
Almost as if this was posturing by an incumbent who suddenly drew challengers ...
This is a good time to point out that Murray hasn't been convicted of any crime, and isn't even a party to a civil suit any longer.

I'm sure your Hearst Yellow Journalism Award for Character Assassination and Bullshit Peddling is a lock.
Oh, Heidi! Such a provocative headline! Really makes me take notice. DIRTY WORD!!!
I suspect we may see more movement on this after the primary results are in. Council may have been reluctant to create a distraction from the primary. Also, Murray and his people may have wanted to see what the mayor's race was going to look like before deciding whether to walk away or work as diligently as possible to jam as much of their agenda through in the next 5 months as possible.

If Durkan has a favorable match-up (e.g., against Oliver), perhaps Murray's supporters apply more pressure on him to resign, confident that Durkan will continue his agenda in the likely event that she wins. Conversely, if Durkan doesn't make it in or is facing a stiffer challenge from somebody like McGinn, Farrell or Moon, who may not be as interested in continuing Murray's agenda, then Murray's supporters may be more inclined to circle the wagons, try to ride out the controversy, and push as much of their agenda through as they can in the remainder of the term.
Aside from crushing debt that people involved would most certainly face, I wish this went to trial so that the court of public opinion would not be the only court dictating this sideshow narrative.
Let the accessors have their chance and let the accused also have his. So far, there's nothing that the Times or the Stranger would love more than to see Murray tarred and feathered. It makes them giddy to pour the tar themselves. That isn't justice for the accusers though. And it isn't justice for the public. Nor is it justice for the accused. This is just a drawn out public lanting.
Maybe this has to do with the City Council's insistence that Landlords should only be able to check prospective tenants Criminal Records two years prior. They are taking that belief and extending it to public officials.
"Kshama Savant Does Jack Shit As More People Call For Murray's Resignation."

Fixed that for you; you're welcome.

@6: Sad to see your compulsive slobbering over the mere thought of having sex with under-age males still bursts forth in ugly glory at the slightest provocation. Just as Delvonn Heckard and Jeff Simpson seem to have found some solace in blaming Ed Murray for the relentlessly poor choices they freely made in their own lives, you may get some comfort in projecting your own relentlessly filthy desires onto Ed Murray and Original Andrew.

It doesn't make you a less repulsive person, but by now, you know not to bother trying, don't you?

If the state of Oregon said no to Murray as a foster parent - entirely - based on what his foster son said he did, I believe them. I think it sick to have such a person as mayor of Seattle and he should go. That Harrell and other electeds are circling the wagons for him is something I will remember, especially when I vote.

Will you quit your job, resign from your career, over what one document said about you, thirty years ago?

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