The Mayor's op-Ed was shockingly tone-deaf and sad. For him to not even acknowledge his relationship to these men is very troubling and yet he has no problem in saying don't trust THEIR word.
Thank you for bravely educating folks about abuse and providing resources for many people I love who have been retraumatized by the way this has been publicly discussed... especially the the attempts to discredit the survivors. I cannot say how grateful I am that we have leaders like Danni Askini willing to courageously speak up at these difficult moments to help us learn and heal.
Thank you for your deep analysis and consideration of all the angles of this issue. I agree that this needs to stay out of the public court of opinion and be dealt with in the manner it deserves. Much love to you Danni, thank you for all you do for our community! <3
He has every right to prove his innocence. This is a hard place to be in though. Dismissing accusers is obviously not ok and one never wants to piss off the media. But if an accuser has a long criminal history of lying, identity theft, serious drug abuse etc, it does not mean they aren not telling the truth but those are relevant facts. Particularly in light of the Faith & Freedom Network's involvement with the accuser and the accuser's claims.
This story is being perpetuated by outlets that describe one accuser as "a teddy bear of a man" while asserting the mayor should step down (but they're not rushing to judgement).
There are some sketchy details to this case and I'd hope The Stranger would do more investigative journalism rather than just post what the court of public opinion thinks. The city deserves at least that much. Simply telling the mayor to step down, especially if innocent, does the city no good in the long run.
So anytime we want to get rid of a politician we don't like, all we have to do is find an LGBT person or two to make an allegation? And @2, your statement about an effort to discredit "the survivors" assumes that they are "survivors," that is, that the allegations are true. They might very well be, but do we really want a system where we make major political changes on the strength of a couple of allegations that have not been proven? I am not a huge fan of the mayor, but this kind of precedent could readily affect other pols in the future.
Words cannot adequatly describe my disgust while mulling over the deatails of this case. A couple of things have really stood out to me. 1) Ed completly fails to mention he actually had viable relationships with these men; including "adopting" an at risk teen into his home. He should have most certainly addressed that in his piece he wrote for "The Stranger". 2) Holding his own press conference to prove to everyone he doesn't have a skin lesion on his genitalia is beyond words. It proves absolutly nothing. "Like go home everyone, MY doctor says I don't have a mole on my ball sack so I'm innocent!!" Everyone of his constiuents had read about this. Thats actually his thought process right now. Ewww Ed--just ewww!! Anyone who thinks that is a good enough reason to disprove decade old sexual abuse claims is demented 3) For someone who is "completly innocent" his determination to dismiss his accusers by citing criminal records is beyond pathetic & shows how desperate he is. No true "Progressive" behaves in this way. It's so so so cruel towards all of the survivors who reside in Seattle and holds absolutley no merit what so ever. Ed is a professional racketeer who needs MAJOR mental help and sincere community intervention. Whoopdy do! He painted the sidewalks rainbow that one time--seriously wtf.
I'm consistent in my support for victimized peoples - I denounced Trump when he was outed as a sexual predator, and I also denounce Murray for his abhorrent actions.
@6, I believe the press conference was in response to the accusations made against him and a request from the prosecuting attorney to disprove the claims made about his junk. I highly doubt the mayor wants to talk about his junk in public.
With headlines like this one, seems like he's going to be guilty for not responding and guilty for responding. I think it's also important to realize, the mayor has not been convicted of anything. He's been accused. It might be worth considering that the emotions of Seattle citizens, especially those who've tragically experienced sexual abuse, might possibly be getting preyed on here.
Agreed 100%. The mayors op-ed was very much attack the victim. I still can't believe he said:
"Again, assume for the sake of argument that my accuser is not telling the truth."
He didn't address his relationship with Mr Simpson, he just attack his criminal record and ask people to believe him "for the sake of argument". Honestly was shocked he wrote that and was shocked the stranger published it.
@8, you could also be consistent on withholding judgment until more facts are clear. It's totally possible to not like Trump or the Mayor and wait to see what unfolds. Totally possible to withhold judgement while not dismissing accusers, who have every right to be encouraged to take a stand.
This was an amazingly articulate and thoughtful article by someone with great insight to the subject. I am afraid at this point the mayor must step down and take this issue privately to the courts and not further smear the city with these allegations. Personally, it really makes me angry when stories like this come to light as it touches all LGBT people with its stinks. Unfortunately, the many, are often painted with the board brush from the actions of a few.
@9 Please, cry me a river. I definatly see what your saying...but Ed Murray & his entourage went out of their way to debut this irrevelent dermological investigation to the public, not inside a court of law where these intimate details belong. I survived an assualt from "UW boy next door" fraternity bro---so I guess you could say I know a thing or two about this subject matter--so to speak. Clever of you to turn it around onto us, touche'.
Obama should have stepped down because of Birther assertions he is Kenyan. The fact he stoopped to showing us his birth certificate (be it late) proved nothing. I'm not saying he isn't born in the U.S., I'm just saying that argument was a distraction.
@5 go try making a false accusation that is similar in believability to this one. Not so easy. You'll need a time machine for one thing.
This is not just one free-standing accusation, at this point. Murray has only entangled himself further into the long history of accusations by his clumsy blaming.
Murray is only trying to paint this as political to serve as a distraction from his 3 years of failed ideas and policies, to use the LGBTQ community as a shield, and as an excuse for his misappropriation of campaign funds for his personal legal defense. He's a turd and needs to go.
Thank you Dani for your thoughtful piece. It takes alot of courage to come forward. I too have been a victim of unwanted touching abuse as a child. More recently I have been discredited through false accusation court filed reports, run through the dirt in court, have lost and too have won. The big cases where my sibling stole over half a M from my elderly Mother, lied to all, paid off authorities and beat me, just to have the ability to continue to financially and emotionally disgrace our Mother, our family name, all for his sick desires to be met with the theft of our families dollars and hearts. I lost my home, my immediate family decades ago defending myself from the ogre who looked better in court. Let me rephrase that, actually he "paid off" the justice/judicial system, the Judge in multiple civil cases I was being falsely accused in, was years later removed later from the bench in Sno Co District Courts, then he subsequently was debarred a few years ago. Countless victims suffered, were slung through the mud, with no recourse (I was told the DOJ was only handling one case, the rest we had to handle in civil court - yah right) Also.. ( the corrupt Judges Brother BTW was non other our Federal House of Representatives Chaplain. ) Judges can be paid off though they can also be caught in their corrupt co-opting of injustice. Meanwhile the sea of vctims relive the trauma over and over, are often reaccused of not telling the truth, in cases similar to myself. Even though the Judge-Lawyer is now just a "citizen", really his years of judicial false charging, corrupt lawyering harmed so many. One reason we lost was because we were low income, I am sure he still is living pretty well. Win no win
Someone should simply do a poll. This mayor is toast. The court of public opinion simply does not care about any of this. I didn't like this mayor before, I don't like him now.
But a scientific poll would show his support dropping like a rock. He's done. Pack your bag Ed. Good riddance.
And by "any of this," I meant, the people who are saying we shouldn't rush to judge. That's exactly what the "court of public opinion does" it rushes to judgement. Truth is irrelevant.
The truth is this mayor is terrible. This city has gone to shit under his "leadership," and we should have been able to get rid of him based on his craptastic record alone. But Seattle does the politics of personal destruction way, way better than it does actual politics and real discussions.
Try to go to a council meeting sometime, it's all special snowflakes that want to be heard, and no one listens to the actual experts.
@10, What do you think that phrase means? It's just a request to run a thought experiment, to look at things from a different point of view. How can that possibly make you mad?
I agree wholeheartedly with the notion Murray is no longer an effective leader - not because of the allegations, but because of his terrible handling of them.
In short, he's proven he doesn't have the competence to be handle the hot seat, much less answer for his actions or himself.
He was never a good choice for mayor; he's so much less good now. It's time for Murray to go.
So, an anti-gay political candidate and activist from Tacoma bankrolls a suit against a very successful gay politician, and we citizens of Seattle have to watch our properly-elected choice for Mayor resign before the trial even begins?
No, the merits (or lack thereof) of this suit should be decided by the court, and the merits (or lack thereof) of Mayor Murray's performance in office should be decided by us citizens at the next election. Anything else is a flat denial of justice.
Ultimately, I still believe this is a case best left tried in a court of law, not the court of public opinion. [...] But, it may be impossible to wait that long.
This was an even faster "not saying, just saying" since Ed Murray's "I'm not gonna suggest their background means they're lying...but their background means they're lying" editorial.
I'm not saying I believe Ed Murray. But, good god. Why the hell can't we, the public (and Danni is the public...she has exactly as much information on this case as the rest of us readers), let it ride a little longer rather than getting our pitchforks out within a week of the accusations. The immediate "burn the witch" reaction is scary as fuck.
@31 I think he should have stopped commenting after the second comment he made (which came after he promised to stop commenting). at this point it's become ridiculous. I bet he'll release yet another statement just to finish off any chance he had at winning re-election.
No. The lawsuit is bankrolled by Jack Connelly's law firm in Tacoma. Connelly ran as a candidate for our legislature in 2012, opposing gay marriage; then-Senator Ed Murray opposed Connelly's candidacy. Connelly has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to at least one recent anti-transgendered rights Initiative. Contrary to the title of this editorial, the motivations do matter, especially when they appear to be an attempt at political revenge by a failed anti-gay politician against a successful gay one.
How can anyone now justify voting for this whiny, petulant, evasive, narcissist? His response to all this is extremely insightful.. It is a window into how he must run the city. I find him detestable. He doesn't have the guts to stand up and answer questions. Instead he blamed the nonexistent right wing enemies here, (how can that even be possible) and his alleged victims/accusers. He is a person of no character, courage or compassion.
The political reality is that this was not Ed Murray's last long term political position as he is and would like to be a political servant. What that means as a leader in this community is recognizing the needs of his community. Leadership is the hard choices those that show integrity and vulnerability. Thus allowing others you support and help you succeed. That in this situation is to step down in the near term. That will give him moral high ground in the future. Saying my integrity was owning how this being played in the public forum was hurting my constituency and distraction from policy. Having Faith in his administration also shows great leadership as he built an administration that continues success without him present. He has little to loose if he takes ownership and shows courage and compassion for victims without having to use slander in public . The place I'm coming from is that I think communicating why he is stepping down isn't a win for the opposition party IF he frames it in protecting his constituents that are experiencing true harm from political theater of the opposing party. It cannot be seen as anything other then protecting and sheltering others. That will go a long way as well in court. This is a Kobiashi Maru situation. Which means he has to change the context of the rules of engagement. As it stands he is playing into the optics of an abuser making it about him and the accuser. Making it about every survivor and handling this in a way that protects them changes the onus. It gives visibility to survivors and forces the conversation in the media to survivors rather then victims
Saying that you've never backed down or quit and you're not going to now shows your ego is more important than your job. This is not a lawsuit about real estate; it's about character. Defending your character in court while running a major city is not a rational thing to do; you will likely lose both battles.
@33 you really ought to get your facts straight. Two successful attorneys with no anti LGBT bias are representing the gay victim (and have representing May other LGBT clients in the past). Why would anyone think some random Tacoma attorney gives one crap about who the mayor of Seattle is? Get over your ridiculous far fetched conspiracy and read the complaint. Murray did it and is now victim blaming and acting like Trump. I guess it's OK when it comes from the left though???
@4, No SLOG staffer has asked that Mayor Murray step down--nor has any SLOG journalist suggested that he should. The SLOG has published editorials from both the Mayor, who wishes to continue in his position, and Danni, who suggests he should not. SLOG staffers have taken no position on the record.
"Abusers hide in plain sight and are not always “monsters.” People who engage in abuse are not always the monsters we would like them to be: easy to spot, creepy-looking, or known to everyone."
That means everyone. Anyone.
Including Dan Savage and Danni Askini and Sydney Brownstone.
No, you would pay consequences if you lost your bet. I'm guessing you'll just ignore your prediction if it fails. (If your prediction fails, will you stop making predictions on this topic? Or will you refuse to practice the same accountability you're demanding of Mayor Murray?)
"@33 you really ought to get your facts straight."
You really ought to practice what you preach:
"Two successful attorneys with no anti LGBT bias are representing the gay victim..."
Two attorneys who are in the pay of an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray.
"Why would anyone think some random Tacoma attorney gives one crap about who the mayor of Seattle is?"
Jack Connelly is not some "random" attorney, he's an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray.
"Get over your ridiculous far fetched conspiracy..."
I'm talking about the actions of one person. That is, by definition, not talking about a conspiracy.
" the complaint."
I did. To which part do you refer? The riveting section about riding the Metro #7 bus?
"Murray did it..."
No, that is what the attorneys who are in the pay of an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray -- must demonstrate in a court of law. So far, all they've got is a story about riding a bus.
"The Lawyers are not claiming they are the victims of sexual abuse, their clients are."
For obvious reasons, I never wrote the attorneys were claiming to be victims of sexual abuse. I noted their client (note: singular) has told them a story about riding a bus, and they are getting all of their money for the lawsuit not from that client (note: singular), but from an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray.
Contrary to the title of this post, motivation matters. When we citizens of Seattle decide whether or not this lawsuit should have any bearing on our judgment of Mayor Murray's performance in his office, we are fully and completely entitled to consider the motivation(s) of the person paying for this lawsuit. That person is Jack Connelly of Tacoma, an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray.
@50 what political battle are you even talking about? Seriously you sound worse than the right wingers who believed Clinton should be in jail. You literally have no idea what you are talking about and NO evidence of your claims. Not everything is a conspiracy or has some ulterior motive. If Murray doesn't end up mayor it would be very likely someone far to the left of him would be. But yeah, go ahead and call people you've never met anti LGBT and claim you know the ulterior motive!
@51, I think he's talking about domestic partner legislation which was sent to the voters. Or marriage equality which was also sent to the voters. Or any number of other issues Murray picked up and won against the likes of Connelly.
"...firm anti-LGTBQ positions – positions which led me as a senator and chair of the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee to refuse to support Connelly when ran for the state Senate in 2012."
Connelly lost the election, in part because of Murray's opposition. This is all public knowledge, despite your wild claim that I have "NO" evidence for it.
"Not everything is a conspiracy or has some ulterior motive."
I have said nothing about a conspiracy. I have noted the single individual bankrolling this lawsuit has a history of opposing gay rights in general, and of opposing Murray in particular. Those facts are relevant when we consider this lawsuit.
" people you've never met anti LGBT..."
If they publicly oppose gay marriage and fund anti-LGBTQ-rights Initiatives, then yes, I will call them anti-LGBT. Please let me know what problem you have with that.
OK that part I don't get is the connection between everything the author wrote and why that means Di Blasi err I mean Murray should resign other than "its easier"
Great writing Dani, especially the statistic about false reporting to be exceedingly rare. This isn't one victim. It's 3. Ed Murray's OpEd in the Stranger was unconvincing. And his attack on the Seattle Times was very Trumpian, essentially calling this a fake story. Thanks Ed, but I'm sure the editors were well aware of the implications of publishing this story. It was clearly well researched and it appears they were very cautious in their handling of it. But for Ed Murray to say a lawsuit like this isn't news is delusional. For the mayor to call this story fake news really damages his credibility and status with the media.
Ed Murray has ignored the desperate and abused people of the streets and ignored the people without homes when they have tried to meet with him at city hall.
He has condoned sweeps of encampments which have forced people onto the streets without decent shelter. He has condoned police brutality of the most desperate and poor people. Is this someone we can trust?
Shame on the Stranger for publishing this garbage. Rather than laboriously refute this lengthy hit piece line by line and lie by lie I'm just going to stop reading after a quarter century.
I wouldn't ask Murray to step down unless there was something remotely irrefutable that pins him to the crime. A blue Gap dress, of a sort. Short of that, I'm afraid all of this is depriving him of dure process and the right to not step down in the face of so far baseless accusations.
I don't like Murray one bit. I would vote for my cat this November before I vote for him. But that is based on his policies, not accusations from the past. As much as I want him gone, I want him gone for the right reasons and through the correct process (whether that be electoral or judicial).
Thank you Dani for bringing your story and analysis to us.
The mayor has condoned and ordered brutal sweeps of the homeless encampments and caused great suffering for the most poverty stricken people. This is very, very, wrong and wrong to ignore this.
The pathetic ideology of the regressive left strikes again. After all, this is The Stranger.
In the cult of unreason, there are no winners. We don't have to wait for a trial. You're guilty until proven guilty. We can never prove that you're innocent. Step down.
The writer's past isn't relevant to this case, as difficult as that may have been for them. Except, of course, as it pertains to increasing their political clout. Did they witness these alleged crimes? Did a victim confide in them? No.
One of my big beefs in this matter is not only how Murray has handled this by dodging the fact of whether he knew these men, but his disgusting attempts to shame the accuser(s) by mentioning their criminal history. While it does make one question the validity of the accusers story, it also points right to the fact that these people were very troubled and vulnerable. Newsflash Ed... people were NOT shocked to learn that these men had troubled pasts. That's what makes them ideal victims of all kinds of abuse!!! Predators prey on people like that for this very reason. To me, it is similar to someone raping a sex worker. The rapist does it knowing that the likelihood of a prostutute reporting a rape and the accusation being actively investigated and prosecuted is slim. For Murray's attorney to say that "you can't trust the accuser when he tells you his name" due to his criminal past is deplorable. Both he and Ed should be ashamed of themselves.
Moving on....
My second issue is the fact that there has been little mention of prior accusations. (And they are there.) This is not the first time Ed's been in the situation, it's just the first time it's ever gotten this much attention. I can't speak for everyone but my life experience tells me that where there's smoke....there is usually fire. Just sayin'.
Lastly, the op-ed written by Murray for the Stranger is more of him bitching and whining about the Seattle Times than it is addressing allegations. Stories about people get published every day at a moment's notice. Just because you're the Mayor DOES NOT mean that you get extra time before a story hits the news to try and smooth the sheets or pull strings to stop it. You may be the Mayor (albeit a bad one) but you're still just another dude when it comes to freedom of the press.
Do us a favor Ed......leave office. Then leave town!!
At this point, the only thing that interests me are Ed Murray and LincolnLawyers opinions on SLOG's archaic, numbers-based comments system. Will that come up in the trial? Will one of them be played by David Schwimmer or John Travolta in the mini-series about all this?
OMFG! Seriously! Absolutely Outrageous! Highhanded! Reckless! Opportunistic Grandstanding!
Here we have the stars in perfect alignment - showing two sides of a dynamic I have struggled to define and demonstrate.
Danni Askini was doing a damn fine job for the first half of this op-ed until Askini called for Seattle Mayor Ed Murray to step down. Askini was 100% irresponsible talking out of both sides their mouth - When finally during the last half of this piece called for Mayor Ed Murray. This political grandstanding. Askini has political ground in large part via Mayor Ed Murray's notable mention and awards.
Askini sees the writing on the wall and could not resist jumping in the spotlight. Askini is (I contend) doing the kinda thing I have predicted and exclaimed for well over a year now. Askini is a desperate opportunist pliable to the political winds.
It is in my personal opinion reckless and unfair for the Stranger to provide a platform to Danni Askini and Mayor Ed Murray in effect inducing a "Bitch-O-Thon" of sorts. It is not productive in a practical sense. However its provided a ploy for them both to undress themselves and show their azz.
I hope Mayor Ed Murray now sees clearly who Danni Askini is 360. Askini jumped the gun calling for Mayor Ed Murray to step down without a proper trial and being found guilty. Askini contradicts themselves over and over and over again. This was a delicious display highhanded dysfunctional dissension within the LGBTQ community and top political leaders. They will eat each other alive.
As it happens I am a casualty of their inability to advocate for victims by both Danni Askini and Mayor Ed Murray. Still I have decorum and respect not to be so audacious as to declare the Mayor to step down.
I (who identifies as LGBTQ) have accused Danni Askini of being a fraud based on my issues being deliberately neglected for a year. Which have now spiraled into a total disaster for me and total loss. While Askini was out chasing the gold rings for their own personal agenda. Askini has since now provided a myriad of limp wristed excuses in an attempt to cover their tracks.
Who is Danni Askini? On what grounds does Askini have the authority to judge and direct Mayor Ed Murray to do anything let alone step-down? Danni Askini is a puffed up highfalutin LGBTQ socialist activist claiming to be an advocate for victims rights and safety.
I strongly speculate that Danni Askini is a mouthpiece for Kshama Sawant in many cases - This, just might be the biggest one yet!
Public opinion is the forum that we judge our leaders suitably for office. We do not leave it to courts of law.
You mock the justice system we enjoy if you believe that what we grant to protect innocent people is what we grant for holders of jobs or employment.
HIs civil trial is not what will determine if he is mayor or not, The public will. If it has any sense, it may ask him to resign just for the lack of character for hiding in the lengthy and not timely enough civil trial proceedings. If we get to question him, press and/ or city council, it may reveal enough evidence to the public to pass guilt.
NO, he has no right to just leave the accusation to his civil trial business in regards to who associates with him or entrusts him with responsibilities, whether public or private employer, or public office. It the mayor just wants to leave the allegations to the courts and avoid public scrutiny into his guilt or innocence he will have to resign.
This piece could not be more off-base. This is a unique situation where it's *very likely* that a coordinated political attack is taking place given the history we know and the anti-LGBT entities involved. Anyone who views Murray's Op Ed as victim blaming has already convicted him in their own minds. We cannot allow accusations to destroy careers before they've been proven no matter how sympathetic we find the victims, we must rather find a way to honor both accusers and accused until truth emerges; this means both not blaming victims and not convicting the accused in the court of public opinion. There is absolutely zero evidence in the public at the moment to suggest that Murray is guilty of anything other than being the victim of a smear campaign.
"HIs civil trial is not what will determine if he is mayor or not, The public will. If it has any sense, it may ask him to resign just for the lack of character for hiding in the lengthy and not timely enough civil trial proceedings."
The "not timely enough civil proceedings" are the fault of his accuser, who took a mere thirty years to file his complaint -- just in time for our current election season! Wow, what a coincidence!
"Public opinion is the forum that we judge our leaders suitably for office. We do not leave it to courts of law."
So if an officeholder gets convicted of a felony, no problem, he can stay in office and continue to draw a paycheck from our tax dollars if he's popular enough?
"You mock the justice system we enjoy if you believe that what we grant to protect innocent people is what we grant for holders of jobs or employment."
You mock the justice system if you think the presumption of innocence belongs only in the courts. If you were now accused of date-rape by a woman you'd dated decades ago in college or high school, would you resign your job, quit your career, on the strength of her accusation alone?
The presumption of innocence and burden of proof of court trials, civil or criminal is granted to no one in regard to their job. To say that is the case is just a lie. Different jobs and of course politicians are held to a much higher standard and NOT afforded the protections we afford others in society. There is sometime contracts and described administrative process, when denied, would be subject to due process and equal protection complaints. Court trials are not how we decide who are politicians are, that's simply the truth. YOU keep inferring that is the case 83, which is simply not true.
My employer may not believe or disbelieve that one accusation you suggested I might suffer, or
they may not care. Three? They might ask questions. But yea, I think the Mayor should definitely resign.
You make little sense in your constant defense of an increasingly poor behaving mayor. Political loyalty at any cost to your own character? Unfortunately it appears you are not the only one in my life long home of Seattle.
75 There is the evidence of three testimonials. That is a lot of evidence. Blind to it because of political loyalty? That is a complete disregard for possible victims, and any victims anywhere.
"The presumption of innocence and burden of proof of court trials, civil or criminal is granted to no one in regard to their job."
Even you recognize this isn't true:
"There is sometime contracts and described administrative process, when denied, would be subject to due process and equal protection complaints."
Damned right there would be hell to pay if an employee who had served faithfully and honestly for over twenty years was suddenly fired on nothing more than thirty-year-old rumors. That's a huge wrongful-dismissal lawsuit just begging to be awarded.
"Court trials are not how we decide who are politicians are, that's simply the truth."
Around New York and Chicago, federal prosecutors have made entire careers out of removing local elected officials from office and placing them in prison. So, we Americans have indeed used court trials to decide who our politicians are. (Maybe if you had any actual evidence of wrongdoing by Murray, you could understand this.)
(Also, that's twice in one paragraph in which you've accused me of lying for my having made statements which are demonstrably true.)
"Different jobs and of course politicians are held to a much higher standard and NOT afforded the protections we afford others in society."
That's your opinion. Whether an officeholder is "held to a much higher standard" depends upon the judgment of the electorate. You reject even that:
"I think the Mayor should definitely resign."
So, we citizens of Seattle are to be denied the choice of Mayor that we made, based upon what, exactly? Three decades-old accusations, including one where the accuser has yet to show he's ever even met Murray. That you won't hold yourself to the same standard tells us all we need to know:
"My employer may not believe or disbelieve that one accusation you suggested I might suffer, or they may not care. Three? They might ask questions."
I didn't ask you that. I asked if you would resign from your job, abandon your career, on nothing more than an accusation made by someone who has presented no evidence to support it. You have now declined to answer. Your non-answer tells us everything we really need to know about all of the high moral dudgeon you keep shouting here.
"There is the evidence of three testimonials. That is a lot of evidence."
Assertions are not evidence, and assertions made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.
"That is a complete disregard for possible victims, and any victims anywhere."
How about to victims of groundless accusations? Why do you completely disregard them?
The Mayor's op-Ed was shockingly tone-deaf and sad. For him to not even acknowledge his relationship to these men is very troubling and yet he has no problem in saying don't trust THEIR word.
Why should I trust his?
This story is being perpetuated by outlets that describe one accuser as "a teddy bear of a man" while asserting the mayor should step down (but they're not rushing to judgement).
There are some sketchy details to this case and I'd hope The Stranger would do more investigative journalism rather than just post what the court of public opinion thinks. The city deserves at least that much. Simply telling the mayor to step down, especially if innocent, does the city no good in the long run.
Danni stands on an Everest of moral high ground,
The Mayor wallows in a Marianas Trench of dissimulation and hypocrisy...
With headlines like this one, seems like he's going to be guilty for not responding and guilty for responding. I think it's also important to realize, the mayor has not been convicted of anything. He's been accused. It might be worth considering that the emotions of Seattle citizens, especially those who've tragically experienced sexual abuse, might possibly be getting preyed on here.
"Again, assume for the sake of argument that my accuser is not telling the truth."
He didn't address his relationship with Mr Simpson, he just attack his criminal record and ask people to believe him "for the sake of argument". Honestly was shocked he wrote that and was shocked the stranger published it.
@5 go try making a false accusation that is similar in believability to this one. Not so easy. You'll need a time machine for one thing.
This is not just one free-standing accusation, at this point. Murray has only entangled himself further into the long history of accusations by his clumsy blaming.
But a scientific poll would show his support dropping like a rock. He's done. Pack your bag Ed. Good riddance.
As to this op-ed, good on her.
The truth is this mayor is terrible. This city has gone to shit under his "leadership," and we should have been able to get rid of him based on his craptastic record alone. But Seattle does the politics of personal destruction way, way better than it does actual politics and real discussions.
Try to go to a council meeting sometime, it's all special snowflakes that want to be heard, and no one listens to the actual experts.
Actually "judgement" is a perfectly acceptable spelling, although more common in British usage.
In short, he's proven he doesn't have the competence to be handle the hot seat, much less answer for his actions or himself.
He was never a good choice for mayor; he's so much less good now. It's time for Murray to go.
No, the merits (or lack thereof) of this suit should be decided by the court, and the merits (or lack thereof) of Mayor Murray's performance in office should be decided by us citizens at the next election. Anything else is a flat denial of justice.
This was an even faster "not saying, just saying" since Ed Murray's "I'm not gonna suggest their background means they're lying...but their background means they're lying" editorial.
I'm not saying I believe Ed Murray. But, good god. Why the hell can't we, the public (and Danni is the public...she has exactly as much information on this case as the rest of us readers), let it ride a little longer rather than getting our pitchforks out within a week of the accusations. The immediate "burn the witch" reaction is scary as fuck.
@31 I think he should have stopped commenting after the second comment he made (which came after he promised to stop commenting). at this point it's become ridiculous. I bet he'll release yet another statement just to finish off any chance he had at winning re-election.
No. The lawsuit is bankrolled by Jack Connelly's law firm in Tacoma. Connelly ran as a candidate for our legislature in 2012, opposing gay marriage; then-Senator Ed Murray opposed Connelly's candidacy. Connelly has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to at least one recent anti-transgendered rights Initiative. Contrary to the title of this editorial, the motivations do matter, especially when they appear to be an attempt at political revenge by a failed anti-gay politician against a successful gay one.
Actually, the lawsuit claims sex below the age of consent and payment therefor, not anything to do with children.
"...that may go on for years?"
Bill Clinton is still one of our most popular political leaders, and that's what he had to do during his time in office.
"It's only going to get worse, not better. Not Ever!"
Unless the suit is withdrawn or dismissed and he's re-elected, all of which may yet easily happen.
"I say your [sic] gone this week."
Care to put your money where your mouth is?
That means everyone. Anyone.
Including Dan Savage and Danni Askini and Sydney Brownstone.
No, you would pay consequences if you lost your bet. I'm guessing you'll just ignore your prediction if it fails. (If your prediction fails, will you stop making predictions on this topic? Or will you refuse to practice the same accountability you're demanding of Mayor Murray?)
Bill Clinton won both.
You really ought to practice what you preach:
"Two successful attorneys with no anti LGBT bias are representing the gay victim..."
Two attorneys who are in the pay of an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray.
"Why would anyone think some random Tacoma attorney gives one crap about who the mayor of Seattle is?"
Jack Connelly is not some "random" attorney, he's an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray.
"Get over your ridiculous far fetched conspiracy..."
I'm talking about the actions of one person. That is, by definition, not talking about a conspiracy.
" the complaint."
I did. To which part do you refer? The riveting section about riding the Metro #7 bus?
"Murray did it..."
No, that is what the attorneys who are in the pay of an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray -- must demonstrate in a court of law. So far, all they've got is a story about riding a bus.
"The Lawyers are not claiming they are the victims of sexual abuse, their clients are."
For obvious reasons, I never wrote the attorneys were claiming to be victims of sexual abuse. I noted their client (note: singular) has told them a story about riding a bus, and they are getting all of their money for the lawsuit not from that client (note: singular), but from an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray.
Contrary to the title of this post, motivation matters. When we citizens of Seattle decide whether or not this lawsuit should have any bearing on our judgment of Mayor Murray's performance in his office, we are fully and completely entitled to consider the motivation(s) of the person paying for this lawsuit. That person is Jack Connelly of Tacoma, an anti-LGBTQ activist and failed candidate who opposed gay marriage -- a candidate who lost a political battle to Ed Murray.
The one Murray mentioned in his editorial:
"...firm anti-LGTBQ positions – positions which led me as a senator and chair of the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee to refuse to support Connelly when ran for the state Senate in 2012."
Connelly lost the election, in part because of Murray's opposition. This is all public knowledge, despite your wild claim that I have "NO" evidence for it.
"Not everything is a conspiracy or has some ulterior motive."
I have said nothing about a conspiracy. I have noted the single individual bankrolling this lawsuit has a history of opposing gay rights in general, and of opposing Murray in particular. Those facts are relevant when we consider this lawsuit.
" people you've never met anti LGBT..."
If they publicly oppose gay marriage and fund anti-LGBTQ-rights Initiatives, then yes, I will call them anti-LGBT. Please let me know what problem you have with that.
He has condoned sweeps of encampments which have forced people onto the streets without decent shelter. He has condoned police brutality of the most desperate and poor people. Is this someone we can trust?
As opposed to what, Straight Men, who are never ever ever, not ever, attracted to much much *much* younger women?
I don't like Murray one bit. I would vote for my cat this November before I vote for him. But that is based on his policies, not accusations from the past. As much as I want him gone, I want him gone for the right reasons and through the correct process (whether that be electoral or judicial).
The mayor has condoned and ordered brutal sweeps of the homeless encampments and caused great suffering for the most poverty stricken people. This is very, very, wrong and wrong to ignore this.
In the cult of unreason, there are no winners. We don't have to wait for a trial. You're guilty until proven guilty. We can never prove that you're innocent. Step down.
The writer's past isn't relevant to this case, as difficult as that may have been for them. Except, of course, as it pertains to increasing their political clout. Did they witness these alleged crimes? Did a victim confide in them? No.
One of my big beefs in this matter is not only how Murray has handled this by dodging the fact of whether he knew these men, but his disgusting attempts to shame the accuser(s) by mentioning their criminal history. While it does make one question the validity of the accusers story, it also points right to the fact that these people were very troubled and vulnerable. Newsflash Ed... people were NOT shocked to learn that these men had troubled pasts. That's what makes them ideal victims of all kinds of abuse!!! Predators prey on people like that for this very reason. To me, it is similar to someone raping a sex worker. The rapist does it knowing that the likelihood of a prostutute reporting a rape and the accusation being actively investigated and prosecuted is slim. For Murray's attorney to say that "you can't trust the accuser when he tells you his name" due to his criminal past is deplorable. Both he and Ed should be ashamed of themselves.
Moving on....
My second issue is the fact that there has been little mention of prior accusations. (And they are there.) This is not the first time Ed's been in the situation, it's just the first time it's ever gotten this much attention. I can't speak for everyone but my life experience tells me that where there's smoke....there is usually fire. Just sayin'.
Lastly, the op-ed written by Murray for the Stranger is more of him bitching and whining about the Seattle Times than it is addressing allegations. Stories about people get published every day at a moment's notice. Just because you're the Mayor DOES NOT mean that you get extra time before a story hits the news to try and smooth the sheets or pull strings to stop it. You may be the Mayor (albeit a bad one) but you're still just another dude when it comes to freedom of the press.
Do us a favor Ed......leave office. Then leave town!!
Here we have the stars in perfect alignment - showing two sides of a dynamic I have struggled to define and demonstrate.
Danni Askini was doing a damn fine job for the first half of this op-ed until Askini called for Seattle Mayor Ed Murray to step down. Askini was 100% irresponsible talking out of both sides their mouth - When finally during the last half of this piece called for Mayor Ed Murray. This political grandstanding. Askini has political ground in large part via Mayor Ed Murray's notable mention and awards.
Askini sees the writing on the wall and could not resist jumping in the spotlight. Askini is (I contend) doing the kinda thing I have predicted and exclaimed for well over a year now. Askini is a desperate opportunist pliable to the political winds.
It is in my personal opinion reckless and unfair for the Stranger to provide a platform to Danni Askini and Mayor Ed Murray in effect inducing a "Bitch-O-Thon" of sorts. It is not productive in a practical sense. However its provided a ploy for them both to undress themselves and show their azz.
I hope Mayor Ed Murray now sees clearly who Danni Askini is 360. Askini jumped the gun calling for Mayor Ed Murray to step down without a proper trial and being found guilty. Askini contradicts themselves over and over and over again. This was a delicious display highhanded dysfunctional dissension within the LGBTQ community and top political leaders. They will eat each other alive.
As it happens I am a casualty of their inability to advocate for victims by both Danni Askini and Mayor Ed Murray. Still I have decorum and respect not to be so audacious as to declare the Mayor to step down.
I (who identifies as LGBTQ) have accused Danni Askini of being a fraud based on my issues being deliberately neglected for a year. Which have now spiraled into a total disaster for me and total loss. While Askini was out chasing the gold rings for their own personal agenda. Askini has since now provided a myriad of limp wristed excuses in an attempt to cover their tracks.
Who is Danni Askini? On what grounds does Askini have the authority to judge and direct Mayor Ed Murray to do anything let alone step-down? Danni Askini is a puffed up highfalutin LGBTQ socialist activist claiming to be an advocate for victims rights and safety.
I strongly speculate that Danni Askini is a mouthpiece for Kshama Sawant in many cases - This, just might be the biggest one yet!
You mock the justice system we enjoy if you believe that what we grant to protect innocent people is what we grant for holders of jobs or employment.
HIs civil trial is not what will determine if he is mayor or not, The public will. If it has any sense, it may ask him to resign just for the lack of character for hiding in the lengthy and not timely enough civil trial proceedings. If we get to question him, press and/ or city council, it may reveal enough evidence to the public to pass guilt.
NO, he has no right to just leave the accusation to his civil trial business in regards to who associates with him or entrusts him with responsibilities, whether public or private employer, or public office. It the mayor just wants to leave the allegations to the courts and avoid public scrutiny into his guilt or innocence he will have to resign.
If the accusations are false - and Murray explicitly knows if they're false or not - then it's an entirely appropriate course of action.
The "not timely enough civil proceedings" are the fault of his accuser, who took a mere thirty years to file his complaint -- just in time for our current election season! Wow, what a coincidence!
"Public opinion is the forum that we judge our leaders suitably for office. We do not leave it to courts of law."
So if an officeholder gets convicted of a felony, no problem, he can stay in office and continue to draw a paycheck from our tax dollars if he's popular enough?
"You mock the justice system we enjoy if you believe that what we grant to protect innocent people is what we grant for holders of jobs or employment."
You mock the justice system if you think the presumption of innocence belongs only in the courts. If you were now accused of date-rape by a woman you'd dated decades ago in college or high school, would you resign your job, quit your career, on the strength of her accusation alone?
My employer may not believe or disbelieve that one accusation you suggested I might suffer, or
they may not care. Three? They might ask questions. But yea, I think the Mayor should definitely resign.
You make little sense in your constant defense of an increasingly poor behaving mayor. Political loyalty at any cost to your own character? Unfortunately it appears you are not the only one in my life long home of Seattle.
Even you recognize this isn't true:
"There is sometime contracts and described administrative process, when denied, would be subject to due process and equal protection complaints."
Damned right there would be hell to pay if an employee who had served faithfully and honestly for over twenty years was suddenly fired on nothing more than thirty-year-old rumors. That's a huge wrongful-dismissal lawsuit just begging to be awarded.
"Court trials are not how we decide who are politicians are, that's simply the truth."
Around New York and Chicago, federal prosecutors have made entire careers out of removing local elected officials from office and placing them in prison. So, we Americans have indeed used court trials to decide who our politicians are. (Maybe if you had any actual evidence of wrongdoing by Murray, you could understand this.)
(Also, that's twice in one paragraph in which you've accused me of lying for my having made statements which are demonstrably true.)
"Different jobs and of course politicians are held to a much higher standard and NOT afforded the protections we afford others in society."
That's your opinion. Whether an officeholder is "held to a much higher standard" depends upon the judgment of the electorate. You reject even that:
"I think the Mayor should definitely resign."
So, we citizens of Seattle are to be denied the choice of Mayor that we made, based upon what, exactly? Three decades-old accusations, including one where the accuser has yet to show he's ever even met Murray. That you won't hold yourself to the same standard tells us all we need to know:
"My employer may not believe or disbelieve that one accusation you suggested I might suffer, or they may not care. Three? They might ask questions."
I didn't ask you that. I asked if you would resign from your job, abandon your career, on nothing more than an accusation made by someone who has presented no evidence to support it. You have now declined to answer. Your non-answer tells us everything we really need to know about all of the high moral dudgeon you keep shouting here.
"There is the evidence of three testimonials. That is a lot of evidence."
Assertions are not evidence, and assertions made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.
"That is a complete disregard for possible victims, and any victims anywhere."
How about to victims of groundless accusations? Why do you completely disregard them?