
It seems like Murray had put it behind him (a luxury his victims did not have) and he has been a different guy the last couple decades. It makes sense to me that there would be cognitive dissonance when 'this guy' turns out to have been 'that guy' in the past.
Is there a Ferengi rule of acquisition saying​ it's never too late to suck up to the boss?
What's the barrier to publishing individual names? I ask because my understanding is that if you're a civil servant and drawing a state funded paycheck and writing well wishes and tearful farewells to a child molester on your employer (and ergo state citizen paid for) computer...

Seems to me that you should be called to account personally for your poor ass choices and shitty behavior?
This is cronyism, you'd see the same emails if it was donald since our government is built on it.
@2: Rule 33 is, "It never hurts to suck up to the boss."
We like our world to have clear bounds. Good is good. Bad is bad. The reality is that there is good and evil in us all. Murray can have done evil things to many people in his personal life and still have done a lot of good in his political career. Many of us benefitted from the good he did in politics, and we see that first hand. We did not experience the sexual abuse first hand, and it is painful to accept that someone who has been highly admired is also capable of such ugly actions. That acceptance takes time to process.
I'd prefer to give people some time to adjust, rather than bash them for needing that time. Yes the victims absolutely deserve to be believed. But human behavior is generally predictable, and when a hero falls, it takes us time to accept that. Look at Bill Cosby. Same problem. Bashing those that need that time serves nobody well.
This is kinda icky but I'm not sure what you were expecting - people to call their boss a sexual predator and urge him to quit?
I for one would appreciate it if all the people who insisted in public that this was all a right-wing plot to bring down the gay mayor would acknowledge in public that it wasn't the case, and that they had been duped.
@8 And that's understandable but its less understandable here for 2 reasons:

1. Personal difficulties and struggling to accept vile behavior out of someone is something you do on your own time and not using taxpayer provided resources in which you send your last, best asskissery to someone whose political career is deader than my neighbor's petunas covered in cat piss.

2. People unable to pivot resolutely their opinion of perpetrators of child sexual abuse are trouble me deeply (to say the very least) and calls attention to the dark and shitty cultural affliction we've got going on here when it comes to blaming victims for their abuse.
These emails are a lot less surprising than this newspaper giving Murray a platform for his self-serving bullshit and defamation of his victims.
http ://
What's most infuriating about this is that we're never going to know the truth. Now that the civil suit has been dropped, we won't even learn anything through testimony under oath.

Regarding why people don't believe the allegations:

1) Murray has accomplished more than anyone else in this state for LGBT rights;

2) Murray has been a public figure for nearly 25 years, and we're just now hearing these allegations immediately after he became a serious defender against the evil Tdumbp regime;

3) Both The Seattle Slimes and The Strangler have serious, unacknowledged credibility issues, histories of blatant character assassination and yellow journalism, as well as their own reasons for wanting Murray out;

4) Both papers are happy to bang the "all gay men are pedophiles" drum when it suits their purposes, fuck you very much.
What is the Stranger trying to accomplish? Is this a witch hunt now on all his staff?

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