
Liberal tolerance requires intolerance of anything that is not liberal tolerance. It's "hate speech” destroying my "safe space". When we find these enemies of social justice, to the Re-education Camps with them!
@1 - This is not of what you speak. This is not like the eye-rolling ruffled feathers over having Condoleezza Rice do a commencement speech or Ann Coulter - no this is aggressive harassment and intimidation - a far different thing.
In late March, a Bellevue College student who identifies herself as Christy X discovered
Oh my god! “Christy X”! Really? Wow.
white people, is this the country you wiped out entire cultures of native americans, and destroyed countless herds of megafauna for?

@1: you are full of shit. there is no "liberal" obligation to tolerate intolerance/white supremacy. you're battling phantoms.
@6: That's a failed attempt for a sophomoric juxtaposition of orthogonal narratives.
@5- You don't get out much, do you?
@6, this is a fake hate crime, whereas the event I linked to is real. Shouldn't the real world get more coverage than Leftist phony victimhood fetishism?
The Israeli teenager did it
Probably the same antifa kiddies who put up fake anti-semitic posters at Bellevue College the other day so they would have something to protest about.…
@12: There is indeed leftist phony victimhood fetishism - which is not the case here. And there is indeed overt hostile and threatening harassment - which is the case here. No need to conflate the two.
America 2017 - fake stories propagated as being "real" by people who may also claim to not be 5000% dishonest.
@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @9, @12, @14, @15, @18: Eat shit and die.
@16: Yes, it's laziness too. Slog is far more interesting when folks try to defined their views, even if they indulge in hyperbole (like me), instead of "linking" on a whim.

@19: Gosh, why did I make the list, considering that blip and I were more or less in agreement?
Art - It seems that you enjoy commenting on neoliberalism without understanding the definition first? Only White Supremacists defend White Supremacy. How about defending the posters AFTER viewing them? OR how about defending the college administration AFTER researching the facts? Are you also a student at BC? Maybe you were one of the troll boys at the rally today? And yes, I am Christy X [again research would help your "case"]. My media can be found here;
@22 Chisty X just out of curiosity, when you first saw these posters tacked to the cork board on your way to the cafeteria did your arm twitch with the reflex to just rip them off the board?

"Machiavelli was framed" - Son, you had me at "cafeteria". Hey, isn't there still time to sign up for that English 101 course at Bellevue College? Just as a reminder here are some highlights;

“Oh please, this reads like nothing more than suicide by cop. A 52 year old man whose life has spiraled out of control for reasons we may never know and sees no way to fix it, latches onto the current turmoil in the world and decides to go out in a blaze”.

“Ok it is a dirty job but I'll do it, I'll defend Raindrop. As racism goes Raindrop's is pretty micro and methinks largely an unconscious result of his lack of awareness of the extent of the life long privilege he has benefited from by being born white and solidly middle class or better”.

If you've worn blinders your entire life, even if you take them off your peripheral vision is going to be for shit".

"Can't tax income in WA state, tax short and long term capital gains instead. That is where the real money is anyway and it not regressive, one needs to have assets that are worth something in order to have capital gains”.

- Machiavelli was framed
@24: Just a note. My race has never been divulged one Slog.
@ 25 You're obviously a white guy. You wear black framed glasses and skinny jeans because, we;;, they are hip and you are hip. You like sushi, occasionally buy one of those homeless newspapers because it bakes you feel good. You eat organic and shop at the local trendy organic store, but would secretly shop at Whole Foods if there was one near you. You own several Apple devices, I mean, the fact that they have solid hip design warrants the cost. You are heterosexual, but if sitting on your analyst's couch, you would admit to maybe one or two "youthful" homosexual experiences with cute boys just like you. And speaking of personal things, you own several pairs of Superman and Batman briefs. Though you live in the city, if you lived in the "burbs", you would justify the ownership of an SUV of some type. You long to have a "designer dog", one of those big things with giant pendulous genitals. You would consider sending your children (if you decided to adopt any little brown kids from a dark continent) to Montessori. You budget a large part of your disposable income to coffee, and while you deny you go to Starbucks, you know deep down you desire a caramel macchiato soy with just a tap of cocoa. I have you nailed.
These aren't exactly "False Flag" operations, but it seems more like a Graphic Design Student experimenting in Modern Propaganda Art.
@27/Sportlandia - "Graphic Design Student experimenting in Modern Propaganda Art"? Really? Did you check the link? Research the centuries long [historical] laundry list of White Supremacy tactics. This is what recruitment looks like in 2017.

As a Social Justice Filmmaker I regularly work with graphic designers and I have never met one who would "shop" Neo-Nazism as portfolio work.

To discredit the message is plain ignorance.
@28 I imagine the Venn Diagram of professional graphic designers who work on independent social justice films and Community College students is a pretty small sliver. This is 2017. There are better ways to reach people than flyers at a community college.
@29 I resent your remark, I grew up in Portland. And My mother's house has no basement, in fact I had full roaming of the attic.
@28 Sportlandia - Still no research on your part? Why?

You mentioned; "I imagine the Venn Diagram of professional graphic designers who work on independent social justice films and Community College students is a pretty small sliver".

How did you come to this conclusion? Is this statement base on your own creative knowledge, expertise AND historical research? Your catch phrase reads like a disgruntled Bellevue College [adjunct] professor. Seriously - Folks who;
1. Are intelligent enough to research Anti-Racist historical work[s] are the same folks who condemn Neo-Nazi posters and don't question how "effective" they are on a college campus [or anywhere for that matter].


2. They also understand how media works [this includes both main stream and independent genres of ALL types]. They may even be able to explain the difference and impact that each genre offers or creates.

3. Any combination of one and two also comprehends the internet "database" theory. This means that when someone justifies White Supremacy posters on a college campus [or anywhere for that matter] they will have to answer for it later.

2017? Are you saying that one Neo Nazi is is somehow less "problematic" [for you] VS Nazi's [I guess more than one bothers you for some reason?].

Are you actually willing to suggest ways for fascists to "grow their reach"? Maybe your marketing and advertising theory works because you have created fascist media "designs" and think it's normal?

Do you realize that your rhetoric justifies the existence of fascism? More importantly; You are leaving an online permanent trail for all of Antifa to follow.
@32 I come to that conclusion because I see those posters and see a dumb joke. Like, OK, perhaps someone made those earnestly... and then... and then... what, exactly? You gonna jump in and change their mind? Alternatively, someone wanted to "make a statement" with offense-inducing artwork. Now, in my life - and I spent some time in Community Colleges - I've met hundreds of people who want to provoke conversation with art. I've met a handful of white supremacist types. In a college environment, even more skewed. So what should I guess is more likely? The things that appeal to many people I've met, or very few?

Now, as to your first question: Generally speaking, professional creatives are not commonly still enrolled in community college; being that they're professionals and all. I think it's a fair enough assumption that I'll put the onus on you to disprove it.

With regards to 2017: Flyering up is a strategy that isn't especially effective. We have the internet, finding people sensitive to your ideology isn't hard, expensive, or time-consuming. If whoever put these up is legit, fine, let em have their dumb little club - they'll end up with like minded individuals with or without it. You can take down flyers all the live long day but don't fantasize that your combating an ideology. American Fascism is a trend older than all of us; it's rooted in the "American Identity" and in the rural-urban divide. If you're not addressing those issues, it's all just various forms of performance.
Your refusal to provide [even] surface research supporting your "community college" theories [and even worse what you have incorrectly described or labeled as, "American Fascism"] has been publicly noted.

My professionalism was previously stated in regards to my first comment to Art in #22. Again you failed to research even a basic link that was left publicly. Your inaccurate "community college" judgments [prejudice] speak for themselves.

So instead of allowing you to continue a false narrative I will provide the research you have refused to post;

Research the 21 [publicly] listed hate groups throughout Washington State. After reading evidence on anyone of these fascists groups you may want to retract your statements such as; "I've met a handful of white supremacist types" and even worse, "If whoever put these up is legit, fine, let em have their dumb little club - they'll end up with like minded individuals with or without it".

Your writing reflects what you would like folks [who are reading this board] to believe that actual hate groups are unlikely to exist on a college campus [even worse your dismissive attitude and complete disregard for anyone harmed or targeted by ANY fascist group does in fact support white supremacy]. There is a Muslim hate group in physical proximity to Bellevue College [98009].

Care to debate that fact? The Freedom Faith group is a Muslim hate group. That is reality. What you preach supports fascism on every level. When you allow White Supremacy an inch you are in compliance of it. That is what you are in fact preaching.…

Definition of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge

You said; "American Fascism is a trend older than all of us; it's rooted in the "American Identity" and in the rural-urban divide".

Didn't you mean to discuss colonialism? Colonialism;…

Definition of colonialism
: the quality or state of being colonial
: something characteristic of a colony
a : control by one power over a dependent area or people the colonialism of the British Empire
b : a policy advocating or based on such control Colonialism was brought to an end in the country.

Yes, colonialism continues to perpetrate [historical] violence in many forms; 1. Capitalism [earliest phases began under Queen Elizabeth [1st] 14th/15th century as the first LLC.'s formed under the guise of "trade" in Britain [who targeted Asia and Africa first] which was really; 2. Theft, pillaging and later; 3. Slavery [Sir Francis Drake was the Queens "favorite pirate" as he famously murdered, thieved and brought over some of the first stolen African Peoples], we can move forward if this is too much historical information and jump straight to 4. Indigenous People who were murdered, [colonial based genocides as early as the 13th and 15th century moving forward into the 17th century and today] notice that I am skipping 5. the AD era. You mentioned American identities and fascism. If you want to research this further [and I know you don't] check out;…

Paxton, author of several books, including "The Anatomy of Fascism" (Vintage, 2005), said fascism is based more on feelings than philosophical ideas. In his 1988 essay "The Five Stages of Fascism," published in 1998 in the Journal of Modern History, he defined seven feelings that act as "mobilizing passions" for fascist regimes. They are:

The primacy of the group. Supporting the group feels more important than maintaining either individual or universal rights.
Believing that one's group is a victim. This justifies any behavior against the group's enemies.
The belief that individualism and liberalism enable dangerous decadence and have a negative effect on the group.
A strong sense of community or brotherhood. This brotherhood's "unity and purity are forged by common conviction, if possible, or by exclusionary violence if necessary."
Individual self-esteem is tied up in the grandeur of the group. Paxton called this an "enhanced sense of identity and belonging."
Extreme support of a "natural" leader, who is always male. This results in one man taking on the role of national savior.
"The beauty of violence and of will, when they are devoted to the group's success in a Darwinian struggle," Paxton wrote. The idea of a naturally superior group or, especially in Hitler's case, biological racism, fits into a fascist interpretation of Darwinism.

You mentioned; "If you're not addressing those issues, it's all just various forms of performance". Those "issues" have not only been addressed but I will one up you and post this interview with Paxton since you are lazy;…

If you dare to watch this [and I know you won't] it pretty much obliterates your pretend theories of "American Fascism".
@33 Sportlandia -

Your refusal to provide [even] surface research supporting your "community college" theories [and even worse what you have incorrectly described or labeled as, "American Fascism"] has been publicly noted.

My professionalism was previously stated in regards to my first comment to Art in #22. Again you failed to research even a basic link that was left publicly. Your inaccurate "community college" judgments [prejudice] speak for themselves.

So instead of allowing you to continue a false narrative I will provide the research you have refused to post;

Research the 21 [publicly] listed hate groups throughout Washington State. After reading evidence on anyone of these fascists groups you may want to retract your statements such as; "I've met a handful of white supremacist types" and even worse, "If whoever put these up is legit, fine, let em have their dumb little club - they'll end up with like minded individuals with or without it".

Your writing reflects what you would like folks [who are reading this board] to believe that actual hate groups are unlikely to exist on a college campus [even worse your dismissive attitude and complete disregard for anyone harmed or targeted by ANY fascist group does in fact support white supremacy]. There is a Muslim hate group in physical proximity to Bellevue College [98009].

Care to debate that fact? The Freedom Faith group is a Muslim hate group. That is reality. What you preach supports fascism on every level. When you allow White Supremacy an inch you are in compliance of it. That is what you are in fact preaching.…

Definition of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge

You said; "American Fascism is a trend older than all of us; it's rooted in the "American Identity" and in the rural-urban divide".

Didn't you mean to discuss colonialism? Colonialism;…

Definition of colonialism
: the quality or state of being colonial
: something characteristic of a colony
a : control by one power over a dependent area or people the colonialism of the British Empire
b : a policy advocating or based on such control Colonialism was brought to an end in the country.

Yes, colonialism continues to perpetrate [historical] violence in many forms; 1. Capitalism [earliest phases began under Queen Elizabeth [1st] 14th/15th century as the first LLC.'s formed under the guise of "trade" in Britain [who targeted Asia and Africa first] which was really; 2. Theft, pillaging and later; 3. Slavery [Sir Francis Drake was the Queens "favorite pirate" as he famously murdered, thieved and brought over some of the first stolen African Peoples], we can move forward if this is too much historical information and jump straight to 4. Indigenous People who were murdered, [colonial based genocides as early as the 13th and 15th century moving forward into the 17th century and today] notice that I am skipping 5. the AD era. You mentioned American identities and fascism. If you want to research this further [and I know you don't] check out;…

Paxton, author of several books, including "The Anatomy of Fascism" (Vintage, 2005), said fascism is based more on feelings than philosophical ideas. In his 1988 essay "The Five Stages of Fascism," published in 1998 in the Journal of Modern History, he defined seven feelings that act as "mobilizing passions" for fascist regimes. They are:

The primacy of the group. Supporting the group feels more important than maintaining either individual or universal rights.
Believing that one's group is a victim. This justifies any behavior against the group's enemies.
The belief that individualism and liberalism enable dangerous decadence and have a negative effect on the group.
A strong sense of community or brotherhood. This brotherhood's "unity and purity are forged by common conviction, if possible, or by exclusionary violence if necessary."
Individual self-esteem is tied up in the grandeur of the group. Paxton called this an "enhanced sense of identity and belonging."
Extreme support of a "natural" leader, who is always male. This results in one man taking on the role of national savior.
"The beauty of violence and of will, when they are devoted to the group's success in a Darwinian struggle," Paxton wrote. The idea of a naturally superior group or, especially in Hitler's case, biological racism, fits into a fascist interpretation of Darwinism.

You mentioned; "If you're not addressing those issues, it's all just various forms of performance". Those "issues" have not only been addressed but I will one up you and post this interview with Paxton since you are lazy;…

If you dare to watch this [and I know you won't] it pretty much obliterates your pretend theories of "American Fascism".
@35 Please stay on your meds, and stay in school. For all your typing, you've done astonishingly little reading.
@35 Sportlandia - Is that ALL you've got Son? Debating requires; active listening, social engagement, research and critical thinking. You made it easy. Your support of White Supremacy was stated in; @27, @30 & @33.


This seems unfair. Make it difficult next time okay?

Jesus Christ(yx) you took Poli Sci once we fucking get already.
@38 "Jesus Christ(yx) - Are you serious? I am cracking up. I have never taken a Political Science course. Not ONE. You made my night:)

Folks need to read between the lines. Read and research - THEN comment.
"Diveristy" is not a codeword for 'color-blindness' - "Diversity" is a codeword for white genocide.

Look at what's happening in Europe. Whites are the ONLY population being politically-pressured into relinquishing their own homeh-lands, and to tolerate the rampant rape, murder and bizarro sexual-assault being committed - overwhelmingly - by so-called Muslim "Refugees..."

Isis has CLEARLY STATED their goals of conquering and subjugating Europe, in no uncertain terms. If you think that info-posters WARNING Americans about this is "intolerant," you should open up the qua'ran and read all about what it has to say about "the disbelievers..."

They are to be EXECUTED on the spot.

This is not rhetoric, nor is it hyperbole. It is fact. Islam is the MOST intolerant political-doctrine on the PLANET, and it is coming for those liberal demicracies that are gullible and self-hating enough to fall for this "diversity" garbage - and it's winning.

Sounds like THIS article is intolerant of fucking reality.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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