
At least we know it's not just men who can be pieces of shit.
Dan should do an expose comparing the rate at which Youth "Pastors" and lesbian coaches have relationships with their charges.
Prepare to be amazed.
@3. Somehow Iā€™m not surprised you approve of child molestation.
There is no child molestation as the victim was an adult, though the age differential puts this in Roy Moore territory.

There's also nothing "alleged" about the soccer player being a victim, at least not legally speaking since the ex-coach pled guilty.
If the kid was >18, a consenting adult, why is this illegal? Because she was a student? Is that in a law? "No teacher/student relationships, regardless of age"?

It's definitely unprofessional, a firing offense, and will probably fuck the kid up for years, but how did it break the law?
Also not mentioned is another Bainbridge High School coach investigated for sexually harassing a student in August of 2016 and the Bainbrigde High School security guard/parking lot attendant fired for calling in a fake on campus gun threat in the same year. Both incidences seem to have been swept under the rug to spare the district the shame. Someone in the school district H.R. department is doing a bang up job of hiring over there.
So Kepner and Hepner are actually Hebner, right? Because otherwise there's a lot more to this story.
@7 and @10, actually, if the student had graduated then the following day the two of them began a relationship it would not be a crime. It's the power differential within a school where the teacher has authority and power over the student. Once they graduate it is technically legal, although the teacher could probably lose their job over violations of professional norms and the school would have hell to pay since the assumption would be that before the relationship began the teacher was grooming the student.
@10, 12: I guess I am looking for the statute. if you can plead it down to 4th degree, it sounds like more of a guideline.

does it extend to college now? what about grad school? hypothetically, can a 27 year old grad student who's also a TA fuck a 22 old undergrad who's not taking their class? asking for a friend...
I haven't read the actual statute, but Katie Herzog's wording is unclear and the source is not much better. Katie writes, "The age of consent in Washington state is 16, unless the older party is a school official or has official authority over the minor." So according to this, the coach is violating the law if the student is past the age of consent and but still a minor. But the student in this story was 18.

In any case, if we go to the source for this post, we read that this experience did fuck up the student.
Jeez you guys, this wasn't a "kid" and it's almost certainly not going to "fuck the kid up for years." She was an adult, and she certainly doesn't sound like she's in some kind of crisis over it. And the law is written that way not to prevent "child molestation," but because of the power differential, and it was a bad call on the coach's part. The charge and punishment seems appropriate. Curious to know if she'll be put on the national sex offender list (which would be excessive IMHO).
@14: Huh? What source article are you reading? The older Kitsap Sun piece says "her life was thrown into disarray when an acquaintance disclosed the relationship to district officials." Sounds like the only "fuck up" here is the way the relationship was revealed and then prosecuted. The former student's only issue is all the stuff getting in the way of her continuing to see her former coach. Read it again.…
Has the number of women sleeping with their teachers been on the rise, or has reporting been on the rise, or was this always happening but without social media to break secrets we heard about it less?
@17 err, number of female teachers sleeping with their students. I know what I meant.

I looked at the other source article which had this passage:
In a victim impact statement filed Aug. 18 with the court, the former student blamed herself and said she needs counseling.

ā€œThis situation is all so much and knowing I have hurt people,ā€ the former student wrote. ā€œMy emotional state right now is not good and I need more help recovering from all this heartache.ā€…

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