
The bad news:
The phone call works very well for both extreme left and right.

The good news:
Since the phone call works for both extremes, it's really not very productive once either of the assholes ( who made the call ) think about it so hopefully won't do it again.
You know, I really wish these extremist violent types would at least get their epithets correct. Olympia is "communist"? That is so far off the mark as to be completely laughable.. They (the threatening caller) is not even trying. Seriously weak sauce.
The SJW who made this call missed a primo opportunity to say they'd use an "assault rifle."
>.44 Magnum
>5 shots
>pain in the ass to reload
>execute as many people as possible
>phones in ahead of time

Did they ask what bar he was calling from? Dimwits like that are usually glad to tell you.
1 - holy shit, what kind of day was this for that dispatcher?

2 - dude seems to be a pretty obvious clown. If he turns out to be a vegan berniebro who still voted hillary, I'll be 0% surprised.
@5: Rage trumps articulation.
Even if he executed 5 ppl, asshole, that would be "as many as possible".
You attempting to belittle this threat by attempting to swing your dick around is puerile, at best.
@11 - Making fun of the perpetrator is not belittling the threat.
Yes you are indeed the racist… Blaming others so that you can go undetected… When we found you out!
The gist of his comment is, "i know so much more about guns than this guy", which is indeed belittling the threat, whereas the gist of your assertion can be reduced to "nuh-uh".

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