
Anyone capitalizing on this is an enemy of the LGBT community. This was a hit job by Jack Con-noly, n attempt to defame an openly gay man who had managed to acquire political power through years of service dedicated to protecting and equalizing the rights of LGBT people.

I'm disgusted with the editorial staff for abandoning one of our own kind in his hour of need.
What @1 said. Also, none of these candidates is qualified to run the City. Losing, all around.
@1 is correct
And I am het but the politics are obvious and sad to see Stranger guilty of bullying.

Those announced so far will go nowhere - for good reason.
Am I the only person who recognizes that Murray WAS a pathetic mayor but did some good work when in Olympia and I'm glad he won't get a second term as mayor.

But the voters should have decided at the polls: not a smear campaign filled with decades old accusations (where were these claims when he was running for the state Senate all these years?) that will never lead to a single criminal or civil case against Murray.

The Stranger has become Fox News or The Blaze.
The Stranger has been toothless for some time now. Remember when Keck and their advertisers got mad that they were pushing the $15 minimum wage issue too far, and suddenly all the posts about how maybe $15 was going too far started appearing?
@1 has it right.

The Stranger has become nothing more than a forum for entitled, fragile children who use every story as an opportunity to insinuate their own (or their friend's) perceived victimhood into the same tired, intellectually lazy narrative peddled by everyone else on the far-left.
@3 the proper response to "bullying" is not cowering in silence. I haven't made up my mind either way (the accusers and lawyer involved hit the crackpot meter pretty hard) but Murray handled this pretty terribly
@5 yes that was my favorite. Now the exodus of talent is complete and we are surrounded by no-names ready to bleat value signaling and otherwise activist-journalize instead of being journalists first. I'm looking forward to seeing how much this paper poses Nikkita Oliver as a non-joke-ass candidate since she's associated with BLM (and therefore untouchably good)
Not sure what you mean.

As to "jackpot", lawyers? Yes! Big PR and very little work.
Accusers? They'll get nothing as case will be dropped.
Strong words coming from McGinn who fears real candidates and other people's accomplishments always dwarfing his lackluster platform. He's now building his campaign on a foundation of bullying.
1, 2, 3, are all full of shit. this wasn't a "hit job" it was karma catching up with Big Ed. trying to use the LGBTQ community as a shield against pedophilia allegations is disgusting. he used victim blaming tactics and was a shitty mayor. good riddance.

hopefully we end up with Oliver or someone who isn't just yet another corporate stooge. take a look at who is managing the campaigns of each candidate to get an idea of what to expect from them.
I can't keep track. Is the Stranger a snowflake space for identity politics, or is the Stranger stabbing the gays for its corporate masters?
I'm an out of towner, and I have a question about the Murray case.

If his accusers are former "street hustlers", or sex workers, why aren't they suing any of their other former clients?
I've read a little bit about the case here over the last few weeks, but I don't remember anyone pointing that out.
Lame duck mayor isn't going to do any good in office, so it's probably best for him to resign.
I find it just amazing that because some asshole anti-gay douche bag pointed out the very possible reality that Murray engaged young teen street boys for sex that we should ignore the very real possibility that Murray engaged young teen street boys for sex. One conclusion that can be drawn is that gays and liberals feel that the "Liberal Agenda" is more imporatnt than bringing someone to task for having sex with young teen street boys, and by extension that having sex with young teen street boys inperfictly OK. They of course don't want to say that, but it's the real practical ourcome. Also, suggesting that people throwing their hat in the ring are somehow "taking advantage" of Murray's situation, which is silly, politicians run against people for office, that's the way it works. Hopfully, none of the possible Murray replacements have a string of young teen street boys in their closets...
@13: Because they were not "sex workers," they were disadvantaged youth living on the street, often with a drug addiction. These are not the boys that have ads in the back pages of The Stranger.
@ 18: How do you know the boys in the back of The Stranger aren't disadvantaged or w/o addictions? Would being disadvantaged or drug-addicted make someone less likely to to level false accusations?
'One conclusion that can be drawn is that gays and liberals feel that the "Liberal Agenda" is more imporatnt than bringing someone to task for having sex with young teen street boys, and by extension that having sex with young teen street boys inperfictly OK.'

A much simpler and more honest conclusion that can be drawn is that gays and liberals know that accusations made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. We also know how Connelly had to troll prisons (!) to find middle-aged men who were sad and desperate enough to take his promise of payout in exchange for making the groundless statements you have gullibly swallowed as gospel.

"Hopfully, none of the possible Murray replacements have a string of young teen street boys in their closets..."

And if they don't, Connelly will be more than happy to have his minions troll yet more prisons to fabricate stories of having had them.

(Do keep obsessively slobbering over the thought of "sex with young teen street boys," because there's just no way -- no way AT ALL -- that an anti-gay bigot who rants about such things could possibly be a raging, self-hating closet case. Trust me on this.)

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