO with a promotion?
"...a private meeting of House Republicans Friday morning where several members registered their displeasure with the painting, including Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.), a former county sheriff."
Someone decent needs to run against Reichert. He is a ridiculously weak candidate. All you need to do is point out the horrible votes he has made in support of his party's radical agenda to destroy the idea that he is a moderate. But it takes a half way decent candidate. Since you don't have to live in the district to run, there really is no shortage of decent candidates out there. One just has to step up.
From 2010: "Members of the Congressional Black Caucus have led the charge, airing complaints about the aggressive, independent panel in a private session with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last month, and they’ve drafted a resolution that, if approved, would severely curtail the panel’s power."…
"...a private meeting of House Republicans Friday morning where several members registered their displeasure with the painting, including Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.), a former county sheriff."