
Fuck you, Mitzi.
Great. I voted for Mitzi and the first thing she does is piss me off. This dickhead should have been fired and had more public ridicule added on top.
This deputy has been on PAID administrative leave for almost eight months. So a recommended ten-day unpaid suspension is reduced to five days, and we're supposed to excitedly think "there's a new sheriff in town?"

I agree with @1: Fuck you, Mitzi.
You need to update the last part of the article. You wrote RANDALL received complaints but it is it is detective Rowe that received the complaints. You should also include that Rowe has been on PAID leave for 8 months...
What a fucking joke. He wasn't on duty. He should be charged like any other civilian would have been. He's *ON TAPE*. There's zero argument in his defense!
I bet he ( the policeman who didn't identify himself with his weapon out) wouldn't roll up like that in the Central District. Flags would've been at half-mast.
@1, @2, @3: per Dan Savage, you should have known this was coming when you voted for Johanknecht, no voters remorse for you!
The guy got media attention because his conduct was outrageous and well-documented. This is not a legitimate reason for mitigation.
@4 Thanks, fixed.
she cut down Rowe's suspension to five days from the recommended 10 because of mitigating circumstances, including stress that Rowe and his family went through due to media attention
I wonder how that stress compares to the stress of some angry stranger pointing a gun at you?
The stress that Rowe & his family experienced was his own fucking fault. This asshole is a loose cannon who should not be a police officer, period. Shame on cowardly Sheriff Mitzi for caving to the police union. It's time for some real change in the King County Sheriff's Office.
I agree with @1 and NWA on this topic.
If a civilian points a gun at another civilian, he goes to jail (if he isnt white anyway). Yet this guy threatens someone with a gun and gets a 5 day suspension? Thats less than a teacher would get for smacking a student.

Goes to show how the regime of 'Mitsy' is going (thanks for voting her in folks!). Accountability and free passes for badges as usual.
@13 no amount of changing the Sherriff will fix this. How many CoP's has Seattle run through. They always cave to the POG/FOP because those bastards will threaten anything to get their way and will use public safety as their bargain. If there's a public sector union that needs to be chopped down to size, we could start with that one.
@7 I didn’t vote for her either.
What if his gun had went off accidentally by his fat gut bumping the trigger finger....all for pulling over a motorcycle driving too fast. Would have been Another senseless death.

Great question.

This shit gets me, "I believe that how soon you are able to identify yourself formally depends upon the situation and can't be judged based upon a set or predetermined time" are you effing kidding me? A man comes to me with a gun drawn he better identify himself.

And maybe if he wasn't such an asshat he and his family would not have experienced so much stress.
This, to state the obvious, is fucking absurd.
I believe unmarked police cars and undercover or cops in civvies have to identified themselves first before stopping someone. The Undercover cop car had some sort of police lights, and it should have had a klaxon/siren to pull the motorcyclist over to the side. How the sheriff identified himself could had easily escalated to a shooting. It is kind of scary on how Rowe approach the motorcyclist..

Rowe should had been fired.
This cop, Hank Schrader, The non fiction version..
I voted for her because the previous Sheriff was a sexually-harassing asshole. Now she's a asshole-deputy-protecting asshole. What an improvement.

Same here.
We knew going in that Mitzi is a knee jerk Police Guild shill, but this is beyond the pale. Henceforth I’ll vote for #NoNewYouthJail for KC Exec and KC Sheriff.

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