
"Something called" a "Loudermill hearing?" JFC, Sydney! Loudermill hearings are part of due process for public employees. A two-second search on Wikipedia could have spared you this unnecessary and gratuitous display of your ignorance and condescencion.
@1 Not everyone knows what a Loudermill is. What's the problem?
In what universe is aiming a gun at someone not excessive force? I don't get it.
let's see you walk the talk, Mitzi.
@2: Ha, I know, right? Once in college I had a few weeks to write an essay about meta fiction in the works of Swift, and I didn't really know what it was or how it related, so I just wrote "I don't know" and the professor failed me!

I was like, "Hey, not everyone is privileged enough to just know this off the top of their heads, what else was I supposed to do?"

It was totally unfair.
@2 the problem? that a journalist can't look something up online/dictionary/etc?
@8 thank you. I’m so tired of these petty smart asses. You don’t need to jump at every opportunity to tear someone down. No ones counting how many times you’ve been “right” while commenting online. Except you, of course. You little fucking geeks.
The way I grew up if you point a gun you better pull the trigger because I am going to take that gun out of your hand and shoot you with it.

I really don't understand these 'police officers'. Maybe they play too many games like Call of Duty and other war games; hell maybe there's someone making a game just for them so they can act out their dreams of killing everyone.

It's just not right; and watching them get away with it because they're are afraid. Fuck they're afraid; if I had a gun pointed near me I'd take that gun away even if it's a cop and ends my life.

You just don't point a gun at someone and expect nothing in return.

Note that he was never really accused of using "excessive force". The question is, does this off duty cop who pointed a gun at a civilian in a road rage incident deserve to go to jail for criminal menacing.

IMO, it aught to be a law that when a police officer knowingly breaks the law, they receive "violation of public trust" sentence enhancements. We can't give these guys special rights without special responsibilities.
@10: the way you grew up will get you dead - shot down on the pavement or waiting on death row.

we're talking about a cop here. on or off-duty, you can't shoot them because they threatened you with a gun.

the (white) motorcyclist lived to make his case because he kept his head.
The fuck. Coercion by brandishing a gun is absolutely use of force. And it was excessive.…
"Coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence."
@6 I know what a Loudermill is, but not all of our readers do. It's standard practice to avoid assuming readers know jargon--and instead briefly explain it in a piece.
@12 you are so white.

You don't pull a gun on someone unless you are going to pull the trigger. PERIOD.

Now I am not going to let some white cop end my life just because he's having a bad day. You might just lay down on the ground and let him shoot you; but I won't.

Police offers are to protect the citizens. Not murder them without impunity and if they can't get that through their head; we are in for one heck of an awakening.

Hell even the alt-right murders cops left and right; and I'm not trying to promote murdering a police officer. I am saying no one should lay down their life because a police officer is having a bad day and is _afraid_ of you.

It's not right; and allowing police officers to point a gun at someone and not firing them is completely inexcusable. We can start by replacing this new Sheriff we have to and then work on firing the judges who allow these cops off.

Because in the end you don't want to wakeup to having someone call you to let you know your son (or daughter) has perished because the police officers were _afraid_ of your children and put them down.

Lastly; I won't let some police officer of any nationality end my life without a fight. It's your life; you only have 1 life to live; don't let some asshole turn off your candle just because they had an issue with themselves.

Regardless if you are a criminal; or a good citizen who has done no wrong. We all have rights.
@16 "police officer of any nationality"

Did you mean a different term? Interesting Freudian slip, that part of you thinks of some non-white people as not members of your nation.
@15 do you not see how writing " but he now faces something called a "Loudermill"" makes it sound like you have no idea what it is? Wouldn't it have been better to say "...he now faces a Lourdermill (a hearing of due process....)" Than what you said that makes it sound like you have no idea what the word is?
@18 No. Would you have assumed I didn't know what a Loudermill was if I were a man?
@19: No Sydney, your gender has nothing to do with anything. The issue is that you were too fucking lazy to spend two seconds looking it up, like any real editor would have any real journalist do, and you're pissed that people rightly busted you for it.
@20 Okay, you can choose to believe that. Or you could believe that someone who has been reporting on KCSO for a couple of years would know what a Loudermill hearing was and chose to use a conversational way of explaining it to readers who don't. But clearly you've made up your mind, so this is a waste of time. Later!
@16: I think we agree (in some way), but cops pull guns on people and don't shoot them all the time. so there are different rules for cops & citizens, apparently.

if you act on your rhetoric about turning the tables on a cop who's threatening you, you're going to get dead fast, and the cop will skate. unless you're white, of course, like me. and the motorcyclist.
But that is the problem, you didn't explain what it was;
you just blew past it indicating you didn't know what it was either or didn't know or care to explain what it was.
Do you have an editor?
Perhaps you could blame them.

Women want to be treated like men, but when they are criticized for a performance lapse immediately squeal 'no fair to treat a girl that way!'.
Grow up.
@19 for fucks sake. Now you are throwing gender bs into this?

All I am saying is the way you wrote your sentence made it sound like you had no idea what a loudermill was and that you couldn't be sussed to care. My example is one of many that you could have done to explain to someone what a loudermill is and not make it sound like you too are a fucking imbecile.

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