
Well, that's the plan, isn't it? Hobble the ACA until it becomes utterly dysfunctional, and flibberdigibbet Americans (sorry, "Independent Voters") will blame Obama and the Dems.

Marco Rubio started it by sabotaging the Risk Corridors.
In both moral and political philosophy, the social contract is a theory or model,...that addresses the questions...of the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual.[1]
Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority of the ruler or magistrate (or to the decision of a majority), in exchange for protection of their remaining rights.
Such as the right to healthcare.

When one key entity --the government-- violates that social contract, and ignores the redress of grievances... what then?
And the corked-up scheme has a slow enough fuse that it's authors can visualize getting through midterm elections before blowback becomes insurmountable.

I don't think they're gonna make it, but they have a shot at it ... and after that, a shot at winning the blame game in enough places to hold power.

In terms of pure sabotage, they've shown a heap of ingenuity.

They may not collapse, but by decimating the risk pools it's pretty much a given that premiums for employees on those plans will dramatically increase along with everyone else's - except of course for the young and healthy who will now have the option to purchase low-cost bare-bones coverage plans. But even then, one catastrophic medical emergency will put them in a high-risk pool or give them the dreaded "pre-existing condition" that will essentially allow insurers to refuse coverage altogether. Basically, we'll wind up with a two-tier system: at the top will be everyone who can afford "Cadillac plans" - expensive, but with top-of-the-line coverage; and everyone else, who will be stuck with somewhat less expensive plans that will barely cover routine exams and prescriptions, and little else.
As far as pre-existing conditions, before the ACA went into effect, gastric reflux was a pre-existing condition and insurance companies would reject you for that. That's what we'll be back to.
Finally, freedom from healthcare. Enjoy the reaps of your rewards baby boomers.
@4 - Collapse? I can't say. But your assertion is incorrect. The large corporations are already avoiding Health Insurers entirely, and purchasing healthcare services directly from health care providers, because they can get a better deal, reports the Harvard Business Review....
Boeing, Lowes, Walmart...check it out
@7 - You're right. We should have some faith for once. They'll come around. Large corporations always eventually do the right thing. Don't they? Google still isn't evil, see? It works! Just have faith!

I believe the expansion of associations is intended to help the ACA underclass such as us, who just barely earn enough to not qualify for any government subsidies. The lowest cost plan at the exchanges for us is almost $2,000 per month - more than our mortgage - but includes a $6,000 deductible to ensure we rarely receive any benefits. Not that anyone in the left gives a flip about middle America, of course. We're just fly-over wallets. *shrug*

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