Unlike a Congressman David Reichert—and, oh wait, all of Washington State's Republican congressional representatives—Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-7) isn't afraid of having "a YouTube moment" during a meeting with her constituents. Like Jayapal, other Democratic representatives have already announced plans for constituent town hall meetings during the recess, which began on February 20, or in the coming months.
Japayal will hold a town hall meeting with her constituents in the Great Hall at Town Hall (ha!) at 5:30 p.m. on March 6.
In other Senate recess news, members of local Indivisible groups—which were inspired by an open-source guide to fighting President Donald Trump with Tea Party tactics—are planning their own town hall meeting. On the discussion agenda: concerns about healthcare access and the Affordable Care Act, Trump's immigration ban, and Trump's taxes, among other topics.
In a statement (PDF) released today, organizers wrote:
Voters at home are alarmed by the damage done by the Trump administration in just 30 days. Congress is in recess, we, the citizens, want to meet to discuss what our Senators are and should be doing to resist this march backwards. We will learn from informed speakers sharing their personal experiences, followed by moderated community/citizen discussion and input. Senators [Patty] Murray and [Maria] Cantwell have been invited but have not yet confirmed attendance.
The Stranger reached out to Sens. Murray and Cantwell for comment, but hasn't received an immediate response.