“Pulling law-enforcement dollars from cities nationwide is the height of hypocrisy and makes us less safe,” Murray said. hannah k. lee


If I were an immigrant (here legally or not) I would never talk the police with the current state of affairs. If the immigrant communities stop talking to the police it would make the cops jobs harder and the neighborhoods more dangerous.I can see why the police and bigger cities would not support the justice departments current policies...BTW, Creepy picture of Mayor McBlinky.
Unfortunately, if immigrant-heavy neighborhoods get more dangerous with ineffective policing, that's a win for Trump/Bannon.
Secession BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY . . .NOBODY needs their enemy's permission to get the Hell away from them!!! ---- https;//crimethinc.com & https://www.off-grid.net & http://micronations.wikia.com/wiki/Micro… .

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