The Stranger could have saved the considerable space wasted on this re-tread of old smears by noting the citizens of Seattle still don't care about the non-story which continues to titillate our chattering political class. But then, the point of this re-tread of old smears was to avoid admitting the citizens of Seattle still don't care about the non-story which continues to titillate our chattering political class, wasn't it?
(Well, at least you got ol' reliable @2 to slobber compulsively over his fantasies of having sex with young men. That's not a difficult task, but it is something.)
Can we please stop talking about aging perverts. I'm sick of perverts. And their pervert friends and pervert activities. Not interested in perverts. Goodbye, Mayor Pervert.
Next topic!
@5 - So you're saying there's no way he abused juvenile males for sexual gratification? You're saying this never happens and is a figment of the wild imagination of the "anti-Gays"?
(Well, at least you got ol' reliable @2 to slobber compulsively over his fantasies of having sex with young men. That's not a difficult task, but it is something.)
Next topic!
Don't worry; Arty's rancid bigotry against gay men can be found all over comment threads in Murray smear stories, like this one.
Slobbering bigotry like Arty's is what The Stranger is really promoting with the Murray smear stories; why are they not more proud of their fine work?
It's not hard for me to see how this played out with Murray as a younger man with those in a weaker position.