Easy for you to say "keep your money", you privileged piece of entitled trash. You don't need any of it.
Any donations help, why should a donation be rejected because of its source? You are a hateful little soulless creep who obviously can't tolerate a world shaped by anything other than your own resentments. I'd say shame on you, but it's well established that you are incapable of feeling any.
I'm not sure @2 missed the point entirely, but that's certainly an overreaction.
What's got Charles angry here (and in turn is provoking reaction to that anger) is that philanthropy on the part of the rich interferes with Charles' preferred approach of using whatever drifts down the daily news stream to stoke public fears and resentments in a direction that he believes will promote his ideology.
Personally I'd be quite happy if the rich paid much higher taxes on wealth and high income and made charitable donations to aid the suffering. Charles, however, must present these things as binary choices, because that is what Charles believes will make me resent the rich so much that I will make a revolution for Charles and then hand the reins over to Charles when I'm done.
@5 aw, spare us your drivel already. Noting that charity donations by economic elites are fig leaves for their refusing to adequately fund government has little to do with ideology. It's called fact.
I wouldn't suggest Charles shows much trust any existing public bureaucracy. But he is very certain that a far better social structure can be built once we have finished making a revolution on his behalf and have handed the job of organizing society over to him, or at least to people whose thoughts do not diverge too dangerously from his own correct-thinking.
I am suggesting that at least some of the rich give some of their riches to charity for reasons that have nothing to do with these "fig leaves" you keep drawing onto them with your crayon.
Some of the rich, after all, don't give a flying fuck whether anyone thinks they're contributing sufficiently to the government's coffers... yet do seem to want to spend some of that cold hard cash helping people in need once in a while. As if they think they're human beings or something, the nerve of them!
I understand your anger, though-- it can be very frustrating when a diverse group of people aren't all doing and saying the things that your ideology demands of them.
@14 The fuck he did. It wasn't authoritarian socialism that he left Catalonia disliking but the propaganda state that was being placed by Stalin. He very much stayed sympathetic to the socialist and anarchist soldiers he fought beside. A large chunk of the book is solely devoted to discussing how the communists pushed out and made illegal the organization's they supposedly came to help.
@15 I am sure some also actually believe in robber baron philanthropy as model of governance but that should hardly be our concern since we can perfectly see the result of their buying government to avoid being taxed. Pointing it out is hardly ideological despite your regurgitating right-wing tropes ad-infinitum.
The bankers and wall street own most of the wealth and create poverty so the rest of us have to be good at helping each other to survive now.
We need self determination and access to the resources which this system will not allow. People generally do not like to be charity cases and to be dehumanized by government etc. bureaucracy. Capitalism is going down sooner or later because for one it destroys and kills many people and the environment.
(You can’t have capitalism without racism. Malcom X). As well as inequality and the destruction of the human and natural world.
Any donations help, why should a donation be rejected because of its source? You are a hateful little soulless creep who obviously can't tolerate a world shaped by anything other than your own resentments. I'd say shame on you, but it's well established that you are incapable of feeling any.
I'm not sure @2 missed the point entirely, but that's certainly an overreaction.
What's got Charles angry here (and in turn is provoking reaction to that anger) is that philanthropy on the part of the rich interferes with Charles' preferred approach of using whatever drifts down the daily news stream to stoke public fears and resentments in a direction that he believes will promote his ideology.
Personally I'd be quite happy if the rich paid much higher taxes on wealth and high income and made charitable donations to aid the suffering. Charles, however, must present these things as binary choices, because that is what Charles believes will make me resent the rich so much that I will make a revolution for Charles and then hand the reins over to Charles when I'm done.
I wouldn't suggest Charles shows much trust any existing public bureaucracy. But he is very certain that a far better social structure can be built once we have finished making a revolution on his behalf and have handed the job of organizing society over to him, or at least to people whose thoughts do not diverge too dangerously from his own correct-thinking.
My goodness, so angry.
I am suggesting that at least some of the rich give some of their riches to charity for reasons that have nothing to do with these "fig leaves" you keep drawing onto them with your crayon.
Some of the rich, after all, don't give a flying fuck whether anyone thinks they're contributing sufficiently to the government's coffers... yet do seem to want to spend some of that cold hard cash helping people in need once in a while. As if they think they're human beings or something, the nerve of them!
I understand your anger, though-- it can be very frustrating when a diverse group of people aren't all doing and saying the things that your ideology demands of them.
But if you'd like to here's a link:
There was a time that The Stranger put people before political bullshit but I suppose those days are long gone
You never read the book, you POS.
We need self determination and access to the resources which this system will not allow. People generally do not like to be charity cases and to be dehumanized by government etc. bureaucracy. Capitalism is going down sooner or later because for one it destroys and kills many people and the environment.
(You can’t have capitalism without racism. Malcom X). As well as inequality and the destruction of the human and natural world.