
RE: Starbucks requiring email for wifi

So just make a fake one. I don't give out my actual email to anyone except people I want to get email from. I assumed most people do that. Not that I'd ever go to a starbucks anyways.
Its always been legal, but remember that most alleys are one way. Look for signs so you donā€™t get caught driving the wrong way, which has always been wrong.
Re FOX graphic mixup: That graphic was used later in that same program, but they use it to "prove" how untrustworthy the public finds media outlets. The irony knows no bounds.
Way to signal boost a shitty and dangerous anti-pedestrian non-story from the Times. Cutting through alleys endangers people walking and on bikes, does nothing to alleviate gridlock, and may exacerbate it. It's a fair assumption that drivers disposed to do this are already among the most aggressive and impatient; why give them another way to block sidewalks and blindside pedestrians?

Citing this "fun fact" is incredibly irresponsible. You should take it down.
On top of that, I'd guess Fox likes showing their viewers that they're "the least trusted" because they know it'll enrage them. Fox viewers already feel victimized and ridiculed by the rest of the world (the "liberal, lamestream media"). Showing them these poll results will push them further down the rabbit hole and make them distrust everyone else even more.

She wasn't wrong. It is true though that on roads or alleys car drivers must drive within the law, respect other lawful users of the road and avoid collisions. I wish more pedestrians and especially bicyclists, a small but very visible minority of whom believe traffic laws don't apply to them, would remember that. You might also remember that in a conflict between bike or motercycle or pedestrian and car, you could be entirely in the right and still substantially lose.

What might help you in making better arguments? Editorializing on "the kind of people" who use alleys to save time is entirely subjective. The laws governing rights of way are quite a lot less so.

For someone who accepts all the highly questionable articles written here as 100% true, pot meet kettle.

Rightwing echo chambers and supposed journalism does its consumers no favors. Fair enough. Also true of leftwing tech chambers though.
Don't like the terms under which someone gives you wifi without cost? Easy enough. Don't use it.

Surprised that didn't occur to you.

But @1 is right. Starbucks is burnt overpriced coffee.
Making a fake email, just to log onto a site;
is that even ethical?
@7 - I doubt regular readers of slog believe everything here is "true" - it is a place to mine interesting opinions and dialogue, and I suspect many (like me) also screen through a vast array of information outlets to get an overall view of what is out there. Usually, I come to slog to have fun and laugh at myself, and others, who sometimes go just a bit too far...
@7: A big difference between The Stranger and FOX is that the former doesn't hide its slant, while the latter literally uses "Fair and Balanced" as its slogan, despite being anything resembling such.
I rarely believe anything I read/see 100% at first glance. If it's something important, something that matters, I'll check the veracity at a few other places.

But like @10 said, mostly I just come here for the humor and "debates."
@11 That "fair and balanced" is usually accompanied by a smug grin; the statement is intended to be jab at liberal minded viewers. It's kind of like the way the Stranger writers will use a strike out line in some of their writings.
@I stand corrected

Ok. Anyone with either reasonable intelligence must read this blog or watch Fox, MSNBC or similar with a mild amusement, and then check anything that actually matters.

My bad.
That was going to be either/or. More editing required....
"Man ol' man" -- interesting! Anyone else have it that way?

I am old enough to associate it with Manischewitz.
We always assumed the "fair and balanced" was a snarky sarcastic "fuck you" at the Liberal media.
Sort of like saying The Stranger is a "newspaper"
Or using the word "love" in the title of Dan's column.
Go tribes, GO!!! Kick some seriously gluttonous fossil fuel industrial ass.

@17 Mtn. Beaver: I'm old enough to make that association, too.
@18 Yosemite: Wow. Please forget my previous comments of agreement.
I thought we were on the same page, and clearly we're not.

Hmm... I'd say Fox calling themselves "fair and balanced" is more like a christian saying "I'll pray for you" or "bless your heart." Yeah, it's just a snarky fuck you.
But we've already ordered monogrammed towels!
Is anyone keeping a running list of the handles our current "Yosemite" has used over the past several years? I'll bet that would be a fun thing to see in-print.

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